Sink your teeth into this :D (3 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Mar 4, 2004
Maybe Im really bored or maybe this is true. If it is true you have all been owned. If it isn't true this is how I would have done it if it had been true or something :D

Guess. Then I'll tell you if its fact or fiction. :D What fun!!


What would you say if I told you none of this was as it seemed. Emma wasn't real. Or at least hasn't been for a long time? What if I tell you Claire never existed? At least not on Juventuz. Some are pretty convinced the 3 were the same. Some would be gutted maybe. Did I make this little story up because I'm fvcking bored? Or is this the truth. Read on :D

Emma did in fact join and post on Juventuz. She is that hot blonde girl with a Mac fetish. She still has that Mac fetish, in fact they had a bit of a fling and I think they will get together again. She never did return after 500. That really was the end.

I kinda lost touch with Emma after first year of Uni because I moved back to London. I go see her sometimes. She is a lovely girl and not really like to cold ***** I made her out to be at the end.

I had Emma's permission to use her account to play around. Though she told me if it ever became obvious I should say 'Real ****ing sorry :)'

Claire never existed on Juventuz. I created her because I was bored with the other account. I wanted someone new and fresh. She really did exist in real life though, those are her pictures and she was my best friend. Her 'character' was very much based on the real Claire. She really was that obnoxious, aggressive and did use phrases like Turdface and Fvcktard. She hated police with a passion and did shit loads of cocaine with me back in the day. She unfortunately passed away 2 months ago.

Jaecole is a real life friend. He joined Juventuz to tempt me that he would reveal everything. But he had no intention of doing that. It was kinda fun though and really give it a new level. He posted normally, Jaecole really is Jaecole. I haven't seen him make anything up or intentionally fvck around. He did play along with not knowing me though but the rest is pretty much legit.

All stories from all characters were related to real stories from that person’s real life. Played out here on Juventuz by one pretty fvcked up individual with time to burn. Who?

River. ;)

River on Juventuz was real. Everything you know about River is real and everything posted by River was the truth. After I retired myself I took over Emma, then Claire.

How? I posted under various accounts at different times so it was easy. Anytime 2 were posting, that was a friend using the account.

Fact or Fiction? I used spell check to hide error giveaways:D

Buy on


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #4
    You bastard. Either way I worked hard on this.

    Well? :D


    Senior Member
    Mar 4, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #5
    Mods, can we have a poll? :D

    If not and noone votes then I wont tell the answer. And that would always be a hanger on :D


    Senior Member
    Oct 3, 2002
    I always taught Emma = Claıre = Rıver = fake (not) hot Gırl wıth fake pıcs.anyway I cant know that because we dont chat,or read your posts that much.but 3 of users has sımılar style..
    so what now?Am I owned or smtng?:rolleyes:


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    But then if you gave an answer... would it be true?

    For if what you wrote is true.. then you would be a liar and as such your answer not reliable...

    If however ... what you wrote above was untrue, then again you would be a liar and your answer again un reliable....

    Catch 22


    Senior Member
    Mar 4, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #8
    ++ [ originally posted by Shadowfax ] ++
    But then if you gave an answer... would it be true?

    For if what you wrote is true.. then you would be a liar and as such your answer not reliable...

    If however ... what you wrote above was untrue, then again you would be a liar and your answer again un reliable....

    Catch 22
    Yes the answer will be true. I mean that much you will just have to take as is.

    I guess there is two ways to look at it.

    1. A few members who figured it out were right and I'm bored and going to leave. Might aswell tell the truth.

    2.Just a play on the popular believe. Why not?

    And no not a liar. Because this is the first time it has really been addressed. The answer will be the truth. I could prove that if I could think of a method :D


    Senior Member
    Nov 23, 2003
    I believe you are Emma. Claire was/is Blandest, she could be maggot food now for all I know.
    River..all I remember of River was her hot avatars. Yeah, I recall reading her blog at one point. You're all different people.
    You resent double accounts, you make that all too clear..that may be an ongoing bluff, but I'm going with my gut feeling here.
    Dec 27, 2003
    Umm, can't say I haven't had my doubts about the fact that half of Liverpool seemed to be visiting this forum. Or about the fact that all of the three female characters happened to be hot babes.

    What I know though is this :

    - I didn't like River, unlike a good majority of her worshippers here.

    - I liked Claire. I regretted attacking her when she first joined (even if she had actually started it) and eventually we got along pretty well, so much that I was really quite fed up after she was banned.

