Like only 10 minutes because we shared a gram among 4 ppl.
I never tried it before and none of us usually smokes that stuff but it just came up and we got some over the counter in a smoke shop.
My friend took the first hit out of a bong, he took a long hit cause he wasn't expecting it to be like that.
He was tripping out like hell, spinning, talking a different language, mumbling, crazy stuff.
Then my other friend hit it, didnt affect him right away but it did a few seconds after.
Then I hit it. I swear, I was in a different world with the world just peeling off. I was in a dimension in between worlds or something. It seemed like hours. I was like wow, how is this stuff legal.
I wasn't expecting it to be like this. Its totally different from shrooms and acid. Its wierd.
It was a good experience and if I were to try it again, I would. But I would be expecting it and I would make sure I am in a padded room with sober people to keep an eye out.
This stuff is crazy. And its legal. Wow.