Referee under police protection (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2002
By Sebastian Usher
BBC world media reporter

The Swiss referee who disallowed a goal by England in their Euro 2004 quarter-final with Portugal says he has been put under police protection.

Urs Meier told a Swiss radio station that he been advised to go into hiding after receiving death threats.

He has been accused by England's tabloid press of being responsible for the national team's defeat.

Mr Meier said he had received more than 16,000 e-mails after his address was printed in a newspaper.

Mr Meier told Swiss Radio International that he stood by his decision on the goal, but that the public response had come as a shock.

"We have security problems in my office. We have security problems for myself and this is not the right way to handle this referee decision if it is right or not right," he said.

His house was tracked down by reporters from England's largest-circulation tabloid, the Sun, who planted an English flag outside it.

British MPs have also tabled a motion in the House of Commons criticising the quality of refereeing in the tournament, the Press Association news agency reported.

Mr Meier said he found the "overheated" reaction from the English media and fans hard to reconcile with the image he used to have of the country.

"I was always of the opinion that fair play in England is really important, and also the respect from the officials, but I never expected this reaction," he said.

"I hope that after the Euro and after some days, they forget something and I have my private life back."

Buy on


Senior Member
Jun 15, 2004
I read the section in the sun newspaper today.

It wasnt Mr Meiers email address that was printed. It was a swiss radio presenters. They printed his email address and mobile phone number because this presenter give the sun email address and phone number on his radio station and told people to people to 'Give the shit back to England' and give them 'abusive calls'. The sun claim to have been bombared with emails and calls.

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
Urs is fearful of the English now, after being forever barred from entering into the country of Romania. Urs' refereeing mistakes will soon see him unable to travel.


Senior Member
Jul 23, 2002
Yo you Know if it was Collina everyone wouldve just backed off and send polite emails like Mr Collina the greatest ref ever I know the dissallowed goal of Sol was clearly not a goal and if it was allowed then it should be dissallowed and seeing that it wasnt a foul as terry cleary commited GBH on Ricardo I fully agree that there was no goal:confused::D hope you like the flowers.

Mike. leader of NF and member of BNP


Sep 23, 2003
I guess some England fans just want to prove they won't be outdone by the Croatia fans at the Croatia-France game for lowball behavior at this tournament. :down:


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by PersianMafia ] ++
16000? he must have had gmail ;)
I know this quote's already been acknowledged plenty of times, but I have to give credit where credit's due

:howler: Bravo


Senior Member
Jun 15, 2004
Yeah shame on us for reacting to what the swedish guy did :D

What did he expect. Start a bloody campaign to bombard England newspaper with hate calls and get away with it? :)

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