    - Both River and Claire had an attitude problem. Both could be obnoxious, insulting *****es that really got on everyone's nerves. YET I tolerated and even liked Claire's obnoxiousness but never appreciated River's. So it would take quite a good acting to generate a different reaction through a similar attitude..

    - I remember talking on MSN to both Claire ad Emma at the same time. So there must be at least two of them. Or maybe it was just River and a friend...

    - For all you know, I could be River/Emma/Claire, or Kaiser Franco, or a 62 year old accordionist from Timbuctu.

    So the jury will now retire to deliberate and decide the case.


    Sep 23, 2003
    I kind of feel like the cast of Scooby Doo at the end of the episode when they pull off the ghost's mask and exclaim, "Mr. Peterson!!..."

    Except with one major difference: in this case, I honestly don't know who said Mr. Peterson is in the first place, and, well, he could be a father rapist or the reincarnation of Winston Churchill, and either way it didn't really make any difference to me. :confused:

    I guess this is supposed to be a shocking or important revelation to some people. But for me... sure, whatever. You could be the Danish physicist Niels Bohr or Steve Perry, former lead singer of Journey, for all I know. Doesn't really matter. This is the Internet, where no one knows you're really Scott Baio.


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    I'm not so sure about this...

    There are certain tidbits that make it a bit hard to believe that this was a huge elaborate hoax e.g. AFAIK Emma is the only artistic one out of you lot, and I find it highly doubtful that you could have called her up and said "Quick Emma, we're talking about ____ on the forums; whip up an appropriate artwork or 3".

    Also, while it's altogether possible that you could have 'adopted' Emma's distinctive personality, I think it's pretty difficult to maintain that consistently, especially given the period of time over which this 'hoax' was pulled off.

    "Your" personality and Claire's were too similar to be able to distinguish with any sense of confidence


    Junior Member
    Mar 5, 2005
    Im gonna have to call you out on your crock of bullshit. Steamy, moist, sticky, warm, smelly.

    Either way, I honestly dont give a ****. I never paid attention to either Emma's or Jaecole's posts to be honest. Emma's a name, and Jaecole is a weird/cool avatar.

    Damn that scooby doo and his investigative instincts.


    2013 Prediction Cup Champ
    Jul 16, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Emma ] ++
    Maybe Im really bored or maybe this is true. If it is true you have all been owned. If it isn't true this is how I would have done it if it had been true or something :D

    Guess. Then I'll tell you if its fact or fiction. :D What fun!!


    What would you say if I told you none of this was as it seemed. Emma wasn't real. Or at least hasn't been for a long time? What if I tell you Claire never existed? At least not on Juventuz. Some are pretty convinced the 3 were the same. Some would be gutted maybe. Did I make this little story up because I'm fvcking bored? Or is this the truth. Read on :D

    Emma did in fact join and post on Juventuz. She is that hot blonde girl with a Mac fetish. She still has that Mac fetish, in fact they had a bit of a fling and I think they will get together again. She never did return after 500. That really was the end.

    I kinda lost touch with Emma after first year of Uni because I moved back to London. I go see her sometimes. She is a lovely girl and not really like to cold ***** I made her out to be at the end.

    I had Emma's permission to use her account to play around. Though she told me if it ever became obvious I should say 'Real ****ing sorry :)'

    Claire never existed on Juventuz. I created her because I was bored with the other account. I wanted someone new and fresh. She really did exist in real life though, those are her pictures and she was my best friend. Her 'character' was very much based on the real Claire. She really was that obnoxious, aggressive and did use phrases like Turdface and Fvcktard. She hated police with a passion and did shit loads of cocaine with me back in the day. She unfortunately passed away 2 months ago.

    Jaecole is a real life friend. He joined Juventuz to tempt me that he would reveal everything. But he had no intention of doing that. It was kinda fun though and really give it a new level. He posted normally, Jaecole really is Jaecole. I haven't seen him make anything up or intentionally fvck around. He did play along with not knowing me though but the rest is pretty much legit.

    All stories from all characters were related to real stories from that person’s real life. Played out here on Juventuz by one pretty fvcked up individual with time to burn. Who?

    River. ;)

    River on Juventuz was real. Everything you know about River is real and everything posted by River was the truth. After I retired myself I took over Emma, then Claire.

    How? I posted under various accounts at different times so it was easy. Anytime 2 were posting, that was a friend using the account.

    Fact or Fiction? I used spell check to hide error giveaways:D
    Assuming all you've said is true, then who the hell are you ????:confused:


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    Didnt had the time to chat with any of the 3 girls or whatever they were...

    but geeshh.. like someone said..this is really scary .
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