Poetry Thread (2 Viewers)

Ford Prefect

Senior Member
May 28, 2009
Sorry ze, the forum rules say not to drag up old thread and i couldnt see anything recent.


One of my personal favourates is John Betjeman -


Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough!
It isn't fit for humans now,
There isn't grass to graze a cow.
Swarm over, Death!

Come, bombs and blow to smithereens
Those air -conditioned, bright canteens,
Tinned fruit, tinned meat, tinned milk, tinned beans,
Tinned minds, tinned breath.

Mess up the mess they call a town-
A house for ninety-seven down
And once a week a half a crown
For twenty years.

And get that man with double chin
Who'll always cheat and always win,
Who washes his repulsive skin
In women's tears:

And smash his desk of polished oak
And smash his hands so used to stroke
And stop his boring dirty joke
And make him yell.

But spare the bald young clerks who add
The profits of the stinking cad;
It's not their fault that they are mad,
They've tasted Hell.

It's not their fault they do not know
The birdsong from the radio,
It's not their fault they often go
To Maidenhead

And talk of sport and makes of cars
In various bogus-Tudor bars
And daren't look up and see the stars
But belch instead.

In labour-saving homes, with care
Their wives frizz out peroxide hair
And dry it in synthetic air
And paint their nails.

Come, friendly bombs and fall on Slough
To get it ready for the plough.
The cabbages are coming now;
The earth exhales.

Or The Scroobious Pip

Things in life aren�t always quite what they seem,
there�s more than one given angle to any one given scene.
So bear that in mind next time you try to intervene
on any one given angle
to any one given scene.

My name�s Mark, I go to Uni and College,
don�t socialise that much,
I just revise and use knowledge.
At times I find that I become a virtual recluse
and let my belt of interruption hang decisively loose.
But I came here to learn, that�s the life that I choose
and if people think I�m boring then they can bring their abuse.
See, a lot of people think I�m boring and say that maybe I�m a weirdo and maybe I�m gay but that�s cool,
�cause when I get a good job and good pay I�ll get a house for just my brother and me some day.
That�s the reason I�m here,
just to build for my future.
If it means better grades I�ll even sleep with my tutor.

Thing�s in life aren�t always quite what they seem,
there�s more than one given angle to any one given scene.
So bear that in mind next time you try to intervene on any one given angle to any one given scene.

My name�s Paul, I�ve been a guard for six months and the shop that I guard is better than most dumps and I like it here, my boss is a pro, he�s taught me tricks of the trade other guards wouldn�t know. He�s taught me in this game there�s some rules you gotta bend and not to forget these thieving pricks ain�t your friends and appearance is key there�s a message to send and above all it�s your fellow guards to defend. Today my boss was stabbed by some low-life psycho, He�s in hospital now so every night that�s where I go, he�s on the brink but he�s showing no fear though �cause if he dies there, he�ll be dieing a hero.

Things in life aren�t always quite what they seem, there�s more than one given angle to any one given scene. So bear that in mind next time you try to intervene on any one given angle to any one given scene.

My name�s Keith, I ain�t so much a racist. But if one reached out their hand I'd decline their embrace. I work security in a shop, in charge of 5 other guards, I got all their respect �cause I run this shit hard. I nicked one kid today, didn�t show enough respect and attention. I grabbed him by his neck as my form of redemption. Didn�t do no harm, just made sure that it hurt, it ain�t going by the book but believe me it works. Then I sent him on his way, this little shit knows the score now. I saw a little bit of fear, he won�t darken my door now. That�s what I do, stop these kids from decline, do what their parents won�t do. Put down some boundaries and lines.

Things in life aren�t always quite what they seem, there�s more than one given angle to any one given scene. So bear that in mind next time you try to intervene on any one given angle to any one given scene.

