Sensi slams 'sneaky' Capello (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by kaizer ] ++
Zeman is coaching Lecce right? or did i misheard things :e<a target="_blank" href="">mba</a>rass:
zeman zdenek has had some history with juve...:irritate:

lets set things right:)


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2004
Zeman is just a puppet.
I am sure Lecce will let him go before the end of the year.
Zeman a winner? With what?
This asshole has not been able to win anything in his life, let alone the seria A.
The unfortunate case is that the asshole is now coaching a seria A team, which gives the asshole the right to talk the mind to the media.
As of Sensi. This is not a human being, this is the degeeration of human being, fat, rich, corrupted, ignorant, loud, and shrewd rather than intelligent. This Sensi is fit with Roma, and we should just be happy this rat is the president of Roma. Can you just imagine for a moment if the rat was the president of Juventus? I would just call quit or take a long leave of absence.

Thank you Sensi for being the president of Rioma, I could not hope for anything better, for our enemy Roma than being discredited by your fat, piggy, filthy, smelly, shitty, burping, greasy and sleazy presence. Please don't leave, stay there at Roma until Roma has been fully and wholly discredited by your sleazy presence and you, pig, have sold all of your possession to pay the debts off. The debts you make day by day with your amateur entrepreneurial strategy.



Dec 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Eaglesnake_1 ] ++

Basically, this mother F****R said this:

1.- He has followed the Juve trial process for doping with sadness, because nobody do nothing, so much corruption, seeing young athletes so dumped for the antidepresives,psychofarmacies, Cardologic and neurolochic medicines. An then, the short memory of the players when they are in court. In any case, juve must be punished by taking away the scudetti, and then he would become a winner.( because Zeman`sLazio 94-95 arrive second that year)

2.- He also set his sights on Lippi, saying : I would hope they had wait until the end of the trial process to call Lippi to NT"

3- His favorite for serie A is Roma. "Voeller will do good, he knows the ambience. Totti is always the best, a spitt can cancell class . Cassano is great, but is always arguing.

This man is not a rival, but an enemy of our team...:fero:


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2004
Sensi's face after Frisk was hit by one of the many objects that a large number of Roma supporters were throwing at the referee.



Senior Member
Aug 30, 2004
How about a loss of 8,38% on the Italian Stock Market after the Frisk accident?

Sensi, you are responsible for what happened, because you have incited people to violence.

I am sure you are paying for it out of you pocket.



Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
I was looking for Sensi's face when that happened actually.

Somebody mentioned they showed it right when it happened.

Decision will be made on Tuesday.


Sep 23, 2003
IMO, Capello saved his own bacon in a big way. Smart man who looked out for his own personal interests.

Cheers to him for knowing when to get out of a burning building that's about to collapse...

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