Star Wars (6 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2002
OK, don't read this post if you haven't watched the movie (has spoilers):

Here are the amazing plot similarities with A NEW HOPE:

Film basically starts off with "secret plans or map" hidden in a droid who ends up being close to the central character (luke & rey)

Fin & Han Solo are both characters who have "converted" from either evil or being a smuggler to helping the resistance despite being apprehensive at first.

Luke Skywalker in the new movie has disappeared a bit like Obi Wan Kenobi did in A New Hope - both living on their own with beards with similar dress sense.

In both movies an OLD good guy gets killed by the villain (Obi Wan & Han Solo) where all the good guys are watching and shout: "NO!"

Both "emerging jedi" initially seem reluctant - Luke didn't want to leave his uncle and Rey simply didn't want the responsibility at first.

The villain and emerging jedi are related to the skywalker family.

The death star or mega death star in the new film - are huge and blow up in the end.

Villian doesn't die in both films.

Both emerging Jedi end the film having to learn the "force"

In both films - a lot of people have a "lack of faith" in the force and are skeptical of its existence.


There are probably more that I haven't thought of.


Senior Member
Mar 12, 2004
You can use this

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and talk about it.

So who do we think Rey really is?

Lukes daughter?

I think she may be the Kylo Rens twin sister as twins run in Luke/Leia's family.

Thats why Han took to her so quickly and even offered her a job and also why after his death Leia just walked straight past Chewie without even comforting him as him and Han were best friends and embraced Rey instead.

Obviously this is just an opinion and i could be dead wrong


Jul 11, 2011
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    It's possible, but I see it more likely to be Luke. The whole I am your father thing

    At this point it could still be either

    BIG DADDY!!!

    Senior Member
    Mar 12, 2004
    Yeah certainly could go either way and if we have learned one thing from the new film its that they don't mind mimicking any of the plot from the orignal trilogy.

    Was interesting though when an Imperial Officer told Ren that Fin and BB8 had escaped with the help of a girl Ren choked the Officer straight away and demanded to know what girl as if he had an idea of who she was.

    Also when he was duelling with her at the end he asked her to join him and he will train her in the ways of the Force and she paused for a second and it was as if her force training all started to come back to her.

    I think she may of attended Lukes training school and she was hidden on Jakku after Ren turned to the Darkside and killed all the remaining Jedi.


    Midnight Marauder
    Jul 13, 2013
    It wouldn't make much sense for her to be Kylo's sibling, Han & Leia really talk about Kylo as if he were their only child.

    Luke as a father would be the most obvious choice, but I got a feeling that it could be a misdirect.

    BIG DADDY!!!

    Senior Member
    Mar 12, 2004
    Yeah but we don't know either of their mental state while Liia was giving birth.

    Maybe she was sedated and didn't know she gave birth to a daughter.

    Maybe Han wasn't present at the birth and he arrived late to be told he only had a son.

    Maybe Luke hid Rey from them both as he had foreseen one of the twins turning to the Darkside but he was mistaken and hid the wrong twin.

    The possibilities are endless.


    Midnight Marauder
    Jul 13, 2013
    Yeah but we don't know either of their mental state while Liia was giving birth.

    Maybe she was sedated and didn't know she gave birth to a daughter.

    Maybe Han wasn't present at the birth and he arrived late to be told he only had a son.

    Maybe Luke hid Rey from them both as he had foreseen one of the twins turning to the Darkside but he was mistaken and hid the wrong twin.

    The possibilities are endless.
    It would be quite an extreme stretch, and a very cheap move on their part imo, you noticed how many assumption you had to take for that to be true. Not saying that it can't be true, but I think they'd have to come up with a very very good explanation.

    BIG DADDY!!!

    Senior Member
    Mar 12, 2004
    True but I still think her being Lukes daughter would be too easy also and the thought of two cousins battling it out out isn't quite as exciting as the thought of twin brother and sister :D


    May 27, 2007

    So who do we think Rey really is?

    Lukes daughter?

    I think she may be the Kylo Rens twin sister as twins run in Luke/Leia's family.

    Thats why Han took to her so quickly and even offered her a job and also why after his death Leia just walked straight past Chewie without even comforting him as him and Han were best friends and embraced Rey instead.

    Obviously this is just an opinion and i could be dead wrong
    I think Rey's vision plays a huge part when it comes to the plot. With somebody leaving her as a kid (which was shown in the vision) I believe that'd be Luke. Also, there's a chance that Luke trained both Rey and Ren in the academy and it was Ren who made the mess which made Luke leave. There's also a scene when Kylo enteres Rey's head and says how he sees an island and an ocean which implies that Rey was already on that island as a kid? Maybe. Too many theories and too much time till the next movie.


    Midnight Marauder
    Jul 13, 2013
    I think Rey's vision plays a huge part when it comes to the plot. With somebody leaving her as a kid (which was shown in the vision) I believe that'd be Luke. Also, there's a chance that Luke trained both Rey and Ren in the academy and it was Ren who made the mess which made Luke leave. There's also a scene when Kylo enteres Rey's head and says how he sees an island and an ocean which implies that Rey was already on that island as a kid? Maybe. Too many theories and too much time till the next movie.
    This island definitely will play a role in the future, no way that was put in just because.


    Koul Khara!
    Aug 30, 2002
    “The whole movie is a series of character introductions"

    There we go. Wait till the next one before judging so harshly, guys.
    The strength of the movie is the new characters, Rey, Fin and Kylo Ren all really interesting characters to introduce to the world. The fact it was predictable good vs evil story rehashing the previous generations tale is not surprising (tho it was still extremely weak to redo death star plot), but it's most key to get the new characters right and then see where the journey takes them. So far so good in that imo.
    Aug 26, 2014
    When Ren was interrogating Rey and trying to read her mind, but she instead tells him how he'll never be as strong as Darth Vader, how did she know that?
    The same way he knew that she has seen the map. Apparently in the new episodes a force user can use the force to read minds not just tell what the other person is thinking about.


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
    Thoroughly enjoyed the movie.

    They will never live up to Episodes 4,5 and 6 (Especially The Empire Strikes Back), so when I look at it that way, and simply as a way to bridge Episodes 6 and 7, I really did enjoy it.

    Loved Rey and Kylo Ren, and hoping that Fin gets killed off early in Episode 8.


    Koul Khara!
    Aug 30, 2002
    J.J Abrams isn‘t the type of guy who would misdirect you.
    You telling me the guy who has made Alias, Lost and Fringe doesn't like misdirecting and being mysterious in his work? :D

    Reys backstory will be in similar style of his past work, even if he doesnt have the same wtf storyline focused writers as he did in those series (he was more the idea man and producer).


    Koul Khara!
    Aug 30, 2002
    Loved Rey and Kylo Ren, and hoping that Fin gets killed off early in Episode 8.
    Grand stories like this need your reluctant average Joe that's supposed to represent the common man like Han Solo did, to show the chosen ones and political good Vs evil machinery isn't all straight forward kinda deal. It was especially clear from escape scene he would the new Solo type figure. When it became clearer he wasn't force sensitive.

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