Roy Carroll - what a joke *sponsored by the EPL refereeing misstakes* (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
Check it out, from last nights game against Tottenham, it finished 0-0, the refs didnt give the goal.

Thats one of the reasons why I never tried to catch balls that way when I was a keeper, I would have just gently palmed it to the ground.

The FA's explanation:

An FA spokesman after the game absolved the linesman of any responsibility for the apparently mistaken decision not to award a goal to Spurs after a shot from the halfway line crossed the goal line by at least a meter.

"The shot came in from an unusual distance and as such caught the linesman out of position forcing him to race back towards the goal as the play developed", explained the spokesman, "As he ran, the United scarf he was wearing under his shirt came loose and fluttered up into his face obscuring his view and preventing him from making the call. It was just one of those things."

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Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
Yeah I saw it on "Match of the day" on the Beeb.

I actually watched the entire show despite Lineker being absent and replaced by that fuckface who's name I can't remember. The guy does sports as if he were doing the news. He threw poor Peter Schmeichel a couple of questions as if he were interviewing Slobodan Milosevic ("Yeah but you just said...") :D


Cuadrado is juan hell of a derby king!
Oct 27, 2004
OH MY GOD! omg omg omg omg omg omg, Are they braindead or what, of course its a goal. BTW, Man Utd's keeper is lousier than Barthez ;)


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
Unfortunate that this was done to Manure. The funniest thing is that Ferguson said after the game, that he was unhappy with referees!

Spurs were denied a win over Manchester United by one of the most controversial decisions in Premiership history, after Roy Carroll had clearly dropped the ball over the line in the last minute at Old Trafford.

Pedro Mendes had attempted to lob Carroll but the goalkeeper looked to have a simple catch.

Unbelievably, he dropped the ball a good yard over the line but linesman Rob Lewis kept his flag down, and United were spared in dramatic circumstances.

Until the incident the focus had been firmly on Spurs' wonderful defensive display to frustrate their hosts, and further derail their title hopes.

Shorn of Wayne Rooney through suspension and, perhaps more crucially, without injured Ruud van Nistelrooy, United just did not have the cutting edge that would have turned dominance into points.

Aided by outstanding performances from young England internationals Paul Robinson and captain Ledley King, Spurs parked the team bus in front of the goal and earned their point with hard-work and grit.

Manchester United had failed to take key chances in the first half - as they looked bereft of the cutting edge that their absent strikers bring.

Alan Smith had come within an inch of getting to a clever Ryan Giggs cross, and the Welsh winger was then nearly put through by Cristiano Ronaldo, but for a fine bit of anticipation by Nourredine Naybet.

Smith's shot on the turn brought a fine full-length diving save from Robinson, and his former Leeds team-mate did even better to stick out a foot and block the best chance of the half after the lone striker had been put clean through.

Giggs had limped off by this point, looking annoyed that an injury had interrupted his recent fine form, and it was Roy Keane of all people that was making the most dangerous looking bursting runs.

The United skipper should have done better from close range as the first half drew to a close, but it was Spurs that had the last chance when Carroll made another glaring error, presenting the ball to Robbie Keane, but was back in goal in time to watch Pedro Mendes's shot drift over.

The second half started in much the same vein it had finished on, with David Bellion racing through after a fine first touch, but poor second, third and fourth before Robinson smothered.

With King in absolutely outstanding form at the heart of the defence United were growing increasingly frustrated, but they were nearly handed the lead from an unlikely source.

Noe Pamarot looked to have dealt with a cross to the far post, but under little pressure he stuck out a leg and watched in horror as the ball struck his shin and smashed the inside of the post with Robinson beaten.

Smith was lurking to smash home the rebound, but a wonderfully timed tackle from King denied the striker an opener, as Spurs began to believe they could share the points or even claim an unlikely victory.

Robbie Keane was having an off night, despite working hard, and he missed a fine chance - blazing over when clean through but finding his blushes covered slightly by referee Mark Clattenburg awarding a foul against him.

A long ball would have opened up Tottenham with five minutes remaining but Paul Scholes's touch let him down at the crucial juncture, as Sir Alex Ferguson threw Rio Ferdinand up as a third striker in his desperation to win.

King was again on hand to thwart Scholes with a last-ditch tackle in the closing stages, but Carroll's error put the focus firmly back on what could prove to be one of the worst decisions at this level for many years.

Robinson produced another late save to deny Gabriel Heinze's free kick in the aftermath - but that will be forgotten amongst the calls for video referees that this error will surely bring.


Sep 23, 2003
Nice avatar.

While this was clearly a blown call, I can also see the FA's position on it. It's difficult to be on the pitch and to see whether the ball fully crossed the line (easy from a side-on perspective) when you're practically on the other half of the pitch.

Still, I will take these human errors over instant replays and using cameramen reviews to dispute calls on the pitch. Call me old fashioned... :sleepy:


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
++ [ originally posted by swag ] ++
While this was clearly a blown call, I can also see the FA's position on it. It's difficult to be on the pitch and to see whether the ball fully crossed the line (easy from a side-on perspective) when you're practically on the other half of the pitch.
Well ol' Fergie was standin' 20 friggin yards back and he said he saw it!


Sep 23, 2003
++ [ originally posted by NEDVED ] ++
what the hell?? they must rematch because its unfair, its obvious!!
Obvious to someone watching replays on the Internet or on their TVs.

I know I'm something of a Luddite in this regard, but as with other sports with video replays (e.g., American football), I hate it when the perspective of some lazy slob eating a bag of Doritos on his couch in front of the TV somehow becomes the reference point for decisions made on the pitch in a match. I don't want to see control of the game being handed over to appease some star chamber of people hundreds if not thousands of miles from the stadium.

Sports will always be subjective and flawed because of the human element. No matter how many cameras and laser beams you add to try to make it scientific, you will fail. Because it will always come down to human judgement.

As flawed as referees are (misjudgements, bribes, or otherwise), the only sustainable, consistent, and fair rule you can establish is that the play on the pitch must not convince those in front of a video monitor in a forensics lab .... it must convince the referees on the pitch who are in charge of ruling the match, not the casual fan sitting on his couch with the luxury of slow motion. That's not the beautiful game at all, but rather something entirely different.

So my rebuttal to the Totts protesters (as if I can be accused of being a ManU fan :eek: ) is that the perspective that matters isn't yours, but that of the officials'. They're the ones that the players must convince, not a bunch of wankers in front of their TV sets.

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