Soccer Season (1 Viewer)


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
Just a real quick thought, while I count the days until Juve invades the USA.

Soccer has to be one of the only contact sport that is almost played year round by the players.

With American football, NHL hockey, Major league baseball, and even Basketball, players get at least a few months off.

Our layers, like DP, finish the season, then have international duty, then preseason begins thereafter.

Do our guys really get much time off ??? Doesnt their bodies need to heal after a long season ???

Buy on


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
Soccer? What's that? ;)

Anyway, yes you're right. With the European competitions so vast with group stages and everything, the national competitions should be limited to only 16 teams (18, tops) and national cup competitions should be abolished.

Just my view on things.


Mar 30, 2003
I wudn't be complaining anyway if you think of the amount of money they get. In my opinion they get paid far too much.

footballers entertain people, doctors save people and yet footballers get paid more.

They should'nt get any brakes but i guess if they did'nt then maybe the season might be full of too many injurys and suff like that.


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Vinman ] ++
Soccer Season
You have entered a european website. It's called football! :D ;)

I wouldn't worry to much. They have been doing it for many many many years, and they all seem to be fine when they stop playing.


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Stevie11 ] ++
In my opinion they get paid far too much.
Sorry, but that's bull...
The amount you get paid reflects on what business you work in. If you're a garbage-man you obviously get a crappy salary cuz there isn't any money in the business. If you're a software-developer for Microsoft you get paid alot cuz there is money in the business. Same goes for football... there's alot of money, so you get paid alot. Should the club just keep the money? That would be exploiting the players.


f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Karlberg ] ++
Sorry, but that's bull...
The amount you get paid reflects on what business you work in. If you're a garbage-man you obviously get a crappy salary cuz there isn't any money in the business.
Garbage men (at least in Norway) don't make a bad living, cause they get a lot of extra money and bonuses for working with garbage.

I also think some footballers are overpaid. I understand why the very best get paid a lot, they're unique, but some players (like Recoba) are seriously overpaid.


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
++ [ originally posted by tarmpropp ] ++

Garbage men (at least in Norway) don't make a bad living, cause they get a lot of extra money and bonuses for working with garbage.

I also think some footballers are overpaid. I understand why the very best get paid a lot, they're unique, but some players (like Recoba) are seriously overpaid.
Ok, bad example... but you get the point right? You have to pay the players, cuz if the clubs just keeps all of that money... well that wouldn't be fair.

Alot of money in the business = alot of money for the employees... that's how it works, and I don't see what the big problem is. The players are the ones who earn all of that money for the clubs. Should they not see their fair share of it?
You might think that some players are overrated and there by overpaid, but that is really not your concern, you couldn't care less... that's the clubs problem.

++ [ originally posted by Stevie11 ] ++

footballers entertain people, doctors save people and yet footballers get paid more.
Some might say that it is not fair that football players get paid more than doctors, cuz the doctors save lives and shit. But Stevie, what do you wanna do? Ask the clubs to give their money to doctors, police officers, teachers or anyone else who deserves a better salary? I don't think so...


Junior Member
Jun 11, 2003
it's their job to entertain
we pay for the tickets, extra satelites so we can wach them, so the more they play it's bettter for us


f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Karlberg ] ++
Ok, bad example... but you get the point right? You have to pay the players, cuz if the clubs just keeps all of that money... well that wouldn't be fair.
I get your point, but it's not like football clubs are flooded with money, eagerly tryinh to keep it away from the players. Just look at Fiorentina. In other areas of employment the top people get people get payed a lot, the others don't. A top laywer in Norway will make a million NOK a year or more, while a bad one won't be employed at all.

I'm for some kind of salary cap, so that each club can pay up to a certain amount for their entire group of players. It would restrict the insane wage costs, it would distribute the money to those who deserve it the most, and it would help the small clubs.


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
Yeah sure, there's no problem with a salary cap to help the clubs with economical problems. And yes, better players should be paid more than the not-so-good ones... which they already do.

