R.I.P. Todd and Timmy (3 Viewers)

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
On Saturday, to celebrate U.S. Independence Day, I vow to shit in my unders, remove them, and slip them through the mail slot on my neighbor's front door. Here's to you, Todd & Timmy.


Nov 26, 2006
The US is independent?

How/when the fuck did that happen?

The slave trade is still going strong, though, right?


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
When Todd and Timmy died, their friends and family thought their souls went to heaven to live with the Lord. Unfortunately, due to a hardcore porn masturbation addiction, God did not let them in.

Instead, Todd and Timmy are now living in hell with all the severed heads. Lucifer, being the humorous fellow he is, decided to use their heads as flying demons for the coming of the AntiChrist. When He comes, the heads will be released on Earth and will eat their family members.

In the word of the Lord, thanks be to Allah.

RIP their heads off.



"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Why did Todd and Timmy have to die?
Because they loved their job and still worked on the towers while the planes were crashing. They were devoted and died serving those "ugly" towers, as Seven calls them.

Seven loved seeing their heads fly.

Timmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. :cry:


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Window Washers Upset With Conspiracy Theories
New York Times
July 4th, 2009

Former World Trade Center window washers expressed concerns regarding the mounting claims that government officials had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks.

The WW2 window washing company lost two of their employees during the attacks, Todd and Timmy Burke of West Virginia. As the planes struck, their heads were severed from their body and flew over the Verrazano Bridge, landing in New Jersey. While the heads remain on display at Ground Zero, their friends are still grieving.

"Why do these fags keep saying that we blew up our own towers?", washer Vinni Mancino shouted. "It was those damn towel heads I tell you. While I was on the other tower, I saw that damn sand nigger in the cockpit. He had a stupid towel on his head and I could even hear him screaming Allah Buckbar in the damn plane."

"Fuck these conspiracy theorists!" another man told the Times. Randy Mouse, 58 of New Rochelle, provided more insight to what happened on 9/11. "I saw those planes hit. They had nuke-clear bombs in those planes, I tell ya. That's how the towers collapsed. Them damn terrorists bought the material from Iran, fucking towel heads! Obama is a pussy for not nuking the bastards. And I'm tired of fags investigating this shit, cuz the government never stages terror attacks."

The comments are not entirely true, unfortunately. Operation Northwoods, a plan under the Kennedy administration, called for staging attacks in Florida and blaming them on the Cubans.

"Todd and Timmy were heros and don't appreciate this theory talk," concluded Mancino. "Lets put all these goddamn theorists in FEMA Camps where they belong!"

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