Seven against the world (36 Viewers)

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"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Then you can stop posting towards me. You assume too much, make assumptions left and right, and you just end up looking like an owned idiot. It's not difficult to tell when I'm being serious or when I'm joking around, and I rarely "approve" everything that Burke's posts...the only time I do is when he makes comments about you. Other than that, there is absolutely nothing. I will say what I like, when I like, about whomever I like or don't like.

And see? I didn't need Burke to tell you you're an imbecile. Get your facts straight or don't post around here.

Buy on


Senior Member
Apr 7, 2005
++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++
Then you can stop posting towards me. You assume too much, make assumptions left and right, and you just end up looking like an owned idiot. It's not difficult to tell when I'm being serious or when I'm joking around, and I rarely "approve" everything that Burke's posts...the only time I do is when he makes comments about you.
No you use Burke to make racist and nationalistic jibes. And actually you approve everything he posts. Give it a smile, a laugh, a thumbs up, whatever and with other members. Tom, Claire are names that spring to mind. I like Burke because he's pretty harmless. You're a cruel little shit though imo and were in hog heaven when you have a chance to 'owning' Seven and throwing your nationalistic shots at him. It's just much of the same from you.

Personally I think you are one of the biggest bigots on this forum. Most of us have made comments but I've seen noone with as much cruel intent as you.
And see? I didn't need Burke to tell you you're an imbecile. Get your facts straight or don't post around here.
No you don't. Well done. Though you need him for anti-english/other national sentiment. Something you don't have to say yourself but can laugh your ass off at or agree in a nice polite 'Im sorry but I have to agree' kinda way.

you just end up looking like an owned idiot.
This is something though. Owned idiot? Do you think this is about owning? Don't you even realise this is often so pathetic that I'm laying the material out there for the 'haters'. Getting owned is an aspect that I generally laugh in the face off. I don't mind it, I don't need approval here kid.

Of course I could be wrong, but that's life. I never even post to you unless I'm responding to something you have said about me or someting you have contradicted yourself on or something you are being a bastard to someone else about. Frankly Andy the member completely bores me. You can stop the references now and I'll do the same. Save the time. Same goes for IncuboRossonero but he's not so much of a bad bloke, just caught up on Blandest.

Get your facts straight or don't post around here.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by jaecole ] ++

No you use Burke to make racist and nationalistic jibes. And actually you approve everything he posts. Give it a smile, a laugh, a thumbs up, whatever and with other members. Tom, Claire are names that spring to mind. I like Burke because he's pretty harmless. You're a cruel little shit though imo and were in hog heaven when you have a chance to 'owning' Seven and throwing your nationalistic shots at him. It's just much of the same from you.
What a bunch of bullshit once again. Please, show us an example of where Burke gave a racist or Nationalistic jibe and where I followed up with a "thumbs up" or "peckerface" or whatever other nonsense you come up with. Find it asshole.

As for Seven, he deserved it. If you do not think his actions were wrong then you must be quite biased...and in fact during the whole ordeal you took his side. I could not care less whose side you take or if you take it from behind with you little Scouser friends...fact of the matter is you are the idiot here who made racist remarks, not me. Again, get your facts straight.

And wow, I said Belgium doesn't exist to get on Seven's nerves...certainly not as bad as what you have said about others.

Personally I think you are one of the most nationalistic bigots on this forum. Most of us have made comments but I've seen noone with as much cruel intent as you.
Again, find them asshole. The only thing I have said about any other nation is Belgium, in response to Seven's actions. After he started something it's fair game I'm afraid, so stop your crying. I even said I have more respect for Malta than Belgium...are you going to make a big piss about that as well?

No you don't. Well done. Though you need him for anti-english/other national sentiment. Something you don't have to say yourself but can laugh your ass off at or agree in a nice polite 'Im sorry but I have to agree' kinda way.
We have been over this before but you are just too stupid to understand.

I have nothing against the English people, the country and the culture. And why should I really? It would make no sense at all. The only thing I have distaste for that originates from your country is some of the football and little racist shitsuckers like you. Apart from that, I like England. I even have loads of respect for Paul, a great Juventino. Hopefully there are not too many jaecoles in England because it would really bring the good country down.

This is something though. Owned idiot? Do you think this is about owning? Don't you even realise this is often so pathetic that I'm laying the material out there for the 'haters'. Getting owned is an aspect that I generally laugh in the face off. I don't mind it, I don't need approval here kid.
No, this is not about owning, you're right. This is about you making imbecilic posts about me and then trying to play the victim. Again, you have no purpose in being here only to stir shit up, like a Blandest wannabe. She was actually good at it, while you're just an idiot who tries too hard. Find another forum please because with you here it's difficult to discuss topics that actually mean really bring this place down.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #185
    ++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++

    What a bunch of bullshit once again. Please, show us an example of where Burke gave a racist or Nationalistic jibe and where I followed up with a "thumbs up" or "peckerface" or whatever other nonsense you come up with. Find it asshole.

