[SCO] Scottish Premier league 2012/2013 (10 Viewers)


Nov 26, 2006
Rangers becomes a pub team

SCOTTISH football chiefs are forcing Rangers to start again as a pub team following their financial difficulties.

Rangers will relocate to a flat-roofed council estate boozer as their new base of operations, and recruit players from the local tower blocks by enticing them out of the stairwells with a football covered in smack.

Early scouting trips have uncovered a promising 19-year-old who will train for eight hours at a time and is equipped with a ferociously tenacious tackle so long as he’s given a bottle of Buckfast and a tube of Uhu at the end of the day.

SFA spokesman Tom Logan said: “This could be a fresh new start for the club – if it turns out they have a better quiz team than their football side that could be the direction they end up heading in.

“Given that most of the kids in Glasgow University are called things like Tara and Gideon rather than Janey or Wee Fucka that’s doubtful but, y’know, dare to dream.”

Rangers’ new pub, The Red Hand & Luther, was bought with the proceeds of selling off Ibrox to a consortium of Celtic fans who intend to turn it into the world’s largest urinal. The pub’s manager, Bampot, will take control of the club’s day to day affairs after ousting Ally McCoist with the help of a pool cue.

Their first fixture of the new season will be against The Pope’s Head, a rival pub located 50 feet from their new home across a stretch of road the United Nations have deemed the most dangerous piece of tarmac outside of Afghanistan.

Logan added: “Rangers could soon be back amongst the big names of Scottish football provided they get themselves a really good physio and some comprehensive fire insurance.”



Nov 26, 2006
My dad bought what he descibes as a 'fuck Rangers' season ticket today.

Doesn't plan on going to many games, but wanted to back the club for doing the right thing and kicking the cunts out of the league.

AFC could sell a shitload of season tickets if this whole thing has even got folk like my dad buying tickets.


Nov 26, 2006
Huge amount of propaganda being spewed out of every press orifice today.

All aimed at trying to get Newco into Div. 1 instead of having to apply to join the bottom of the league structure like should happen.

Hope everyone holds firm and doesn't let the Rangers media machine get into their head.


Nov 26, 2006
Fleck is shite.

He was hugely hyped up because he scored a hattrick in a Youth Cup Final against Celtic several years ago.

He's never shown anything since then.

Elliott looked okay at Hearts.

Decent movement, got a few goals.


Nov 26, 2006
So, officially no team called Rangers in the SPL next season.

10-1 vote, with only 'Rangers' voting for themselves (I would love to know why Dundee are going to be barred from the SFL vote due to a conflict of interest but 'Rangers' were free to vote) with Kilmarnock abstaining (Kilmarnock could be in real trouble because there is every chance Celtic fans will boycott Rugby Park, in addition to no games against 'Rangers').

Aberdeen's representative one of very few who were happy to march through the front door of Hampden and to make sure the vote happened today, while many snuck in back door and looked to postpone vote in order to pass the buck and hope someone else would make the decision for them.

Rangers owner and chairman both had to leave after the vote because the SPL meeting was continuing and 'Rangers' were no longer an SPL club. :lol2:

Great opportunity to reform lots of structures within Scottish football to make it a more competitive league because, while Rangers and Celtic complained the league wasn't competitive they weren't actually willing to share money around to make the league competitive.

So, the agenda must include:

1. Ditching the current 11-1 voting system;
2. Ensuring that TV money is more fairly distributed (if not evenly distibuted);
3. Considering the splitting of revenue from ticket sales;
4. Removing Doncaster from his role at the SPL;
5. Removing the Rangers Old Boys Network from their positions of power in the different football bodies; and
6. An investigation into the behaviour of the footballing authorities through this whole thing.


Nov 26, 2006
Oh, and the likes of Chick Young and Jim Traynor need to be ditched by the BBC.

They have done nothing but act as Rangers spokespersons through this whole thing.

