Sheva aims his "Century" goal on Buffon (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jul 16, 2003
I don't think Sheva's being arrogant here........ it was the tittle of the thread.

If Milan were to score, Sheva would be the most likely person to do it.


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
I have read the article and Sheva says he hopes to score not that he will score so where is the arrogance there?


Senior Member
Sep 30, 2003
you guys are right-I'm wrong. It just kind of annoyed me the first time I heard about it without seeing the actual quote


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
Arrogant or not (which I don't think he is) I'd take him on my team anyday.

If you want arrogant, go to and check out the quote from Nesta.


Jul 15, 2002
Sheva as Majed stated always manages to score against us. This time I wish he doesn't but with our defense it's more probable than not - The only thing I wish for is for us to continue outscoring our opponents.
Sheva arrogant? Come on guys .... Get a grip.


Juventus FC - Philippines
Dec 20, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #30
    Been reading your posts. It seems as if Milan is hoping for Sheva to score his century mark against Buffon. And they puclicly made this feeling known so this puts more pressure on Sheva. I think that Milan will try to feed the ball to him on matchday so I think that Lippi is already devising some plan to stop this.

    And, let's also hope that this puts enough pressure on Sheva to the point that he will always opt to shoot even from harmless ditances which will cause the ball to turn-over to us.

    Well, honestly, I think this puclicity has done negative to Sheva than good. It certainly raises expectations, and failure to do so will cause frustration.

    To be honest, I wouldn't mind Sheva to score against us. He is a great player and it is by no means humiliating to be beaten by him. But I just hope (and I'm confident) that we have more players who are capable of scoring that the Milan Squad.

    The most important is that WE SCORE MORE!
    Aug 1, 2003
    yeah, honestly, i think he'll score against us too, darn. i should make a thread called 'juve's jinx players', and he'll be in one of them.

    i'm all for meow's idea- hoping he'll score against dida!

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