Quitting smoking (13 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
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Chill, go have a smoke and relax:D... We are just discussing.
I am chill, man. I just find it annoying when people do that, you're not the first or last and there's no offense intended. I'm currently a genuine smoker and have no intention to quit soon. But I know what's waiting for me when I decide to quit, I've done it already, and I don't need someone who never smoked telling me what is and what's not.


Dec 16, 2003
Why not to tell you? I have several friends if not all big time smokers, my relatives, my brothers in law, mates at work etc.. I tell them the same thing.

I just don't like it when smokers intend to exaggerate things and make it as if they're dying slowly when they quit. Of course not all are the same but majority act like drama queens.

My Mother smoked for 23 years, 2packets per day... She managed to stop after she was convinced, she never got ill/sick or whatever, it was tough only the first two to four days and that's because she felt the need of holding something in her hand after lunch/dinner or when she's enjoying company etc.. but after after 5 days it all went okay.

You can stop, you will suffer for few days, 1week at most, but you can manage to quit if you want. That's the whole point.


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
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Why not to tell you? I have several friends if not all big time smokers, my relatives, my brothers in law, mates at work etc.. I tell them the same thing.

I just don't like it when smokers intend to exaggerate things and make it as if they're dying slowly when they quit. Of course not all are the same but majority act like drama queens.

My Mother smoked for 23 years, 2packets per day... She managed to stop after she was convinced, she never got ill/sick or whatever, it was tough only the first two to four days and that's because she felt the need of holding something in her hand after lunch/dinner or when she's enjoying company etc.. but after after 5 days it all went okay.

You can stop, you will suffer for few days, 1week at most, but you can manage to quit if you want. That's the whole point.
Because I generally dislike people telling me what to do. Even if I'm aware they are right, out of spite I will do the opposite thing, even if it means a negative impact on myself. I have my father to thank for that and I wish someday he'll realize it. :D

That is true, some REALLY do exaggerate and make a whole drama out of it, I have no case there.

Like I said, quitting is definitely possible, it's not the hardest thing in the world...but, it has it's setbacks and issues. It's not as easy as non-smokers believe. Lucky exceptions are always there.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
No, it's you non-smokers who should save the speech on things you're not familiar with. It's like Buffon telling Del Piero how to take a free-kick.
ALL the things you listed there are minor and disappear within two weeks.

So what are you bitching about?


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
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ALL the things you listed there are minor and disappear within two weeks.

So what are you bitching about?
I'm not bitching at all, I'm just saying it's not "all in the head". But most of all, I'm annoyed by people who talk about stuff they don't have any experience with.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
I'm not bitching at all, I'm just saying it's not "all in the head". But most of all, I'm annoyed by people who talk about stuff they don't have any experience with.
No offence, but I've seen tens of my friends quit smoking just like that. And some were pretty heavy smokers. It's not that hard either. I agree that doing it the way Alen does it is very sensible, but why act as if you're making huge sacrifices?


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
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No offence, but I've seen tens of my friends quit smoking just like that. And some were pretty heavy smokers. It's not that hard either. I agree that doing it the way Alen does it is very sensible, but why act as if you're making huge sacrifices?
I already said, I'm not trying to quit currently. I'm a happy smoker for now. I also said, I smoked for 5 years and I quit for 2.5 years and did it pretty easily, so I'm not trying to justify something that happened to me. What it all comes down to is annoyance that comes from non-smokers, and the use of words; weaklings, it's all in your head, etc. What's so hard to understand? It's like you get annoyed when Muslims try to justify their religion to you.


Dec 16, 2003
Non-smokers aren't allowed to have an opinion? Do I need to smoke two packs now and return back to you to take into consideration what I'm posting? Please...

Just like you are addicted to cigarettes I'm addicted to other things, I can quit these things without making it like it's the biggest step ever nor like I'm suffering to quit.

That's all, stop mentioning over and over again how non smokers shouldn't have a word in this. Lame.


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
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Non-smokers aren't allowed to have an opinion? Do I need to smoke two packs now and return back to you to take into consideration what I'm posting? Please...

Just like you are addicted to cigarettes I'm addicted to other things, I can quit these things without making it like it's the biggest step ever nor like I'm suffering to quit.

That's all, stop mentioning over and over again how non smokers shouldn't have a word in this. Lame.
That's not what I said at all. You're allowed to have a word in everything, but you're not fucking smoking are you? So how the heck do you know what it's like to smoke or quit smoking? It's not something you can reasonably judge for crying out loud because you're NOT doing it.

I had a number of discussions with Martin about this, who is a hardcore anti-smoker and has a very hard opinion about it, but what it comes down to; he's not smoking and he doesn't wanna inhale other people's toxin. That's something I can understand, even though I don't agree. But never once did he tell me; smoking is not an addiction, if you can't quit you're weak, etc. It's obviously something he has no knowledge about as he never smoked in his life.


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
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Screw you Rab, I really need a smoke now and I gotta go out on the windy balcony to get it. :D
Apr 15, 2006
you think you're going to live forever?
let's just enjoy the time we have on this planet
if one thinks a smoke gives him some sort of pleasure, then let him
as long as you do that without harming anybody else I really don't see the problem with it
sure smoking kills but so does alcohol and you don't hear anybody complaining about that
Chill out man, I was joking! :D

BTW Seven, it's not all in your head. 2-3 days after I stopped smoking, I had pains in my stomach, headache, a bit of fever, constipation and severe coughing. I've suffered from these before, but not all of them at the same time. There had to be a connection, and it was cos I quit smoking.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
Chill out man, I was joking! :D

BTW Seven, it's not all in your head. 2-3 days after I stopped smoking, I had pains in my stomach, headache, a bit of fever, constipation and severe coughing. I've suffered from these before, but not all of them at the same time. There had to be a connection, and it was cos I quit smoking.
Exactly. That's what the research says. 2 days after you quit smoking, you go through a rough period.


The Ocean Star
May 20, 2009
I lost the most important person to me last week. My Father Omar passed away from emphysema. He fought a long hard fight but in the end the lack of air was to much for him.

Alhamdulillah that his passing was peaceful.

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
I lost the most important person to me last week. My Father Omar passed away from emphysema. He fought a long hard fight but in the end the lack of air was to much for him.

Alhamdulillah that his passing was peaceful.
Sorry to hear that man. Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un.

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