Split: Christopher Reeves dead (1 Viewer)


Sep 23, 2003
++ [ originally posted by baggio ] ++
Not quite understood what your trying to say? If we have no chance at all, we should just sit back and wait till death comes?
I just don't subscribe to the idea that giving people false hope is better than giving people no additional hope at all.

Christopher Reeve did not stagnate, even when he was left to wallow in self pity for what had happened to him. He took up the cause, he did something about it, and fought till the very end.
Don't get me wrong. Indirectly, he did challenge the medical community to break out of some stunted thinking, which lead to some improvements in care. All that has been great stuff.

But what I don't quite follow is all the hero worship he got -- standing ovations for just showing up someplace. He became a de facto spokesperson about paralysis, almost of no choice of his own, because people wanted him -- even needed him -- to be. It's just a really curious social phenomenon. Not in any negative way at all -- more of an observation. There sort of has been this innate public need to make a hero out of him -- a sort of focal point for even able-bodied people to stave off the dark reaches of their own psyches. It's as if society needs examples to believe that they too can cheat death and overcome obstacles, and so we put people like Christopher Reeves on a pedestal because we need that.

You ever see the movie Being There with Peter Sellers? There's almost an element of that to it. It becomes less about who the person is and more about what they personally represent to everyone else.

Because of that, Christopher Reeves became less about Christopher Reeves and more about what everyone else needed him to represent to them personally.


Sep 23, 2003
++ [ originally posted by mikhail ] ++
Why would people not respect and admire someone because of "gradually decaying" health?
Put it that way, every person on the planet pretty much falls into this category if you're fortunate enough to live long enough.

The advances being made in the treatment of spinal injuries are phenomenal, and it's no small thanks to Reeves.
Here I definitely agree.

By comparison, I shouldn't respect or admire Steven Hawking, who doctors expected to die by his mid twenties, but instead has not only become one of the top theoretical astrophysicists in the world, but has managed to popularise the field too.
But we should respect and admire him for what he's accomplished... not for his disability.

As an aside, I think Hawking has been an unfortunate "best available" when it comes to the need to popularize scientific thought and advancement. I would argue that there are clearly better theoretical physicists and astrophysicists alive today, but none of them have been able to bridge the gap between esoteric science and the layman as well as Hawking has (in part he has, I think, because of his disability). And at that, society needs a better bridge than Hawking. Carl Sagan, for example, fit the role better. And with scientific ignorance and skepticism ruling the U.S. White House right now, setting policy and advancement back by decades, the need is greater than ever.
Aug 1, 2003
Christopher Reeves's story is much of irony. He was superman, and the last movie he did before being paralyzed was about a cop who was paralyzed. Shortly after, he fell off his horse and HE became paralyzed.



Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #45

    Do you people believe there's a curse attached to being Superman, as they normally say?


    Senior Member
    Jun 3, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #50
    Just some news for everyone, Brandon Routh has been confirmed as the new Superman.

    This is what he looks like. Hope he can carry on where Reeve left off. :down:


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by baggio ] ++
    Just some news for everyone, Brandon Routh has been confirmed as the new Superman.

    This is what he looks like. Hope he can carry on where Reeve left off. :down:

    He looks nice, I've heard long time ago, that Nicholas Cage could have been chosen for next Superman, so that was horrible gossip, so this guy cant be any worse choice. However it's hard to imagine someone else as Superman.
    But I quite liked Dean Cane as Superman in TV series.

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