[Serie A] Juventus - Ascoli (52 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jul 22, 2005
it will probably be:
with del piero in the second half or may be from the start,capello said he was doing well this afternoon in the training session and with 5 games in 9 days there would be a turn-over.


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Nawaf ] ++

I think he was sitting at a restaurant, and the bird came over to him.. :p
Jeeks do you see this? Not only is he a legend and symbol in football but he's also a soon to be Oscar winner for his outstanding acting performances :touched:

If the Academy Awards give the statue to Russell Crowe then they know jack all about acting and that surely means they hate him for no real reason!! :fero:


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2005
Juve, i due dubbi di Capello
Arriva l'Ascoli e il tecnico dovrà decidere se mandare in campo Del Piero dall'inizio e scegliere uno tra Zebina e Blasi per la difesa. "Ale l'ho visto molto bene"
La Juve marcia a un ritmo impressionante in campionato come in Europa. Travolge gli avversari dopo averli messi alle corde con un assedio asfissiante. Ha un portiere, Abbiati, in attesa del ritorno di Buffon, che non ha ancora compiuto una parata. In attacco però segna soltanto... Trezeguet. Visto il calendario, quattro gare in dieci giorni, il turn-over è d'obbligo e qui Fabio Capello ha un dubbio, e non da poco: stravolgere l'assetto tattico lanciando il tridente testato in estate con Del Piero, Trezeguet e Mutu, o cambiare una sola pedina sul fronte d'attacco con il rischio di scontentare almeno un paio di punte tra Alex, il rumeno e Zalayeta, tutti potenziali titolari da affiancare a Trezeguet o Ibrahimovic, a seconda delle caratteristiche.
"La Juve è in buone condizioni - dice il tecnico -. Psicologicamente stiamo bene e vogliamo continuare sulla strada intrapresa in questo inizio di stagione, una strada bella ma difficile. Vedo disponibilità di tutti in allenamento e tutta la squadra mi ha impressionato". L'Ascoli non è l'Udinese e la partita di domani potrebbe rappresentare l'occasione per Del Piero per tornare in campo e sfogare rabbia e amarezza. "L'ho visto bene in allenamento, è in gran forma e tranquillo, le polemiche poi lo caricano", il commento dell'allenatore che oltre all'attacco dovrà sciogliere un altro dubbio: Zebina o Blasi quarto difensore di destra.
Il primo in mattinata si è allenato con i compagni ed è pronto al rientro dopo l'infortunio. Mercoledì a Udine sarà la Juve tipo, quindi l'incertezza è se rischiare Zebina dal primo minuto oppure utilizzarlo per una mezz'oretta in vista dell'Udinese.


Dec 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Zizou ] ++
Cos in Italy DP has become famous as well for a commercial he has been doing for the past 2/3 years. It's about mineral water and it stars DP and this small bird who talks to him and have these little stories and jokes.

Since doing that commercial lots of Italian comedians and satire programs have taken the piss out of him. I'm sure some DP lover over here would also have these videos :D

In a nutshell, the bird controls DP and tells him what to do and they're always together :cool:



"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Zizou ] ++
Oh and probably Capello will use the trident tomorrow with Mutu and DP behind Zlatan.
That's what we heard last time as well, only to be disapointed. I'll believe it when I see it....tomorrow would be a perfect time to see it, that's for sure.

And Mancini still needs to be brought down to Earth.


May 11, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Hanaukyo ] ++
Caplleo might as well start to use 4 attackers so azzuri7 stops crying that zlatan is playing over Del Piero.
But but but Del Piero is better than Zlatan, he's a legend and a symbol and once upon a time long ago he gave too much to this club...


Senior Member
Sep 2, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Jeeks ] ++

But but but Del Piero is better than Zlatan, he's a legend and a symbol and once upon a time long ago he gave too much to this club...
yeah, I have no respect for anyone who is fan of Juve and yet calling your own player (Zlatan) average and selfish.

sorry :(


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2005
++ [ originally posted by Hanaukyo ] ++

yeah, I have no respect for anyone who is fan of Juve and yet calling your own player (Zlatan) average and selfish.

sorry :(
Dude, hes making fun of Zlatan haters, he is being sarcastic.

He doesnt mean it. I think, i dont know Jeeks but everything points to sarcasm.


May 11, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Hanaukyo ] ++

yeah, I have no respect for anyone who is fan of Juve and yet calling your own player (Zlatan) average and selfish.

sorry :(
Det ser ut som du känner inte till mig än ;)


Dec 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Hanaukyo ] ++
Caplleo might as well start to use 4 attackers so azzuri7 stops crying that zlatan is playing over Del Piero.
Who stepped on your tail??

It seems you're either blind or retard....One of them for sure....

My problem was never Zlatan starting ahead of Dp you punkhead....

Read my posts before you open your mouth....Idiot...

Now get a life....

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