Real Madrid want Gianluigi Buffon (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
I thought this is an interesting article. I found it on (a very famous spanish football website, they like Real Madrid)
Maybe its a bit early, but its still interesting


El club quiere dos guardametas de garantías y ve al italiano como el ideal

REY DE ITALIA. Buffon está reconocido como el mejor portero italiano del momento.(JESÚS AGUILERA)


La maquinaria del Real Madrid para consolidar un futuro sin los sobresaltos vividos esta temporada sigue apuntalando sus objetivos. Uno de ellos pasa por la portería. El club considera a Iker Casillas un icono de la cantera y un símbolo para los jóvenes, pero se ve positivo contratar para la temporada 2005-06 a un guardameta con caché internacional y experiencia sobrada que pueda aumentar la competitividad y el nivel de exigencia del canterano. El elegido es Gianluigi Buffon. Es el portero titular de Italia y de la Juventus, con la que ya ganó el pulso al Madrid hace una temporada en las semifinales de la Champions League.

La operación no corre prisa. De hecho, el Madrid no ha movido ningún hilo con el club turinés. Ayer se cruzaron amistosamente Florentino Pérez y Roberto Bettega (vicepresidente de la Juventus) en la reunión del G-14 en Bruselas y no salió en la conversación el nombre del portero nacido en Carrara hace ahora 26 años.

Toca esperar. Buffon tiene contrato con la Juve hasta el 30 de junio de 2006, por lo que el Madrid no moverá ficha hasta dentro de un año. Casillas, al que el Madrid espera renovar a medio plazo su contrato, que acaba en la misma fecha, tiene ahora 23 años y el Madrid prefiere que dada su juventud no se vea con el peligro de no tener que luchar por la titularidad. A Buffon se le viene siguiendo desde hace un par de temporadas, pero se prefiere esperar a que le reste sólo un año de contrato (como ocurre con Totti en el Roma) para que el propio jugador presione a su club y que le deje salir para esa fecha por una cantidad razonable. En caso contrario, en 2006 se iría gratis.

Buffon lleva tres temporadas en la Vecchia Signora y ha ganado el pulso a Toldo en la selección. Además, es un hombre-anuncio muy cotizado entre los deportistas que generan ingresos paralelos. Vamos, que en el Madrid lo ven con el perfil idóneo para ser fichado. Eso sí, Casillas no se toca, no se vende.

Buffon. Juventus. 26 años

Procede de familia de deportistas. Su madre fue lanzadora de disco y su padre lanzador de peso. Sus hermanas juegan en la Liga italiana de voley. Comenzó su carrera en el Parma y debutó en la Serie A con 17 años. En 1999 gana el Trofeo Bravo y se proclama campeón de la Copa de Italia, Supercopa de Italia y UEFA con su equipo. En 2001 ficha por la Juventus de Turín, donde se consolida y gana dos Scudettos. Ha sido 42 veces internacional con Italia.

L’Equipe sitúa a Frey en el Madrid

“¿Un nuevo guardián del gol para el Real Madrid?”. Así comienza el prestigioso diario francés L’Equipe su información sobre el posible interés del Real Madrid en fichar al meta francés Sebastien Frey, actualmente en las filas del Parma. El rotativo ya da una cifra para el traspaso del jugador al Madrid, que rondaría los siete millones de euros. Frey, de 24 años de edad, llegó al Parma en 2001. Se formó en el Cannes y ha vestido la camiseta del Inter de Milán y del Verona. Hasta el momento, ha disputado 160 encuentros en la Serie A italiana y 20 en competición europea.

Hace unas fechas se rumoreó que Sebastien Frey podía acabar en las filas del Bayern Múnich o del Arsenal. Es uno de los metas franceses que goza de mayor popularidad.

Ill translate the relevant parts:

Real Madrid's machinery to have a good future without this season's surprises keeps trying to get its objectives. One of them is the goalkeeper. The club considers Iker Casillas an icon and a symbol for the youth, but it looks positive to hire for the 05-06 an international goalkeeper with experience that could push up the competitivity of Casillas. The chosen one is Gianluigi Buffon. The starting goalkeeper for Italy and Juventus already beat Madrid's pulse a season ago in the Champions League semifinals.

The operation isnt going fast. In fact, Madrid hasnt moved anything with the Turin club. Yesterday there was a friendly encounter between Florentino Perez and Roberto Bettega (Juventus' vicepresident) in the G-14 reunion in Brussels, and the 26-year old goalkeeper name wasnt mentioned in the conversation.

We'll have to wait. Buffon has a contract with Juve until june 30rd 2006, so Madrid wont do anything until next year. Buffon has been followed by Madrid since a couple of seasons ago, but they prefer to wait until there is a year left on his contract (like Totti with Roma) so the player himself can push the club to be freed in that date for a reasonable amount. In another case, in 2006 he'd leave for free.

Buffon has been three seasons in the Vecchia Signora and has won against Toldo in the national team. Besides, he's a billboard-man very wanted between all the men that get parallel earnings. In Madrid they see him with the ideal profile to be bought. But Casillas wont be touched, and wont be sold.

Madrid's first objective is to put pressure on Casillas.

Buy on


Sep 23, 2003
Real also wants Frey from Parma. What gives? Are they planning to play two goalies simultaneously in their formation next season?


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by swag ] ++
Real also wants Frey from Parma. What gives? Are they planning to play two goalies simultaneously in their formation next season?
With their defensive record, it wouldn't hurt them.


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
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    ++ [ originally posted by sallyinzaghi ] ++
    to whom? Poor casillas, I think he's done fairly well for his share in madrid, plus he's a homegrown player ain't he?
    Yeah, thats what the article says, but they want to put some pressure and give him a little competition... but I bet he doesnt want to be in the bench and neither will want Buffon or the "International goalkepper" they'll get


    Senior Member
    Feb 21, 2004
    This is not stupid at all. They are starting all these speculations to make Casillas feel that he is not immortal. And that if he doesn't hustle he might be replaced with another high class g/k.

    I think we need to do the same thing with Buffon. Moral stimulation wouldn't hurt him.


    Junior Member
    Apr 11, 2004

    You can tell that you don't know who is the writer of the article...

    TOMAS RONCERO is the most pathetic Soccer Journalist that I've ever read...

    Every monday he "chats" with all the Real Madrid fans and he starts to lie and to says stupid things...

    He is so ridiculous... He was the one that say yesterday that Emerson wanted to go to Madrid, went the brazilian already said that he wanted Juve...

    He was the one who said that this summer will go Henry and Vieira to Madrid, because everybody wants to go there, and after they screwed his plans...

    He was the one that in the starts of the season, promised that Madrid will win everything, "Liga, cup and Champions" and that the tecnique of having only good players in the forward was the best of the world...

    I really hope that someday you can read more of this stuff, and you will see what I'm talking about... Is the best medicine for "sad" days...


    Junior Member
    May 1, 2004
    whats the bet madrid won't buy any goalkeepers for the following year. This is the work of a desperate journalist!


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003

    real will get buffon as a manager(when he will be at 58 years old) first than as a goalkeeper now......

    The funiest thing is that they dont ant to leave asillas.... but they want to have "2 galatic" keepers........

    I just can see Casillas or buffon saying week after week " I deserve to be in the first eleven!! "


    Junior Member
    Apr 11, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
    whats the bet madrid won't buy any goalkeepers for the following year. This is the work of a desperate journalist!
    They have to buy a goalkeeper because Cesar, the second right now, is leaving the club...

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