Sensi slams 'sneaky' Capello (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2004
Sensi slams 'sneaky' Capello
Saturday 11 September, 2004

Roma President Franco Sensi has broken his silence to explain Fabio Capello’s departure and the future of Francesco Totti.

“Capello acted in the same way he always had,” noted the Giallorossi chief. “Two years ago I renewed his contract with the highest wages in Serie A, then he got someone to sign a clearance form and left in the night."

The Coach caused shockwaves in July when he left Roma for their rivals Juve, a switch that surprised even the local press and angered fans.

"I would at least have expected him to talk to me, as I would have happily released him, even to join Juventus.”

The club’s problems with management only got worse as the summer wore on, as Cesare Prandelli resigned due to his wife’s ill health, paving the way for Rudi Voller.

“Prandelli is a good man and I chose him personally,” revealed President Sensi in the 'Corriere dello Sport'. “He knows that when his personal problems have been resolved, Roma will welcome him back with open arms.”

“Meanwhile, Voller is the right man for the job. He has experience, charisma and already knows the club and its fans. The alternative was Serse Cosmi, but Voller is more of a guarantee in such a big side.”

Financial problems forced Sensi to sell off several of his assets just to keep the Giallorossi afloat, then parted company with Walter Samuel, Emerson, John Carew and Jonathan Zebina.

“We can still aim for the Scudetto,” he insisted. “This remains a competitive squad with a very good Coach in charge. Roma won the title in 2001 and have always been regularly in the top group of teams.”

The future of the side is far from certain, as Francesco Totti and Antonio Cassano are top transfer targets for the likes of Milan, Inter and Real Madrid.

“Totti will never leave Roma,” assured Sensi. “He is an institution here and if the city were to be condensed into a football player, it would be Francesco. It’s impossible to see him wear another jersey. Cassano will also remain with us and sign a new contract soon.”

Sensi also maintains that he is a firm part of Roma’s future, staking his claim with this first press interview in almost a year.

“Roma is mine and I intend to keep it. Six months ago I wanted to leave because I was tired,” he said of the negotiations with Russian oil tycoons, “but I resolved the financial problems with some massive sacrifices and now everything is running smoothly.”

The courtesy of Channel4

:LOL: :D

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f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
Jul 12, 2002
The way Sensi keeps slamming people you would think he was into Pogs, not football. I don't think anyone is listening anymore.


Senior Member
Sep 3, 2002
“Roma is mine and I intend to keep it. Six months ago I wanted to leave because I was tired,” he said of the negotiations with Russian oil tycoons, “but I resolved the financial problems with some massive sacrifices and now everything is running smoothly.”

Hey look at me I'm so good, i was going to leave because our finances were shit, but now that we are ok, i'll stay...


vBookie Champion
Nov 18, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Erkka ] ++
Sensi slams 'sneaky' Capello
"I would at least have expected him to talk to me, as I would have happily released him, even to join Juventus.”
yeah right.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
sensi is just being an idiot.capello left for greener pastures like many other coaches would.lots of managers leave their clubs in that way,and we only see sensi complaining.



Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Don Bes ] ++
he made the finances ok
more likely, he got bailed out, yet again.

Oh, the advantages of owning a club in the Capital city. FGIC is running out of blind eyes to turn.


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Don Bes ] ++
he made the finances ok
Well, he sold players.

If Elnur was Roma's owner, he'd do the same.

If Roma really screws up this year- there is no way they will keep Totti and Cassano.


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Arif ] ++
sensi :yuck:

i hate this fat pig. :fero:
Read this "jewel" of Zdenek Zeman, another pig of the same pen than Sensi:

Zeman torna all'attacco sul doping: "Togliete gli scudetti alla Juve"
Sab 11 Set, 11:47 AM

La serie A ritrova un suo protagonista: Zdenek Zeman. Alla vigilia del suo ritorno in panchina nella massima serie il tecnico boemo si confessa in un'intervista al nuovo quotidiano Il Romanista. E come al solito le sue sono parole ficcanti, taglienti.

Si parte dalla Juve e dal processo doping: "Non mi aspetto più nulla. Nel calcio negli ultimi anni é successo di tutto e non si é fatto niente. Dai passaporti alla fideiussioni, alle scommesse. Ho seguito il processo alla Juve con grande tristezza. Atleti sani imbottiti di psicofarmaci, antidepressivi, medicine per malattie cardiologiche e neurologiche. E poi la memoria corta in aula di tanti giocatori. Di certo, in caso di condanna, alla Juve andrebbero tolti gli scudetti, così anche io diventerei un vincente". Eh sì, perché la Lazio del boemo arrivò seconda in campionato dietro alla Juve nel 1994-95.

Nel mirino di Zeman finisce poi anche il nuovo ct Lippi: "Prima della sua nomina avrei aspettato la fine del processo". La sua speranza, come al solito, é che il calcio diventi più pulito: "In Lega servirebbe uno che il calcio l'abbia giocato oltre che gestito. Un Boniperti".

Sulla serie A in partenza oggi Zeman é in controtendenza: "La mia favorita é la Roma. Voeller farà bene perché conosce l'ambiente. Totti é sempre il migliore, uno sputo non può cancellare la classe. Cassano é un grande ma litiga sempre".

Basically, this mother F****R said this:

1.- He has followed the Juve trial process for doping with sadness, because nobody do nothing, so much corruption, seeing young athletes so dumped for the antidepresives,psychofarmacies, Cardologic and neurolochic medicines. An then, the short memory of the players when they are in court. In any case, juve must be punished by taking away the scudetti, and then he would become a winner.( because Zeman`sLazio 94-95 arrive second that year)

2.- He also set his sights on Lippi, saying : I would hope they had wait until the end of the trial process to call Lippi to NT"

3- His favorite for serie A is Roma. "Voeller will do good, he knows the ambience. Totti is always the best, a spitt can cancell class. Cassano is great, but is always arguing.

This man is not a rival, but an enemy of our team...:fero:

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