    As for Seven, he deserved it. If you do not think his actions were wrong then you must be quite biased...and in fact during the whole ordeal you took his side. I could not care less whose side you take or if you take it from behind with you little Scouser friends...fact of the matter is you are the idiot here who made racist remarks, not me. Again, get your facts straight.

    And wow, I said Belgium doesn't exist to get on Seven's nerves...certainly not as bad as what you have said about others.
    First things first: if you said those things to get on my nerves you're an utter fool. Had you known anything about Belgium and its population, you would have realised that Belgians don't care when you mock their country. Americans might be proud of their homecountry for all the wrong reasons, but we Belgians certainly are not.

    Secondly more people than you think do not believe that my actions were wrong. Kaiser Franco, Tom and jaecole to name three who come to mind. Seriously, stop looking at things from your point of view. The things I said looked horrible because you guys wanted them to look horrible. Any member who was smart enough to read my comments themselves took them for what they were.

    And finally, I see Bürke making racist remarks all the time with you backing them up. In fact, it's exactly how jaecole pictured it.

    ++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++

    Again, find them asshole. The only thing I have said about any other nation is Belgium, in response to Seven's actions. After he started something it's fair game I'm afraid, so stop your crying. I even said I have more respect for Malta than Belgium...are you going to make a big piss about that as well?
    I came up with arguments. I came up with things that were too blatant to deny. I came up with Bush slaughtering people. I came up with fear taking over all normal activities in the US. You came up with "Belgian chocolate sucks".

    ++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++
    We have been over this before but you are just too stupid to understand.

    I have nothing against the English people, the country and the culture. And why should I really? It would make no sense at all. The only thing I have distaste for that originates from your country is some of the football and little racist shitsuckers like you. Apart from that, I like England. I even have loads of respect for Paul, a great Juventino. Hopefully there are not too many jaecoles in England because it would really bring the good country down.

    No, this is not about owning, you're right. This is about you making imbecilic posts about me and then trying to play the victim. Again, you have no purpose in being here only to stir shit up, like a Blandest wannabe. She was actually good at it, while you're just an idiot who tries too hard. Find another forum please because with you here it's difficult to discuss topics that actually mean really bring this place down.
    Once again a shitload of words, yet no arguments. You simply dismiss his post without dismissing his arguments. Don't they teach you how to discuss properly in America? You look like a fool, Andy.


    Senior Member
    Apr 7, 2005
    I didn't say his actions weren't wrong. All I see though is a Juventuz head hunt on a member who didn't really do much wrong in the first place and already apologised. Something YOU did and were forgiven for far worse racist comments. You made them & pretended Burke had used your account or you just 'lost it'. Sorry that dosen't cut it for me. I don't forget incidents when it suits me. Burke made them and you have no problem with him. Claire makes them every single few posts and you have no problem with her.

    Anti-English? No I don't think so. The sentiment was always there but you did kerb that.

    You totally don't get it though. I don't have a problem with nationalism, I don't have a problem with you hating England or someone else hating America. All I have a problem with is you going to go your moral crusaides while being completely hypocritical.

    You need to be consistant.

    And for your education they aren't scouse. Scouse is one who is from Liverpool & speaks with a Liverpool 'scoused' accent. Claire is from London and talks with a pretentious and drawled London accent, Emma is from Leicester and talks with a suave upperclass English accent.

    Find another forum please because with you here it's difficult to discuss topics that actually mean really bring this place down.
    I've never brought down a topic that meant something. Or even taken part in one. You find me another forum. I'm happy with this one.

    Why do you feel the need to curse?


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Seven ] ++

    First things first: if you said those things to get on my nerves you're an utter fool. Had you known anything about Belgium and its population, you would have realised that Belgians don't care when you mock their country. Americans might be proud of their homecountry for all the wrong reasons, but we Belgians certainly are not.
    No, we are proud of our country for all the right reasons...and your statement just goes to show you aren't a patriot.

    Secondly more people than you think do not believe that my actions were wrong. Kaiser Franco, Tom and jaecole to name three who come to mind. Seriously, stop looking at things from your point of view. The things I said looked horrible because you guys wanted them to look horrible. Any member who was smart enough to read my comments themselves took them for what they were.
    Riiiight...and we will take these for what they were as well...

    ++ [ originally posted by Seven ] ++
    I'm hoping for another act of terrorism in America, just to prove Bush wrong.
    What a piece of shit you are Seven. No matter what you say or do, you will always be known on this forum for comments like these above. You are a despicable human being and I don't care what anybody else says about you...if people do not realize how sad of person you are after comments like these they must have other agendas. You keep shooting yourself in the foot, and nobody in their right minds can take you seriously with comments that actually support terrorist acts.

    And finally, I see Bürke making racist remarks all the time with you backing them up. In fact, it's exactly how jaecole pictured it.
    Back it up or shut the fvck up. Give us some examples.....looking? That's right, you're not gonna find any, you idiot. Another attempt at trying to pin something negative against me, but once again you lot fail miserably. You are just jumping on an imaginary bandwagon again....but I'm not surprised it's you're always clutching for straws here.

