Stank off to Inter (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2002
++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
-Z-: Safe to say he is not Juve calibre in terms of defence. He is a hack & is making Materazzi look like an angel.

On what are you basing that? He's good enough for almost any team on this planet (Including Milan ;) ).

What does Gattuso make Materazzi look like then? The God him/herself?:howler:

Secondly, i wonder if Ancelotti would agree with your statement?

He's a class player, and you can say that he can go and F*ck himself only because he did not/is not comeing to your team ;)

Last thing, the his interview was quoting him as saying that he's going to inter, which is not what he said. ;)

And maybe your management was not ready to fork out more than Inter. Blame them, not him.

Buy on


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
Montero WAS a good his last matches he has had to resort to chops and slaps to stopping the opposition. isn't funny how Moggi is urgently talking about new me it ain't because of ain't because of Ferrara and Iuliano does not start enough to be the problem. A team like Juve can't rely on Montero. Simple as that.
Trust me I don't want that classless piece of lowlife on my team and I think Juve does not want to either. So BEFORE MR. SPIT says I don't want to go here why doesn't he hold his horses because a classless player is not very welcoming...Inter...well they have Materazzi and Recoba..enough said.
Your right our management prefers to buy players like Kaka and Shevchenko rather than hot heads like SKANK...I'm sorry but his act was the most classless act in a long time...since the Rikaard spit.
As for your Gattuso question: considering he is friends with most everyone in the league I don't think your theory sticks to well. Gattuso is a player who happens to be aggresive. Materazzi is an agressor who happens to be a player. Montero is a defender that has slipped up. SKANK well he is a hot headed egotistical classless and cheap person whose achievements will be over-looked since he has clearly shown he lacks basic human respect.

thats my opinion..but what do i know..I'm a Milanista.


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
-Z-: Safe to say he is not Juve calibre in terms of defence. He is a hack & is making Materazzi look like an angel.
But that is now... and is acceptable in some way because his career will be reaching an end soon.
But in his early years at Juve he was among the best in serie A.


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
No apologies necessary Aca...but I still think Stank. is over-rated!
I agree with u in some way here. I would not say overrated, but he is not that wonder everyone says. Is just my opinion thou


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
-Z-: Safe to say he is not Juve calibre in terms of defence. He is a hack & is making Materazzi look like an angel.
Any player would be happy to end like Montero... he's had a great career with one of the greatest teams in the world, won his fair share of titles, and was one of the world's best defenders in his prime... he's not as good anymore but he has had an excellent cereer.
Sep 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
Its an insult to Billy and Ciro to put PABLO in their category..maybe not an insult but NO COMPARISON.
why is that? montero was/is not worse than any of them. he could still be an example for many young defenders. and all i was saying that this year he is quite terrible. but he will resurect and will play powerfully till he's 36.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
incubo,montero was as good a player as costacurta and ferrara were in their prime.sure,he ain't having the best of seasons right now,but if it weren't for him we'd have conceded alot more in the past decade or so.


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2002

"If I had the possibility to choose, I'd choose Inter. Sooner or later they must unblock themselves and return to winning. I am happy of playing against Inter, passing from four to a two day suspension: it is a sign. Now I wish for myself of playing a great match." This was the real decleration given by Dejan Stankovic in an interview with Sky for Sunday night's match and which was transmitted in its essential parts two days before the encounter.

A precise thought, expressed in front of his interviewer who asked him who he would have eventually chosen between Inter and Juventus. However, a journalist from the Ansa Agency, one of the first in Europe, after listening to th interview of the Lazio midfielder, published on the net, at 7.46pm, a completely different decleration, in the sense and words. "At this moment I can choose, and I choose Inter so to be able to win: sooner or later they will unblock themselves and obtain successes once again. I am happy about the reduction of the suspension to two days: I return on the pitch against Inter. It's a sign of destiny..."

This news was brought by the Ansa Agency, and once again it was incorrect in respect to the reality of S.S. Lazio SpA, the principle national newspapers and the Prcoesso di Biscardi have constructed completely distorted services. Even with the pressures from the biancoceleste club and the journalists from Sky, the Ansa Agency spread Stankovic's rectified decleration only at 9.59pm, writing "...during the night Sky precised the text of the declerations..." Not only did the Sky journalist hastily transcribed the words of the player, but then he also wanted to deciate the responsability on to Sky for the mistake.

Lazio hopes that such incidents do not happen any more because Ansa is in absolute the most followed Agency on ntaional and international level and also hopes that in future the events which have to do with the squad and club are told with the highest professionalism and attention.


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
he would have been nice to have in our midfield with nedved and maresca. but he has chosen inter and i suppose its a wise choice as they are looking for a playmaker, even though he isnt that type of player:confused:

well, i wonder who Moggi will go for now. Jankulovski seems the more likely, even though most of us want Aimar, Rosciky or Van der Vaart:D


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Adrian ] ++

well, i wonder who Moggi will go for now. Jankulovski seems the more likely, even though most of us want Aimar, Rosciky or Van der Vaart:D
that is unfortunately the case:down:


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
Whateevr the reason Stank chose Inter, i think its really kewl that he wasnt swayed by a successful mighty club like Juve and chose instead a club that is a challenge to his ability. One, that he wants to be part off in an endeavour to make them a better team.


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2003
Actually Stankovic ight not go to anywhere ;)

He signed two contracts, with Juve and Inter, and Moggi is pressing hard to have him banned for doing so. Either that, or he will remain with Lazio as Juve and Inter will do what Juve and Parma did in 1995 with Figo.

Otherwise they can come up on a deal, like Juve let Inter have Stankovic if Inter let Stam go.

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