Seven against the world (2 Viewers)

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Alex Del Mexico
May 7, 2004
Sounds okay. San Jose Sharks you say. Been a fan of them all my life. I even hold a season ticket.


There's an hypothesis that many things in the USA's attitude in internal policy is exactly what they used to accuse communists of.

I was kind of going for the USA role in this Cold War scenario anyway. The USSR gives me the shivers. Siberia sounds like a nice home for Andy and Vin as well.
We could always play the roll of Andorra, you know.

Buy on


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
It's a playful kind of hate. Like you hate football players.

Let's be honest. It all boils down to this:

Neither Vinman (retard) nor Andy (fake intellectual) are strong rhetorically. They can't understand complex arguments. So they misunderstood me a gazillion times and in the end I started loving it.
To you it's misunderstandings, to me and others it's lack of tact and class when you try to prove your points through insults and the deaths of other people. You have shown yourself to be a heatless assclown several times in the past... even Pado, who for some reason likes you, will admit to that.

It all boils down to the fact many here just don't like you. And the reason for that is because you're simply a cunt who thinks more than just a wee bit too much of himself.

People label others elitists here... the only elitist I have seen on this forum is this Seven kid.


Senior Member
Aug 8, 2003
To you it's misunderstandings, to me and others it's lack of tact and class when you try to prove your points through insults and the deaths of other people. You have shown yourself to be a heatless assclown several times in the past... even Pado, who for some reason likes you, will admit to that.
It's true that Seven has some bad points, but don't we all? The one that gets him the most attention however is his tendency to be pretty blunt, sometimes so blunt it could be perceived as insulting however, most of the time, it isn't his intention to be so.

It all boils down to the fact many here just don't like you. And the reason for that is because you're simply a cunt who thinks more than just a wee bit too much of himself.
Guess that why you two don't get along, you're too much alike.

People label others elitists here... the only elitist I have seen on this forum is this Seven kid.
Elitists, a select group of people who believe themselves to be better then everyone else and therefor exclude themselves.
Yep yep, describes Seven prefectly.

Parting words: "And so often we form communities, only to use them as exclusionary devices"


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
It's true that Seven has some bad points, but don't we all? The one that gets him the most attention however is his tendency to be pretty blunt, sometimes so blunt it could be perceived as insulting however, most of the time, it isn't his intention to be so.
Well that's extremely easy for you to say, isn't it? You have not been subject to his attacks before, therefore making you think he does not intend his insults. But others who have experianced his nonsense more regulary know otherwise..

Guess that why you two don't get along, you're too much alike.
I've never insulted another's religion or beliefs, nor have I used the deaths of people to try and prove a point, thus treating the lives lost as scum. Yeah, on this forum, we're so much alike... it's uncanny really..


Senior Member
Aug 8, 2003
Well that's extremely easy for you to say, isn't it? You have not been subject to his attacks before, therefore making you think he does not intend his insults. But others who have experianced his nonsense more regulary know otherwise..
That's cause most tend to take his words at face value, try to understand the context in which he said it or what he could mean by them. Seriously, you have a brain, use it.
The exception to all of this is Vinman, but then again Vinman comes off as somewhat of a bigot, and a right wing bigot at that.

I've never insulted another's religion or beliefs, nor have I used the deaths of people to try and prove a point, thus treating the lives lost as scum. Yeah, on this forum, we're so much alike... it's uncanny really..
That's true, but you're still
simply a cunt who thinks more than just a wee bit too much of himself.
Different ways of expressing yourselves doesn't mean you're not alike.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
That's cause most tend to take his words at face value, try to understand the context in which he said it or what he could mean by them. Seriously, you have a brain, use it.
The exception to all of this is Vinman, but then again Vinman comes off as somewhat of a bigot, and a right wing bigot at that.
The context of which he said it does not make his verbiage any less insulting, nor underminding of other people. When civilized people who debate for a living debate, they don't insult potentially thousands of people when trying to prove a point. And if they do, it's not every single time they debate. I don't really give a care if his intentions were merely to prove a point... you're judged by what you say, and this kid insults another person every other post he makes... whether trying to prove a point or not. That's why he was banned several times.

Now for people such as myself whom he abhors, most of the time he's insulting me without any debate going on at all. But like I said, you wouldn't know or care about that now, would you.


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
That's cause most tend to take his words at face value, try to understand the context in which he said it or what he could mean by them. Seriously, you have a brain, use it.
The exception to all of this is Vinman, but then again Vinman comes off as somewhat of a bigot, and a right wing bigot at that.

That's true, but you're still
Different ways of expressing yourselves doesn't mean you're not alike.

I'm a right-winged bigot because I support my country

I'm sorry, when have I ever spoken to you ???


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
It's a playful kind of hate. Like you hate football players.

Let's be honest. It all boils down to this:

Neither Vinman (retard) nor Andy (fake intellectual) are strong rhetorically. They can't understand complex arguments. So they misunderstood me a gazillion times and in the end I started loving it. So now I piss them off every now and then. They still don't get it and become angry. So their answer is a password protected thread in which they don't need to understand. Obviously the attempt fails, because there's always someone who'll back me, because Andy screwed up and made the guest list far too long. Now they really feel like they're up against the wall and see the godawful mess they created.

Well, I'll be the bigger man and let you be in peace.

My regards,

this all coming from an ignorant weasel, who tries to show his intelligence, or lack thereof, on an internet forum

Nothing you have ever posted smells of reaks of IGNORANCE !!!

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
I am now, and have always been an Augusto Sandino Communist.

Happy May Day my brothers.

iamanelitistasshole. See you in Nick Against the World.
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