Roman Abrahmovic...! (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jul 23, 2002
I doubt that will ever happen since we have this Great Lybian friend
who spent this season on PErguia bench

ofcourse I am talking about LAfacio and Al Saadi
May 4, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #6
    ++ [ originally posted by Ahmed ] ++
    but then Juve will lose its identity ...

    .... no matter at lerast we will bring better players than appiah
    :rofl: man ppl here are so rush! stop it ahmed ;) he will shine next season!!


    Bench Warmer
    Dec 23, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Juve_Kosova ] ++

    :rofl: man ppl here are so rush! stop it ahmed ;) he will shine next season!!
    I was one of the people who wanted Appiah to come to Juve and replace Davids..... but after watching him play like s*** I regret it :down:


    May 11, 2004
    Juve are no big spenders and will not be, we do not need Abramo throwing money....there won't be a Juventus charm in the team...Appiah will be great next season


    Dec 16, 2003
    Juve_kosova: i agree with all what u said till now in this thread ..

    Ahmed : did davids shine with his first year with juve??? why Juve fans always judge like this?? WHY? it's the team that sucks this year Not appiah !

    P.s as Kosova said : we don't need Abrahamovic;)


    Senior Member
    Feb 21, 2004
    Hmmm... what about the Agnelli family? Owners of Fiat are too cheap?

    We don't need no foreign investors. As not the most expensive players, but playing tactics matter. Look at Porto (CL Final, UEFA Cup winner), look at Valencia (2 Spanish titles in 3 years, UEFA Cup Final). These teams don't have Zidanes and Ronaldos and are winning!

    And what about Romka's Chelsea? 2nd place in EPL and kicked out of the CL. So what? We are third in a less competative league. And Real? Lost 5 games out of 6... or something like that.
    Aug 1, 2003
    I don't know. on one hand he'd come in handy to provide us financial security, on the other, seeing new "Juve fans" and calling Juventus Juveski or something is just someting I'd rather not think about :D
    May 4, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #13
    ++ [ originally posted by azzurri7 ] ++
    Juve_kosova: i agree with all what u said till now in this thread ..

    Ahmed : did davids shine with his first year with juve??? why Juve fans always judge like this?? WHY? it's the team that sucks this year Not appiah !

    P.s as Kosova said : we don't need Abrahamovic;)
    thats right .. i really hope that appiah will play nice next season, and then all the juve fans that say's he sucks, they will lern, to not judge a player for he's first season, and not at all when the hole team have played f***'ed up this term!


    Junior Member
    Apr 24, 2003
    Chelsea has hit jackpot with Abrahamovic

    but usually the big financiers aren't so keen on spending
    And Chelsea might one day hit a very hard brick wall called reality

    when Putin perhaps decides that Abrahamovic has gained his fortune on illeagal grounds and should return it to the Russian State

    And that Brick Wall Will be Fiorentina/Leeds cubed or X10.

    Usually these benefitiars are frauds and not santa's
    Look at what LAfacio has done to PAOK saved them from bankruption but playing wise they are not doign well

    The same can be said for the Sheik and LEeds who just got relegated....

    its not always a romantic ending to these financiers
    Therefor I hope Roma really might screw up with those Russian's


    Senior Member
    Mar 28, 2004
    Its a matter of personal ethics.

    If your want that your team transformed in a toy and suported by the easy and capritiously expended (because it is dirty money) millions of the russian mafia, you can support chelsea.

    If you prefer a team proud of being based in discipline, Hard work and effort, who alway has as a rule to keep a balanced budget and still be THE MOST VICTORIUS TEAM IN THE MOST DEMANDING can support juventus.
    Aug 1, 2003
    Sutnop, you come and go as you please. for once stay longer :D

    Look sure if Abramovich would turn us into a rather more "marketable" team like Madrid and Mu and the likes, and that would suck, but let's not forget he provides financial security. Besides I don't think our BODs would let him spend as much as he pleases, the Agnellis should have the main say on this should he wants to change our team

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