Shooting Star!! (3 Viewers)


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
Wassup people???
Im very happy!, today i reached my 2500 Post!!!.

I remember 4 months ago, when i joined this forum. One of the first thread i met was the one that was posted by Paranoia, reaching the same goal. Jejej i remember that i congratulated him, and by that time..i was more or less in 12 posts!!. I was wondering how many post were left to reach my avatar!.

Well now, i finally reached that proposed goal, and now ill be looking forward to reach The champion level....who knows? maybe in 4 months more!!.

Lets say some things to the Pipul! (not in order)

Alex : Well first of all, good job mr president doing this forum!!, i have enjoyed a lot this 4 months here!. Hope more moths to come.

Paolo Montero: I like your stykle of posting man (but sometimes it **** my nerves). Spicy a little the forum is not so bad at all right?? :D. Keep the good work.

Denco: The same as Paolo Montero!, come back quicky!!

Vit: Well, sadly you are not here anymore to read this, but i enjoyed a lot with your post too!!, come back quickly bohemian!.

Nina: Always a good friend and listen to everyone!. Continue studying the spanish language!! someday you will master it completely!!. Lets continue to speak spanish for a long time!.

Fabiana: Hello Fabi, i enjoyed your comapny a lot sonce the first time in the forums!! keep posting in spanish!! conchale vale!.

Dylan: Wassup man, you know who you are, keep posting and stay heavy! and stay gore!.

Espectro: Hey espectro, how are the girlies lately?? jaja just kidding!, keep the good work, abd continue posting too!.

Lacrease: One of te first i met here!!, jeje remember the day when our romaninas crappy heroes didia favour to us :D

Liliana: Since your arrival at this forum, everyone turned a little devilish, dont know why! :D. keep the good posting cutie! and carry on!.

La DelpieroJuve: Post some more monika!! you are lost in space!!!. Kisses.

Kaliman: Wassup dude?? freajer than ever or what??. Say hello to Mr lukaz, and keep posting xtrange things!!, remember to eat your cookies.

Hoshi: Wassup sailor??? Im happy that you liked the pic i send to you!!, continue being so lovely, like always!.

To all the Buffon Girlies!! a big hug, and keep posting!! i know that are a lot!!.

To the Nedved Girlies too!, they are a few, but very loyal!! keep posting good pics!

DJ: Thank you for all the craxy Ivegotta stories!!.

Majed and SubJuve: For all the good sicussion about the matrix reloaded!!

To the Metal Crew!!:Holden, BonGiovi, Kaliman, tarmproop, Dylan, Fabi, Kaliman, Febrina, Vit!!! :down: and BloodonMoral (hope to see you soon there cutie).

And to all the pipul of the frum, that makes this thing to have sense!!: Kiyonobu, Paranoia, Juvelover, Juve Lord, Fliakis,
Erik, Nekton, Dpforever, RickembackerII,Fantasista, Gigi´s Twin, Dajuve,Laura!Huzi, forza ac milan, persianmafia,Zaina, Cutemarmar, Glen, Erin.....................Mona,Cool-Girl,Mermaid sash!

Forza JUve forever!! ill never forget my esperiences in this forum!.

Love you all!.

Buy on


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
Congrats HyddeMan!!! :thumb:

:star: :star: :star: WTG dude!!!

Thanks for the mention, and yes... I'll try to post some more wack crap. Keep up the good work!

It's very nice to have you here! I really enjoy discussing strange topics with you.

Stay heavy and rock on dude! :D

Lukaz sends his regards as well... congrats! :D


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2001
++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++
Nina: Always a good friend and listen to everyone!. Continue studying the spanish language!! someday you will master it completely!!. Lets continue to speak spanish for a long time!.
Vale! Al primero yo te quiero felicitar por tu promoción! Ahora tienes una estrella en el pecho como nuestros queridos jugadores :touched: :cheesy:

Yo continuaré estudiar espańol y quein sabe, tal vez enseńaré tus hijos en el colegio. Te prometo que les daré solo buenas notas! :D


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #7
    you too dark soul!!!! how can i forget you?? jeje thanks!!

    thanks everyone!


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #11
    ++ [ originally posted by Paolo_Montero ] ++
    2500 posts in 4 months wow! keep it up
    naaahh that is nothing...look at bloodonMoral posts

    549 messages in 16 days!! :eek::eek:

    :eek:insane dude!!



    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #15
    ++ [ originally posted by gigi's twin ] ++
    Congrats Hydde! :star: I know your feelings today, because I reached also my 2500th post last week and we started at the same time! So now I'm celebrating with you!
    Thanks!!! hey you are right!!! you entered one day before me!! but you post like crazy in the gigi´s forums!! that is not fair !! =).


    Thank you Nelly!!!. i forgotten you too!

    gigi's twin

    Senior Member
    Mar 5, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++

    Thanks!!! hey you are right!!! you entered one day before me!! but you post like crazy in the gigi´s forums!! that is not fair !! =).
    Sorry!:down: I just found fantastic friends there! :cool:So I can be in touch with them every day! But in the beginning it was hard for me, because I just had internet access at my workplace, so I was able to come here rarely! So you had lot more posts and I had run after you!;) And I cought you!:D


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #17
    jajaja i cant post more than this!!! ill get sick if i do that!!


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003
    you'll make me cry know??? :touched:

    and a good devil never dries!!
    i am proud of turning the forun into a bit devilsh!!

    we needed that!
    and you,and me!!

    i am really glad to meet you too,
    and i am really proud being your friend!

    you are a great person!!!!!!!!!

    i don't have much till i reach my 2500 posts and that's why i am still trying!!!





    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #19
    ++ [ originally posted by lilianna ] ++
    you'll make me cry know??? :touched:

    and a good devil never dries!!
    i am proud of turning the forun into a bit devilsh!!

    we needed that!
    and you,and me!!

    i am really glad to meet you too,
    and i am really proud being your friend!

    you are a great person!!!!!!!!!

    i don't have much till i reach my 2500 posts and that's why i am still trying!!!



    Thanks from the deep of my heart lili!, and dont worry, you know why??.....

    Because, when you reach your 2500 post, ill be there to congratulate you!.

    Cheers!! for juve and for every soul that post in this forum!


    gigi's twin

    Senior Member
    Mar 5, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++
    jajaja i cant post more than this!!! ill get sick if i do that!!

    Lets start a competition between us! Who will reach the 5000th post earlier, who will became a chapion first? In the next months I'll have a lot of work, so I wont have so much time to come here! This will be your advantage!:angel:

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