My name�s Billy. I�ve been beaten since I was three, Mum died when I was born and Dad takes it out on me. He ain�t a bad man, He just gets drunk and feels alone, I tend to go for walks and hope he�s asleep when I get home. Don�t like to talk about it though. As I said, it ain�t his fault, it only happens when he�s drunk as a last resort. Wanted to get him a gift, to show my support, but had no money and I stole and I guess I got caught. At times like that, I tend to switch of my mind, stare blankly into space and let what happens unwind. I seemed to anger this guard, he put his hands around my neck, he said it�s time for me to learn some manners and respect. It hurt. But I�ve had worse before, it made me realise life is just a series of wars. I went straight home that day and locked the bathroom door. Took a blade to both wrists, they won�t hurt me no more.

Things in life aren�t always quite what they seem, there�s more than one given angle to any one given scene. So bear that in mind next time you try to intervene on any one given angle to any one given scene.

My name�s Mark and today I was told my brother is dead. I returned home from university, tears on his bed. On his pillow I found his suicide note and read what had happened that day and what had fucked up his head! The anger I felt there are no words to express, I filled with so much rage there is no way to digest. I grabbed a knife, I went to town, it was time to regress. Back to an eye for an eye, last breath for last breath. I went straight up to the counter, I said I�d like to speak to the guard who nicked my brother on Tuesday of this week. As the girl knocked on the door and disappeared out of sight, I put my hand in my pocket, gripped the knife tight. This was it, as she pointed me out to the guard, My hand began to shake I held the knife so hard. As he approached me, there was nothing to say. I stabbed that Fucker eight times, before they could take me away.

Things in life aren�t always quite what they seem, there�s more than one given angle to any one given scene. So bear that in mind next time you try to intervene on any one given angle to any one given scene.

Ford Prefect

Senior Member
May 28, 2009
Stake A Claim

In this democracy I as a citizen
reserve the right to stand up for what I believe in
In this democracy I as a citizen I’m not accountable to the government
In this democracy the government is accountable to us, the people
In this democracy the government is elected by us, the people
To represent us, the people
In our best interests, on a national and international scale
And if they’re not doing so, In this democracy,
I as a citizen reserve the right
To raise up

I will not move, I will not change
I will not bend over their games
I will stand tall with a full frame
I will take pride to stake the claim

I swear, as a citizen of this country
To stand up for what I believe in
I swear, as a citizen of this country
To not just sit around, bitching and mourning
I swear, as a citizen of this country
To take action if action be needed
I swear, as a citizen of this country
To realize that the power is with us
And no one else…

I will not move, I will not change…

Ford Prefect

Senior Member
May 28, 2009
In Westminster Abbey by John Betjeman
Let me take this other glove off
As the vox humana swells,
And the beauteous fields of Eden
Bask beneath the Abbey bells.
Here, where England's statesmen lie,
Listen to a lady's cry.

Gracious Lord, oh bomb the Germans,
Spare their women for Thy Sake,
And if that is not too easy
We will pardon Thy Mistake.
But, gracious Lord, whate'er shall be,
Don't let anyone bomb me.

Keep our Empire undismembered
Guide our Forces by Thy Hand,
Gallant blacks from far Jamaica,
Honduras and Togoland;
Protect them Lord in all their fights,
And, even more, protect the whites.

Think of what our Nation stands for,
Books from Boots' and country lanes,
Free speech, free passes, class distinction,
Democracy and proper drains.
Lord, put beneath Thy special care
One-eighty-nine Cadogan Square.

Although dear Lord I am a sinner,
I have done no major crime;
Now I'll come to Evening Service
Whensoever I have the time.
So, Lord, reserve for me a crown,
And do not let my shares go down.

I will labour for Thy Kingdom,
Help our lads to win the war,
Send white feathers to the cowards
Join the Women's Army Corps,
Then wash the steps around Thy Throne
In the Eternal Safety Zone.

Now I feel a little better,
What a treat to hear Thy Word,
Where the bones of leading statesmen
Have so often been interr'd.
And now, dear Lord, I cannot wait
Because I have a luncheon date.

Ford Prefect

Senior Member
May 28, 2009
Death In Leamington by John Betjeman

She died in the upstairs bedroom
By the light of the ev'ning star
That shone through the plate glass window
From over Leamington Spa

Beside her the lonely crochet
Lay patiently and unstirred,
But the fingers that would have work'd it
Were dead as the spoken word.

