[Serie A] JUVENTUS 0-1 Udinese (August 23rd, 2015) (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jul 18, 2004
What a disgusting performance, no creativity, the forwards are impotent. Pogba clearly can't handle the responsibility.

We will get better but this performance is clearly down to having such a pathetic pre season, to only play 4 friendlies is insane, it's not only shown through injuries but also it's clear the players aren't sharp. We could have been out there for a week we still wouldn't have scored.

Mandzukic was fucking embarrassing

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Jul 20, 2012
Padoin jack of all trades :rofl: pathetic

And this 3-5-2 is supposed to be our saviour since we have set a high line of defense and we pressured udinese into a hole right? Shitty ass game. And the subs :facepalm: @DAiDEViL ive just started
Oct 23, 2011
We should have scored, but our play, bar a couple of periods in the first half, was disappointing. Our midfield is horrible when Pogba doesn't deliver. The link to the strikers is basically non-existing and that won't change if we add either/both of Marchisio and Khedira. I've never seen a clearer case where a side requires an addition or 2 to midfield and it better be quality signings. Ow, and Padoin should NEVER start in the regista role again.


New Member
Aug 22, 2015
Not starting Dybala, playing 3-5-2, and not starting Sturaro were all big errors from Allegri today. Juve will still be fine but they need to buy a number 10 and need to change the formation back to 4-1-2-1-2.


Senior Signor
Mar 6, 2007
Makes a change seeing the meltdown in a match thread at the end of August rather than a transfer thread, but this was just what we didn't need.

A bit early to talk about it being disastrous, and you get a lot of random results early season, but considering our home record and with that being the first game it sends out exactly the wrong signal from a psychological point of view. Other teams will see this and think maybe we are a soft touch this year, and when teams aren't as scared of you it makes games harder to dominate.

We could blow that away by winning at Roma next week, but that would be a surprise result after seeing that. Starting Coman and Manzdukic (not 100% fit, clearly) is very questionable. The formation less so for the start of the game at least, considering injuries, but we should have adapted. Pogba trying to do everything himself. Udinese defended well but it has to be said that the ball broke for them in pretty much every situation.

I think they caught us really cold early in the season, but these sort of losses take big performances to come back from. I like to think we have those in us but really this is a new team now past the defence, and we don't know what they are capable of yet.


Senior Member
Feb 13, 2005
It's just the first match but it's already clear this is gonna be a long season.

We still have to integrate Sandro, Cuadrado and possibly one more player into the team.

We're also missing many players through injuries.

Wont be surprised if we drop many point in coming weeks.


May 11, 2004
What a terrible start! Udinese are an extremely poor team that in the first half, we didn't even try and still dominated the match. I thought things will change in the second but we continued to lack ideas and our midfielders went from active to terrible namely Pogba followed by Pereyra and Lichtsteiner (if he counts as a midfielder now) Evra didn't help either and continued to deliver those lame balls in from the very few attempts he got. Not being willing to change formation was even worse than that starting lineup from Allegri. I know we are full of injuries but our quality should not drop that much. Some say luck, I say bullshit. The team is weaker and we are missing all three players in that order Tevez, Vidal and Pirlo. I liked Mandzukic a lot and wanted him to score but after Coman left he did not get served at all, not a single ball. I really liked the idea of Pogba being the new leader but if he really wants to be a new leader then he should start being one instead of deteriorating into oblivion when it really mattered.

If we don't act on our weaknesses immediately we are going to have one hell of a ride.

Buffon 6

Barzagli 6
Bonucci 6.5
Chiellini 6

Lichtsteiner 5
Pereyra 5.5
Padoin 5
Pogba 4.5
Evra 5

Coman 6
Mandzukic 6

Dybala 6
Isla 5
Llorente 5

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