Split: Christopher Reeves dead (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
:touched: reminds me of the days I used to copy that hairstyle and run around with a towel around my neck


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #30
    ++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
    :touched: reminds me of the days I used to copy that hairstyle and run around with a towel around my neck
    The amount of time i spent in front of the mirror trying to get that curl right, going looking for the right shade of blue for the costume, and the right style of boots. Even though the franchise will go on, Christopher Reeve forever remains etched in our hearts as Superman.

    I know that its probably the best thing thats happened to him after 1995, i grew up seeing the guy flying around, and its just hard right now to realize he is not here anymore.


    Senior Member
    Jun 3, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #32
    Its complicated to explain it. As a kid of course, it was Superman the superhero. But as you grow watching the movies, you also start idolising and identifying with the man behind the character of your favourite superhero.


    Sep 23, 2003
    I admire the fact that the guy was a symbol of hope and inspiration for a lot of folks with disabilities. But I never quite understood the sort of hero worship he got, partcularly given the gradually decaying state of his health (this was hardly a surprise or shock to me) and his unwillingness to face real facts of science and medicine's state-of-the-art. There's a fine line between having a will to defy the expected and the odds, but, IMO, he was beyond the border of even unrealistic beliefs. He was in that domain we tend to reserve for religious fanatacists and science fiction junkies.

    Maybe that's it I guess... some people need hope, no matter whether it's even the remotest chance possible ... or, as in Reeve's case, no chance at all.


    Senior Member
    Jun 3, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #37
    Not quite understood what your trying to say? If we have no chance at all, we should just sit back and wait till death comes?

    Because that made no sense to me.

    Christopher Reeve did not stagnate, even when he was left to wallow in self pity for what had happened to him. He took up the cause, he did something about it, and fought till the very end. Watching an interview on BBC today, he went on to say something really interesting - he said, he maybe paralysed literally, but paralysis is a choice. There are people who are paralysed because of lack of self esteem, confidence and doubts in their abilities.
    Well, that to me epitomises the spirit of a superhero. The man maybe gone, but as irony would have it, he'll be remembered, not just for being Superman.


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by swag ] ++
    ...I never quite understood the sort of hero worship he got, partcularly given the gradually decaying state of his health (this was hardly a surprise or shock to me) and his unwillingness to face real facts of science and medicine's state-of-the-art. There's a fine line between having a will to defy the expected and the odds, but, IMO, he was beyond the border of even unrealistic beliefs. He was in that domain we tend to reserve for religious fanatacists and science fiction junkies.
    Why would people not respect and admire someone because of "gradually decaying" health? The advances being made in the treatment of spinal injuries are phenomenal, and it's no small thanks to Reeves.

    By comparison, I shouldn't respect or admire Steven Hawking, who doctors expected to die by his mid twenties, but instead has not only become one of the top theoretical astrophysicists in the world, but has managed to popularise the field too.

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