Soccer, sport of terrorists (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Sep 30, 2003
lol-wieniawski was a great violinist and composer whom I really like, and we have the same first name. It makes it easy for violinists to see that I am also a violinist. also, I'm sure we can find something to disagree on.....;)


Senior Member
Sep 30, 2003
hehe :fero: feck off-anyway, wtf does your handle stand for??? [LAC]??? trying to make clear that your major characteristic is a lack of respectable qualities? ;) :D:D:D:D


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by HWIENIAWSKI ] ++
lol-wieniawski was a great violinist and composer whom I really like, and we have the same first name. It makes it easy for violinists to see that I am also a violinist. also, I'm sure we can find something to disagree on.....;)

And I was wondering so much, why do you have such nick, cause I can see his surname, and also cause this is Polish surname, so I was really *thinking*


Senior Member
Sep 30, 2003
++ [ originally posted by [LAC] ] ++
haha at least u tried ;)

[LAC] is an abbreviation for my original nickname- lacerase.

yeah thats it HWIENER-AWSKI :fero: :D
HAHA! nice one-where are you from??? never heard your name before..........except as a female name from the Greek Island of Lesbos......;)


Senior Member
Sep 30, 2003
++ [ originally posted by vitoria_Ally ] ++

And I was wondering so much, why do you have such nick, cause I can see his surname, and also cause this is Polish surname, so I was really *thinking*
of course! I forgot you were Polish!!! I was wondering how you knew that!! incidentally, Wieniawski's first name is Hendryk, while mine is Henry. basically the same...;)


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
OK, I just read this article for the first time.

This is really embarrasing.

I'M really ebarrassed for the article.

I had a feeling that Neanderthals still roamed the earth, I just didn't know that they lived in Western Pennsylvania.

I do love American Football, though. Especially college football.

But anyway, this article ticks me off.

Now I'm in a bad mood. I'll have to take it out on my fellow workers. I hate keeping things bottled up inside. That, and I didn't get much sleep. I watched the Lakers-Spurs double OT game.

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