Primavera to the BIG team (4 Viewers)


Junior Member
Mar 25, 2004

Did you consider that some players from Primavera are good enough to play in the BIG team? you know playing matches at serie A championship. I think that Lippi must work with these guys while the stars play the EUROCUP I think that Chiumento can substitute Trezeguet (if trezegol is sold). Hey and what happened with Benjamin I haven't heard of him for a long time.

See u


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Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of players Gasbarroni, Palladino and Benjamin will become. They're the most talked up at the moment. I haven't seen any of them play, so i'll just go by what i've heard :nervous:
Jan 7, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Graham ] ++
I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of players Gasbarroni, Palladino and Benjamin will become. They're the most talked up at the moment. I haven't seen any of them play, so i'll just go by what i've heard :nervous:
i wish i could see them play


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
++ [ originally posted by juvecento ] ++

Did you consider that some players from Primavera are good enough to play in the BIG team? you know playing matches at serie A championship. I think that Lippi must work with these guys while the stars play the EUROCUP I think that Chiumento can substitute Trezeguet (if trezegol is sold). Hey and what happened with Benjamin I haven't heard of him for a long time.

See u

Good point, juvecento, and welcome to the boards!

It is probably a good idea to get those youngsters involved, but Lippi certainly doesn't seem to share this approach. And he is right in a way. A team should have a good substitute for every position in the starting 11. If those guys (experienced substitutes) don't get to play at all (like in Coppa Italia games and friendlies), they will feel abandoned and will want to leave the club.

The best solution to this is renting out primavera players, the way MU has been doing it for a while now. And then observe- how these guys play. Best ones come back, average ones get sold. We do this too I think- Miccoli was in Perugia where he shined (and scored two goals in last season's encouter with Juve) and thus secured his comeback to Delle Alphi.


The Grimreaper
Jul 12, 2002
I think that Chiumento can substitute Trezeguet (if trezegol is sold)

Chiumento can't replace Trez, becouse they are diferente kind of players... Chiumento has the style of a second striker or a creation midfielder...

I think that Lippi may give him more chances in the upcomings matches....


Senior Member
Feb 16, 2004
thast what Lippi should do by now! our primavera needs more exposure! this is the right time to make a move! afterall we have nothing to lose!


Senior Member
Apr 3, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Don Bes ] ++

i wish i could see them play
me too...
it's a pity i haven't seen any of them play...

i have even seen maresca barerly playing...
i've seen him in like 1 or 2 matches!!!!


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
None of them should play for the BIG team next season. I think we should loan the most promising ones to top serie B and low Serie A teams.

Chiumiento, Benjamin, Palladino, Boudianski, Mirante, Bartolucci, Konko, Luci, Urbano and Masiello should go om loan for a couple of years and maybe one for Chiumiento and Benjamin. After that, some of them could come back to the BIG team. IMO


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
not sure about sure antononio will kick me for sayin this....surley topscorer benji should get achance not davide.


The Grimreaper
Jul 12, 2002
I agree 100% with mark here, we should loan Chiumento and co to lower clubs to gain more experience... I mena, how many times we have saw a tennager that we call "The next Del Piero" and turns to be a floap... Rigoni, Guzman, Oliveira,Pericard... any of these names sound you familiar... yeah they were great youngsters but when we loan them to small teams they disappear... so leats loan Chiumento and if he is good we can bring him back... just like Gasbarroni who I think we should bring back from the loan...


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
If i have totake someone.. ill go for palladino, benja or chiumiento... those 3 guys.......... ah and ill be looking closely to bartolucci who can be a good defender.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
Gasba is proving it every day, hes better than what we currently have on the get his ass back here now!!!!!!!


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
in which team is playing gasbarroni right now?? which position he plays=?

can you tell me how that good he is playing?


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++
in which team is playing gasbarroni right now?? which position he plays=?

can you tell me how that good he is playing?
He plays for Palermo 1st in Serie B with 5 points ahead of Messina(Parisi's club).

He plays Right Attacking Midfielder but can play behind the strikers.

He's playing very well. He's a great dribbler. Very fast and takes on defenders. He's a great crosser too.


The Grimreaper
Jul 12, 2002
yeah, and I want him in Juve next year... but seems that he may go to Unidese (loan) has part of the deal to bring Jaukolosky (Can't spell his name)
Aug 26, 2003
i think that you are right, we should loan most of the youngsters, when they get no chance to play for juve!!

I think it is really a good option than sit on the bench!!

But why don't let give them some experience at Juve?? why let playing all the old ones?? and not the youngsters?? i think it was a big failure to sell Olivera!! we sold him, am i right??? he didn't get any chance!!!

But how old was del piero when he came to juve?? ok he was a megatalent, but why not try to inbuild a youngser slowly in a first team?? look at Cassano he is only 21 and Cappello and they focused on him and now is a great guy!!

but it is very optimistic that there are some guys outside!!!

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