No hint of doing any real journalism in the build up the the Rangers collapse, no willingness to ask awkwardquestions through the last few months, consistently arguing Rangers should be let off the hook just because they are Rangers.

Add the likes of Billy Dodds to the list of folk to sacked.

How a player who personally benefitted from EBTs was deemed to be in a position to provide neutral analysis of the situation is beyond me.

Credit to Stuart Cosgrove and Jim Spence as they are the only Scottish sports journalists to bahave reasonably through the whole thing.


Nov 26, 2006
And Aberdeen made an interesting signing today: Niall McGinn.

Things starting to take shape now:

Ideally -







Likely -





Not terrifyingly bad.


Senior Signor
Mar 6, 2007
Fleck is shite.

He was hugely hyped up because he scored a hattrick in a Youth Cup Final against Celtic several years ago.

He's never shown anything since then.

Elliott looked okay at Hearts.

Decent movement, got a few goals.
No Rangers bias here? :D

I remember Elliott a little bit, seemed average, should fit in well lol.


Nov 26, 2006
I don't think my hatred of Rangers has ever stopped me giving a fair appraisal of their players. :p

After that Youth Cup Final Fleck was announced as the saviour of Scottish football and an undoubted future captain of Rangers and Scotland etc..

In about five years since then he hasn't even managed to become anything like a regular in an indifferent Rangers team.

Think he played for them a couple of times for them at Pittodire, but he was wasteful in possession and struggled with the pace and intensity of the games.


Nov 26, 2006
I'm not one for lifting whole posts off other forums, but this is magnificent:

The statement by Regan is utterly dumbfounding. It's just so hard to comprehend.

Can you imagine the Chief Executive of the FA coming out and saying "We've looked at things, and although Manchester United are guilty of tax evasion, are being investigated for numerous other matters and have now been liquidated, we simply wont make them start from the conference because after all, it's Man Uyd and we don't want any trouble"? Thought not.

It's even more staggering in this case because we're not just talking about relegation, we're talking about an organisation that has screwed Scottish football from top to bottom, shown next to no remorse and is widely known to have attempted to leave Scottish football behind at its earliest convenience while all the while preaching that it'll be better for us when they're gone.

At least Rangers got one thing right. Now they ARE gone. And i do feel better.

How must we look as a nation from the outside looking in? Surely the likes of Regan and Doncaster simply have to go. I'm certain they somehow believe they're doing whats best but are so utterly misguided that they can't see the wood for the trees.

The game is up. The truth is out. We know you'll go the extra mile for Rangers where you wouldn't move an inch for anyone else. The years of in-joke whispers about "the Establishment club" are over. Scottish football has always preserved a kind of class system where Rangers and Celtic presided over the rest of us, and the wee diddy clubs making up the numbers should speak when spoken to and take what they're given. Christ, the NATIONAL stadium isn't in Edinburgh but in Glasgow...and has a Celtic end and a Rangers end. I mean it just looks dodgy from the outset. Good thing they didn't go the whole hog back then and move the SFA headquarters inside Ibrox or they'd be looking over their shoulders for Tesco executives. The class system has to go. It's the reason we all want change so badly.

It's the reason the west of Scotland was so utterly fucking incensed when a team from the North-East of all places upset the balance of things by winning leagues and European trophies and other such annoyances. It still gets up their nose. And don't we love it. But that time is over. They turned the class system into a financial dictatorship. Don't be surprised if the peasants don't invite you in for tea when you're kicked out your castle in the middle of the night with fuck all to wear on your back. The West of Scotland mainstream media is terrified that their air of superiority has turned stale and the gravy train has derailed. Well it has. And lo and behold, we dont want that anymore. Its time for change. Or apparently not! The "establishment wants its talisman back at all costs. It's plan to save Scottish football is to start by doing the WRONG thing and openly bending the rules in ways it's never done before. This is the great plan to save Scottish football? Unbelievable.

