replacing Davids (3 Viewers)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++
dont foerget conte and tudor :groan:

too many people

we mus get rid of someone then..
Not really, we need around 8 or 9 midfielders to have a strong team in all competitions...since we play with 5 or 6 midfielders at a time

1. nedved
2. stankovic
3. tacchinardi
4. maresca
5. appiah
6. camoranesi,
7. olivera
8. brighi
9. blasi

Sell Conte to Lecce... Tudor's a defender...

Dj Juve

Dj Juve

Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
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    then in tudor's case, he's gonna be on the bench quite alot..

    about tofting, he's not even EPL quality, so please to mention him here


    Senior Member
    Aug 28, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by BloodOnMoral ] ++
    We can't replace Davids, that is the true IMO. Maybe Stankovic could do that, but still he hasn't got the same determination :(
    Agree :down:
    We can manage to have a good MF also without Davids, but nobody can replace him :down:


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
    There've been a lot of names mentioned here, and I amn't exactly qualified to comment on all of them, but for those I do watch regularly or occasionally, most are far from Juve's standard.

    was mentioned in passing by a Dane. I think he was half-joking, but some of you aren't. Trust me, the guy's a tank, with the stamina of a bull, but he looks workman-like even in Everton's extreemly workman-like midfield.

    Has a lot of potential, but he's not in the class of the top defensive mids just yet. Has disiplinary problems. Has been known to enjoy the odd tipple, or indeed bottle, before matches. Would take stupid money (as in like E50m) to even get Liverpool to let one of their prized youth products to leave. Would be extreemly hard to convince even then that Juve, or even Italy, was the place for him. Just isn't worth all that hassle.

    Is as good as they get, and would definately replace Davids - he'd be an improvement. I heard a few months ago that a couple of Arsenal players had signed new contracts, Wenger and Henry lead the pack, but I don't remember whether or not Vieira was involved. He's certainly made the right noises about signing now. May not see Italy as a nice place to return to, give the problems he had with Milan, and during away games there with Arsenal. May not consider Juve better than MAdrid, who are likely to be very interested too, after their sale of Makelele.

    is an average player, versitile, certainly worth havign in the squad, but his potential is great enough that Bayern are unlikely to let him go on the cheap, which makes him a dodgy investment.

    Xavi Alonso:
    I've unfortunately not seen him play, but Spanish friends rated him higher than Makelele, who was mentioned here. Young. Prpbably not cheap though.

    Sure, go right ahead and make a bid that Roman Abrahmovic can't afford to refuse... :rolleyes:
    Sep 21, 2003
    Davids is leaving Juve(thats a fact). We have a sensational midfield duo now Appiah and Tacchinardi. We still need a good replacement for him. Stankovic and Viera are the top contenders:

    Dejan Stankovic (Lazio)- An amazing midfielder in the offence and defence side. He has shown us last season that he is a very talented player. He is closer than Viera b/c of his contract problems, he could come to Turin for free.

    Patrick Viera(Arsenal)- The MOST COMPLETE MIDFIELDER TODAY.
    He will be an all-star replacement for Davids. HE ALSO IS GONNA BE EXPENSIVE TO BUY.

    Why doesn't Davids go to Roma in January for a price instead of for free at June.

    Aug 1, 2003
    i always thought of gattuso as the italian version of davids. he's determined, aggressive, and had the highest rating of tackles last season in CL. he even has a few red cards to match davids' (tee hee...)

    of course, he doesn't suit the all-good-looking juve squad and he's from milan *puke*puke*puke* but i think he'll be the perfect replacement, though i can't guarantee he can cooperate with the players...

    ohhhh if only moggi could get him, i can't wait to see the horrified faces of the milan fans...!
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by sallyinzaghi ] ++
    i always thought of gattuso as the italian version of davids. he's determined, aggressive, and had the highest rating of tackles last season in CL. he even has a few red cards to match davids' (tee hee...)

    of course, he doesn't suit the all-good-looking juve squad and he's from milan *puke*puke*puke* but i think he'll be the perfect replacement, though i can't guarantee he can cooperate with the players...

    ohhhh if only moggi could get him, i can't wait to see the horrified faces of the milan fans...!
    You've got a point, but I really think that Moggi is making Appiah the replacement for Davids, and with Maresca, Blasi, and Brighi also in the mix, there's really no reason to bring in Gattusso or anyone else, unless there's an injury or somehting.


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by sallyinzaghi ] ++
    i always thought of gattuso as the italian version of davids. he's determined, aggressive, and had the highest rating of tackles last season in CL. he even has a few red cards to match davids' (tee hee...)
    Gattuso is a tank, all brute force and running, but he's a good player if you have the right midfield partner for him. He and Nedved would be an excellant pairing. Still, how do you tempt him from Milan? Isn't that his home club?
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by mikhail ] ++
    Gattuso is a tank, all brute force and running, but he's a good player if you have the right midfield partner for him. He and Nedved would be an excellant pairing. Still, how do you tempt him from Milan? Isn't that his home club?


    Senior Member
    Oct 6, 2002
    forget vieira - he would be good but would do exactly what tach does in matches as they are the same kind of players. but if you could get him on a free then it would be good.

    i think we will either play with the 4312 or 4231 next season. we should try to get stankovic or vieira on a free. i would prefer stankovic:





    ---miccoli----------------nedved--------------del piero

    the second is what we have now at full strength. the first would be amazing. dont complain their is no creativity because that is COMPLETELY FALSE. tach, appiah and stankovic can both defend and attack and are capable of through balls and assists. all have good shots. all can tackle and combined are determined. that is not a midfield any other team would want to play against.


    Junior Member
    Dec 13, 2002
    Stankovic would be a HUGE upgrade over any midfielder we have now bar Maresca. Any 4-2-3-1 variant with attacking minded DMs is never a good idea. A standard 4-4-2 with Stankovic, Nedved, Appiah and a winger (say Vicente/Joaquin) would be THE extreme dynamic, power-packed combi that'll overrun just about any team in Europe.

    Whether a team is more offensive-minded fundamentally dependent on the system they employ and the mindset they have. That has no direct correlation with the total number of attackers in the lineup. Hence, a 4-4-2 used right could actually be more offensive than a strained 4-2-3-1, especially one which shackles players into positions when it should be the other way round.

    But its early days yet for the 4-2-3-1. Who knows ... we might even get it to work in a vastly different way from the Spaniards'. For that to happen, trials/errors, bad results will be inevitable so its up to Lippi to decide how much is he willing to risk for how much he thinks its worth. I estimated by December but ADP's injury complicates matters big-time.

    (NB. Nedved, Stankovic, Veron ... all former Lazialis and it has fully hit home what a kickass midfield they had then, possibly even surpassing our ZZ, Davids, Deschamps combi)


    Junior Member
    Dec 13, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by [LAC] ] ++
    slack we can only thank their scouts ;)
    Indeed. Should we acquire Stankovic, Lazio would be like our 2nd farm after Parma. All the pillaging must've been depressing for them fans. Roma next ... they deserve it simply coz of Sensi.

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