Re Juvenation? (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
I know I am going to surprise many people here, but I expect there will be a massive shakeup of the team teregardless of how this group do this year CL and Serie A.
Of course my prediction is merely a conjecture without solid base on insider info. but my "gut" feeling says that this year deals will be coming...:).
So why do I think there will be a massive shakeup rather than just mere adjustment on the team.

1) Uncertainty of Lippi's future. With imminent departure of Trap after Euro 2004, Lippi will be leading contender for the post. Even if he doesnt become the Azzurri boss, there have been no indications that he will re-sign the contract, and it seems he will leave when the contract expires. We all know what happened last time we were in similar situations. I think Moogi is smart enough man to realize this. I expect Lippi to leave this summer.
Deschamp would make a good coach to me and he should handle the pressure well and he is relative more experienced than Del Neri at this level of soccer. He also understands the culture of the team. Not to mention his contract should not be too big compared to big-name coaches like Cuper and Capello and we all know Moggi likes value for money.

2) Aging stars. It is known fact that we have aging team so it may seem I am merely stating an obvious. However, the fact that there are many top stars that is aging, Del Piero, Nedved, Thuram, all at the same time means that opportunity cost of not selling players will be huge. Even more so, considering that we can use this money to invest on young budding talents. Nedved, I believe, has a contract which expires in 2006 and will probably star for Czech in Euro 2004, so it will be good time to get good money for him. Thuram is part of an aging defence and with Trabelsi, younger and more attacking version of Thuram, desperate to come here, Thuram should not be indispensible.

3) Trezeguet's contract: Juve made mistake with Davids, and I doubt they'll make same mistake with Trez. Not to mention the fact that Trez is nowhere near the player Davids is. Juve, I believe, will almost certainly sell Trez unless a) no any decent offer comes in 2) Trez accepts contract on Juve terms. Right now, there seems to be plenty of interests and Trez isnt likely to accept Juve's offer.

4) Davids loan: I think there is a "gentleman's agreement" between Barca and Juve, if Barca pull out of race to sign Tiago. After all, there was no significant reason for Juve to loan him out based on the fact a) we are giving up money which we could have got by selling him to other teams i.e. Inter, b) Moggi if he was pissed off, as reportedly, could have far more damage to Davids by sucking him on the bench. There must have been some reason for Juve to choose Barca as a destination for Davids.

5) Weak and aging defence: Do I need to add more?;).

So as shocked as I to write this, I think Juve will be very active in the transfer market and I expect the team to make big deals or at least signings which will makes us 1) younger 2) better. While Moggi is not always known for big signings with 2001-2002 being exception, there is no better GM in the world that evaluates the teams needs better and spotting young talents like him. Moggi will be aware of all the issues I have suggested since Moggi is capable CEO, and I expect him to do wheel&deel this summer since there isn't really internal solution. So keep on dreaming for Mexes, Ferraris, Tevez, Cavenaghis...;):p

Buy on


Senior Member
Jul 16, 2003
I like your last line the best Jun-Hide :D

But i do believe that we may loose Nedved. He's worth alot now and he is't very young either. It would make sense to get more money for him now. That could also help in funding new defencers.

DP. I don't really know how to say it but i think that he is too rooted to Juve. And i feel that he will remain with us.

Dj Juve

Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Sunshine ] ++

DP. I don't really know how to say it but i think that he is too rooted to Juve. And i feel that he will remain with us.
sadly :D

Actually i really would love for him to stay just as long he is treated the same as every other player and plays his role properly


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
Jun i think we're jumping the gun here a lil bit. All your points are valid. But i dont see it happening like a revolution. It has to be gradual. All the introductions will take place while maintaining the solid foundation that has been laid. It cant have a new coach and new players coming in together. Because Juve would probably lose the mentality that has been drilled in to the team. Having said that, there is no doubt a few players will come in. But i strongly have my doubts as to how many will be sold. And im pretty certain Lippi is staying on. He stands for the culture that prevails at Juve today. And i think Moggi more than nething would not want that to change as long as he can have it his way.


Senior Member
Jul 16, 2003
It is gradual..... it's started already with your current newbies Mico etc... the next to change must surely be the defence cause they can be quite awful. The rest..... may not happen in this year.

Dj Juve

Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
i think what Jun was trying to say about the attack was, that if we dont sell players like Nedved and DP while their value is high, we'll never sell him

but actually, i would love to see Neddy retire here and become a member of the backroom staff


Jul 15, 2002
1. The Lippi Saga Part II
It is true that there is a possibility that Lippi might be leaving in the summer. Suppose Lippi actually left for the Azzurri job. I think the timing would be perfect. I mean there is no better time for a team to get a new coach like in our situation. Most players are ageing so the incoming coach has a chance to sort of start from scratch if you know what I mean. I second your suggestion of Deschamps for two reasons:
a) He knows the Juve spirit & personified it excellently. He understands the work ethics too.
b) He's been through heavy pressure & sorted the situation brilliantly at Monaco. OK there is no way credit can go to Deschamp without mentioning Giuly. The question is, will he be tempted to bring Giuly with him and what repercurssions would that raise?

2. Ageing Stars & 5. Weak & Ageing Defence
Frankly age to a certain extent is sometimes irrelevant when it comes to football but when it hits it hurts. Look at Zola, Baggio etc & you'll understand where am coming from. I think we should concentrate on the defence as age hits hardest in this position. Granted that all bar Zambrotta & Legro are candidates for the retirement home then urgent measures should be taken. I don't understand Moggi's reluctance to comment on Trabelsi's recent remarks. Could it possibly be something to do with the Non-EU quota. Throw Gonzalo Rodriguez into the equation and things get complex. I believe that if we get atleast 2 defenders this January then this might have a marked impact on our performance.

3.Trezequet's Contract
I have a feeling that he will be a Juve player come next season. Though am opposed to a sole striker formation it seems like Lippi cannot dispense with it & I believe there will be a positive resolution to Trez's contract. To be fair to Di Vaio he has not had the chance to be the centre of the team as Trez has always been. It would be interesting to see a game which was geared towards Di Vaio's strengths though.

4. Davids Loan
As much as I would love to see Davids finish his career at Juve there seems to be a different conclusion to this fairy tale. It would so cool for Davids' icon to remain associated with Juve but times are a changing. Football wise I seem not to be able to remember when Davids had a decent game. Of course this could be because of the numerous problems he's had off the field. My comments for Davids ..... Than you very much & fare thee well Pitbull.

Much as I would like wholesale changes to take place we all know that at Juve that is impossible. Speculate people, speculate & let's see where this goes.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Nice posts and valid points, but I agree that we're getting ahead of ourselves a bit here. I don't see a massive shakeup happening; maybe we'll have a great transfer season, but i don't imagine we'll be doing mixing, matching and swapping


Senior Member
Sep 30, 2003
I hope we at least do something :rolleyes: otherwise, I think one season all of a sudden Juve is going to go way down in quality


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
Well the defense will probably be revamped in the true sense of the word. But apart from that, i cant really see anything drastic happening. Atleast not this season.
Aug 1, 2003
well we need to rejuvenate our defense mainly, they're undoubtedly ageing. lippi has insisted that he'll stay with Juve, so... hope thats true. I think trez should stay, always have. davids to barca was a good deal to me.


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2002
I don't think Lippi will get the job. When Trap leaves, the guy they're most likely gonna choose would be Capello. Besides, since Lippi is already 'building a new core', why would he leave at such a crucial moment?


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
Sally, i think Capello would be the happier of the 2 coaches to leave his current job. Im sure he's sick of sensi, now. And that may juist prompt him to put his name up there.

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