Why even save Scottish football from "armageddon" and Stuart Regan's post-apocalyptic 3rd Division Rangers scenario if all we have to save is a league that desperately clings to the hope that a liquidated football club can magically reappear and climb over all of us once again, get a leg-up from the league and take it's preordained place at the top of Scottish football? Best just get to the Scottish civil war, cannibalism and inevitable return to the dark ages that Regan foresees as the majority, it seems, doesn't want a football league where it's a bit pointless to try when you know the chiefs wont make some teams stick to the rules.

They just don't get it. It's not bitterness, it's not really even anger anymore, it's just simple truth. If Scottish football isn't a fair and competitive environment where the rules are applied equally with considerations such as morality and integrity then Scottish football isn't worth saving.

Rangers in division 1 is criminal. If we don't do the right thing now then why bother to care.

It's do or die time. The "Old Firm" is over. Long live Scottish football.


Come on you reds.

Get it right fucking up you, 5058


I doff my cap to you NewOrleansRed. :malt:


Senior Member
May 11, 2005
I think the move to put Rangers in Division 1 is coming from SPL clubs more than anyone, they want the sporting integrity, a chance to make fairer rules in voting but also want the security of Rangers in all likelihood coming back in 1 season.

It even seems like Rangers want to go to Division 3. Looks like a 'have your cake and eat it' situation to me.


Senior Signor
Mar 6, 2007
It seems most Rangers fans would go for SFL3 because otherwise fans will always say they weren't properly punished.

I just wonder about Scottish football as a whole potentially losing a team as strong as Rangers. I mean, the SPL 'title race' is going to be absolute shite for years, but that is a small issue. Surely a club with so many fans and bigger buying power (when done properly :D) helps other clubs survive?


Nov 26, 2006
I think the move to put Rangers in Division 1 is coming from SPL clubs more than anyone, they want the sporting integrity, a chance to make fairer rules in voting but also want the security of Rangers in all likelihood coming back in 1 season.

It even seems like Rangers want to go to Division 3. Looks like a 'have your cake and eat it' situation to me.
Yup, and the SFL chairmen aren't taking too kindly to how the SPL has handled the whole thing, so are likely to chuck 'Rangers' into Div. 3.

It seems most Rangers fans would go for SFL3 because otherwise fans will always say they weren't properly punished.
That may apply to some, but a lot want to go to Div. 3 because they think heaps of teams in the SPL will go bust without Rangers.

They see it as a chance to say 'See. We told you you needed us'.

I just wonder about Scottish football as a whole potentially losing a team as strong as Rangers.
Scottish football was slowly dying anyway.

Crowds were down about 25% in the last five years as the standard dropped and people got fed up.

Might as well gamble that this whole situation is used to reinvigorate the game.

Also, the lower leagues can cash in in the next few years.

They'll get a better TV deal and increased gates with Rangers playing down there.

Surely a club with so many fans and bigger buying power (when done properly :D) helps other clubs survive?
That would be the case if Rangers and Celtic had ever had any interest in doing anything for the good of the league.

As it is/was, Rangers and Celtic took about 2/3 of the TV income, so all they do to help clubs was take a big away support.

Even that isn't that useful, though, because games like Aberdeen v Rangers are always televised and at a lunchtime, so Aberdeen get less fans turning out than they could if the game was played at a sensible time.

---------- Post added 06.07.2012 at 20:21 ----------

I don't know about other teams, but I'm lead to beleive that Aberdeen, Hibs and Hearts are all going to sell more season tickets this summer than they have in recent years.

---------- Post added 06.07.2012 at 20:23 ----------

Another thing that has been bugging me is the idea that Rangers should go in Div. 1 so that they are only out of the SPL for one year.

Does that mean that Rangers are guaranteed to win the league despite having no players and a potential transfer embargo?

Would a huge amount of presure be put on ref's to ensure Rangers got out of Div. 1 at the first attempt?

The whole Div. 1 idea stinks.

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