    Once again a shitload of words, yet no arguments. You simply dismiss his post without dismissing his arguments. Don't they teach you how to discuss properly in America? You look like a fool, Andy.
    That's why I asked for evidence...but once again you or jaecole failed to give us any. No evidence, no case. No case, you have nothing. You have nothing, you are nothing, Seven. You're just a sad little kid that does not stand for anything except hypocrisy.


    Senior Member
    Apr 7, 2005
    ++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++

    No, we are proud of our country for all the right reasons...and your statement just goes to show you aren't a patriot.

    Riiiight...and we will take these for what they were as well...

    What a piece of shit you are Seven. No matter what you say or do, you will always be known on this forum for comments like these above. You are a despicable human being and I don't care what anybody else says about you...if people do not realize how sad of person you are after comments like these they must have other agendas. You keep shooting yourself in the foot, and nobody in their right minds can take you seriously with comments that actually support terrorist acts.

    Back it up or shut the fvck up. Give us some examples.....looking? That's right, you're not gonna find any, you idiot. Another attempt at trying to pin something negative against me, but once again you lot fail miserably. You are just jumping on an imaginary bandwagon again....but I'm not surprised it's you're always clutching for straws here.

    That's why I asked for evidence...but once again you or jaecole failed to give us any. No evidence, no case. No case, you have nothing. You have nothing, you are nothing, Seven. You're just a sad little kid that does not stand for anything except hypocrisy.
    Andy. Are you seriously pretending Burke didn't post racist comments? He had a whole racist dedicated thread. He posted pictures of coffins and gloated at them. Are you denying you didn't 'crack' a while back and post racist/nationalistic remarks? Remember you were temporary removed for a while? Any of this ringing any freaking bells? :D

    Seriously, get a grip mate. Perhaps lighten up? And curb the violence.

    Must be the Irish in him :D

    *yes the nationalistic jibes are coming out strong in light of recent events.


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by jaecole ] ++
    I didn't say his actions weren't wrong. All I see though is a Juventuz head hunt on a member who didn't really do much wrong in the first place and already apologised. Something YOU did and were forgiven for far worse racist comments. You made them & pretended Burke had used your account or you just 'lost it'. Sorry that dosen't cut it for me. I don't forget incidents when it suits me. Burke made them and you have no problem with him. Claire makes them every single few posts and you have no problem with her.
    I'm sorry, the only person to make comments like this...

    ++ [ originally posted by jaecole ] ++
    I'm hoping for another act of terrorism in America, just to prove Bush wrong. Seven.

    And no, he did not apologize for any of these latest comments, so don't fool yourself with that argument. His intentions are always quite clear and once all is said and done he tries to play the victim like he did absolutely nothing...sorry but that does not cut it for me.

    Statements supporting terrorism, making rude comments about September 11th two years in a row, publicly stating he favors his comfort over my life (like I give a shit), not apologizing for other comments I highlighted.....I mean how much more do you need?

    And I guarantee you if Seven was posting such crap about you and England you would feel the same way about him as I do. Don't even try to argue that because it's true, and you know least I think it's true, unless you just post because you don't care for me...

    Anti-English? No I don't think so. The sentiment was always there but you did kerb that.
    I was never anti-English...and nobody has any evidence to conclude that I am. People are getting football and personal issues confused with nationailty and the general populous.

    You totally don't get it though. I don't have a problem with nationalism, I don't have a problem with you hating England or someone else hating America. All I have a problem with is you going to go your moral crusaides while being completely hypocritical.
    I'm sorry, but please tell us where I personally made racist remarks...please tell us where I stated I hope people die in a terrorist attack just to spite a leader...please tell us where I stated an American's life is worth more than another...please finally show us where I back Burke's racist rants (he has not made any racist comments for months pon this forum, so you already lose).

    Seriously jaecole, you have absolutely nothing. Stop fooling yourself and stop your witchhunts looking for something you will never find . And more importantly, if this crap is all you wish to discuss with me, please dont post towards me...we have been over this time and time again.


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by jaecole ] ++

    Andy. Are you seriously pretending Burke didn't post racist comments? He had a whole racist dedicated thread. He posted pictures of coffins and gloated at them. Are you denying you didn't 'crack' a while back and post racist/nationalistic remarks? Remember you were temporary removed for a while? Any of this ringing any freaking bells? :D

    Seriously, get a grip mate. Perhaps lighten up? And curb the violence.

    Must be the Irish in him :D

    *yes the nationalistic jibes are coming out strong in light of recent events.
    Yes, I remember he posted racist comments a while back...but what does that have to do with me?

    I might have cracked a while back as well, but I never posted racist comments and said I hope people die just because they are of a different nationality...that's Seven.

    And for the record my account was banned for a ballsack picture...very different from hoping people die.


    Chickenegro no funny
    Jan 14, 2005
    ++ [ originally posted by jaecole ] ++
    And for your education they aren't scouse. Scouse is one who is from Liverpool & speaks with a Liverpool 'scoused' accent. Claire is from London and talks with a pretentious and drawled London accent, Emma is from Leicester and talks with a suave upperclass English accent.
    And Mac just sounds sexy.
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