Schuster Rejuvenates Guti (3 Viewers)


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2005
"Schuster has faith in me, unlike anyone else before him"

The Real Madrid midfielder is living one of his best professional moments. Guti told Marca he feels Bernd Schuster's and the fans' support.

Are you a football genious or are people exaggerating?
That's life! Everything changes in two minutes: you go from being one thing to baing another in a matter of seconds.
What hurts more, what you read in the press or what you hear at the stadium?
Both things hurt. If criticism is tasteful it is easy to take in, but journalists sometimes want to hurt you and that is terrible.

Those who praise you say you have great ease with the ball, that you have an amazing vision, that you are smart and that you are a great playmaker. Those who criticise you say you don't defend much and that you are an irregular player.
Yes, that's true. I'm not a defensive player that steals balls all the time and runs back and forth to get it...

Do you distract easily?
Yes, but in many other things too. My daughter Zaira reminds me of this; she can't do one thing for more than two minutes without wanting to do something else at the same time. I think that's always what's happened to me.

What has your son Aitor inherited from you?
Calmness. He also has a very strong character.

Does the assist magician also 'assist' at home?
Very little (laughs). I try to take good care of my children, help them shower, do their homework... But I must say I find everything else rather hard.

You help your kids with their homework?
Yes, yes... That's when I realise how old I am (laughs). I have to read the text book before I can explain them how to do things.

Does Schuster know that you were known as 'Little Schuster' when you were a kid?
I actually don't know. We've never talked about it. I have a picture of me as a child with him from when he played for Real Madrid. I also played here, but I was only nine years old. I've always said I would show it to him, but I still haven't done it. He was my idol when I was a kid... Strange things happen in football, don't they?

You've had 13 coaches in the 12 years you've been on the team. With how many would you work again?
With several: Del Bosque, Fabio, Schuster...

Schuster is like a new love in your life...
That's because he has faith in me. No one else before him has. Not even those I've just mentioned trusted me 100%. I've lacked that kind of support throughout my entire career.

Do you feel you have to make a point in every game?
I used to because every game was like a new chance to shine and earn a spot. I used to feel a game was like an exam. It still is to a certain degree, but I am more relaxed because I know the coach has faith in me.

What do you think the fans think about you?
I think they have a good opinion of me. I think they sometimes demand more from me than from the rest. I remember that in the past, whenever I had the ball, the crowd would start to murmur, thinking 'let's hope he doesn't miss'. I think I'm fighting the battle well. Things have changed in the last few years and I now feel loved.

People talk about the lyrics to the Spanish national anthem a lot these days. Do you think you will ever sing the lyrics when they are finally written?
I wish, but things don't look like I will sing it or even hum it.

What sensation do you have about the national team?
A bad one because I'm getting older and the coach does not count on me at all. It's a thorn in my side. I've never played in a World Cup or a Euro...

Does it hurt finding out you are never on Luis Aragonés' squad lists?
Yes, especially because I once had the chance of going to a Euro.

You are always very frank, especially when you defend others, but you hardly ever talk about yourself... Have you ever shut up on purpose?
Yes, but I think many of us in this profession have. I could write a book with the many things I have never said. One day I will say all the truth of what's happened.

What's harder, to be on this squad or to live in the Big Brother house?
Living in the Big Brother house. In the twelve years I've been on this team the atmosphere in the dressing room has always been rather good. There have been some difficult times due to a certain player or a certain situation, but I would like people to see it 24 hours a day like Big Brother to truly realise how good it actually is. Many people, especially those who believe the squad is divided into different groups, would be surprised with the excellent atmosphere in the dressing room.

What magic has surprised a football magician like yourself?
Zidane's, undoubtedly. I saw Maradonna play, and he is above anyone else, but Zidane was the embodyment of perfection on a football pitch.

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Senior Member
Sep 16, 2005
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #12
    Guti is probably one of the most calm footballers there is. But he also has passion, passion for Madrid.

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