I didn't wanna go to deep into the whole economy problem... I just wanted to say that I think it's fair and only right that footballers get paid millions.

The amount of your income reflects on what business you're in.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
i dislike the idea of a salary cap,as it would probably end up restricting the size of club's squads in order to meet the demands of bigger players.

i'd rather have an individual salary cap,ie.a maximum amount of money a club can play a player,say,40k a week?


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Karlberg ] ++

Sorry, but that's bull...
The amount you get paid reflects on what business you work in. If you're a garbage-man you obviously get a crappy salary cuz there isn't any money in the business.

Hey Vinman.
Toni Sopranno:fero::fero: seems to do alright out of the garbage business!:D

Bet he earns a lot more than American "Soccer" players hehe.:LOL:


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Hey give him a break, we call it soccer in Australia too!

I'm not complaining though, I mean sure, I feel the players need a little more rest than they get, but as long as I'm getting entertainment, I'm not gonna campaign for players' rights :cheesy:


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #15
    I did not start this topic to debate the proper name for soccer, football, calcio, etc. If some of you guys want to critique me for my American terminology ("this is a european forum"-Kaliman) I think thats crap !!!

    I dont critique any of you guys , who's second language is english, for any mistakes that you make when posting a message, so lets stick to the topic.

    I also did not start this topic to complain about how much the players get paid. ALL professional athletes get paid extremely well !!!!

    What I was trying to say was that our FOOTBALL (happy Kaliman ??) players really dont get much of a rest during the off-season before their back into training.

    Is it fair ?? Is it healthy ????


    Senior Member
    Dec 13, 2002
    Chill dude... I was only kiddin'. You may have noticed the smilies in my post???

    Back to the topic,
    Considering the events yesterday, I think it's fair to say that it is not healthy.

    What happened to Foe really change my whole perspective on this issue. They need to cut down the number of matches... and they have already started. The Champions League 2nd group stage is gone... a good start.


    Senior Member
    Dec 16, 2002
    Whole idea of salary cap is anti-market, and it is one of the most balant form of monopsony you will find in any market today.
    Economics, aside, salary cap is actually very good way of fostering competetion between teams, but limiting money one can spend. It doesn't lead to economic equality, because it doesn't directly affect the income of teams, but it enhances competetion, and puts pretty good measure to prevent one team from totally dominating. Furthermore, it provides incentives to develop their one talent, which is enforced by other rules such as restricted FA in the case of NBA, and nurture young talents. In addition, it forces teams to act "smart", because unless you are Paul Allen, or Mark Cuban, and many billions in your piggy bank, you are deterred by the prospects of luxury tax. As a result, it puts emphasis one good training, tactics, and scouting, hence explaining the success of so called "smaller" market teams like Oakland, San Antonio, Tampa Bay.
    I don't think salary cap will work in football simply because competetion tends to be international, and stronger than in the case of NBA. There is too much incentives to cheap, and I wouldn't be surprised if Italian or Spanish team does deal with players back door, compared to English, or German teams. Also in soccer buying big players is one of the ways in which you increase your revenues. It tends to be short term investment, but investment nonetheless. Beside, if teams can afford to buy players then why prevent them?
    Nevertheless, various European FAs take the idea of spending as much as you have, espescially the Serie A teams, and ways to foster greater competetion and ways in which to provide incentives to develop young talents.


    Senior Member
    Dec 16, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Paranoia ] ++
    i dislike the idea of a salary cap,as it would probably end up restricting the size of club's squads in order to meet the demands of bigger players.

    i'd rather have an individual salary cap,ie.a maximum amount of money a club can play a player,say,40k a week?
    Actually, American sports bodies do have which restricts team from spending too much from one player.
    There is maximum salary which I believe is something like 40% of salary cap, or specific number i.e. given for different years in pro. $9m for Rookie, and Sophomore,:)

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