"You all a bunch of fu*cking as*holes. You know why? Cuase you dont have the guts to be what you wanna be. You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point for F*cking fingers and say thats the BAD GUY. Well COME'ON! Say good night to the bad guy. Last time you gonna see a bad guy like this....lemme tell ya"
Love that scene. Best monologue ever! THen
"Her woumb, is soo polluted, i cant even have a baby with her man."
"ALll i have in this world is my word and my balls, and i dont break'em for no one."
"I call my lawyer. Hes the best lawyer around. Hes such a good lawyer, that by tomorrow you be working in Alaska."
then on the TV edited version in the first scene in interrogation. the guys like "where did you get that scar tony? Eating pinnaple"

hahahaha thats ridiculous
anwyays, anybody get the Deluxe Gift box edition?