And Nurse came in with the tea-things
Breast high 'mid the stands and chairs-
But Nurse was alone with her own little soul,
And the things were alone with theirs.

She bolted the big round window,
She let the blinds unroll,
She set a match to the mantle,
She covered the fire with coal.

And "Tea!" she said in a tiny voice
"Wake up! It's nearly five"
Oh! Chintzy, chintzy cheeriness,
Half dead and half alive.

Do you know that the stucco is peeling?
Do you know that the heart will stop?
From those yellow Italianate arches
Do you hear the plaster drop?

Nurse looked at the silent bedstead,
At the gray, decaying face,
As the calm of a Leamington ev'ning
Drifted into the place.

She moved the table of bottles
Away from the bed to the wall;
And tiptoeing gently over the stairs
Turned down the gas in the hall.


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2003
Old Godzilla was hopping around
Tokyo City like a big playground
When suddenly Batman burst from the shade
And hit Godzilla with a Bat Grenade
Godzilla got pissed and began to attack
But didn't expect to be blocked by Shaq
Who proceeded to open up a can of Shaq Fu
When Aaron Carter came out of the blue

And he started beating up Shaquille O'Neal
Then they both got flattened by the Batmobile
But before it could make it back to the Batcave
Abraham Lincoln popped out of his grave
And took an AK47 out from under his hat
And blew Batman away with a rat-a-tat-tat
But he ran out of bullets and he ran away
Because Optimus Prime came to save the day

This is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
Good guys, bad guys, and explosions as far as the eye can see
And only one will survive, I wonder who it will be
This is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny

Godzilla took a bite out of Optimus Prime
Like Scruff McGruff took a bite out of crime
And then Shaq came back covered in a tire track
But Jackie Chan jumped out and landed on his back
And Batman was injured, and trying to get steady
When Abraham Lincoln came back with a machete
But suddenly something caught his leg and he tripped
Indiana Jones took him out with his whip

Then he saw Godzilla sneaking up from behind
And he reached for his gun which he just couldn't find
'Cause Batman stole it and he shot and he missed
And Jackie Chan deflected it with his fist
Then he jumped in the air and did a summersault
While Abraham Lincoln tried to pole vault
Onto Optimus Prime, but they collided in the air
Then they both got hit by a Care Bear Stare, oooh

This is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
Good guys, bad guys, and explosions as far as the eye can see
And only one will survive, I wonder who it will be
This is the Ultimate Showdown...

Angels sang out in immaculate chorus
Down from the heavens descended Chuck Norris
Who deliver a kick which could shatter bones
Into the crotch of Indiana Jones
Who fell over on the ground, writhing in pain
As Batman changed back into Bruce Wayne
But Chuck saw through his clever disguise
And he crushed Batman's head in between his thighs

Then Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White and
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail"'s Black Knight and
Benito Mussolini and The Blue Meanie and
Cowboy Curtis and Jambi the Genie
Robocop, the Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader
Lo Pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger
Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan,
Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan
All came out of no where lightning fast
and they kicked Chuck Norris in his cowboy ass
It was the bloodiest battle the world ever saw
With civilians looking on total awe

And the fight raged on for a century
Many lives were claimed, but eventually
The champion stood, the rest saw their better:
Mr. Rogers in a bloodstained sweater

This is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
Good guys, bad guys, and explosions as far as the eye can see
And only one will survive, I wonder who it will be
This is the Ultimate Showdown...
This is the Ultimate Showdown...
This is the Ultimate Showdown...
Of Ultimate Destiny


Senior Member
May 29, 2005
A poem I wrote about my ex:

Letting go is the hardest thing,
When I close my eyes I remember everything,

The pain I caused you I wasn't very kind,
I can't let you go, I'm going out of my mind,

I pray for you your heart to heal,
One last kiss but I know its sealed,

What kept us together for so long,
Ill never know nor forget the song,

Letting go is so hard when your alone,
Its torture and breaking down I'm prone.

*Cameron Husty* 02/24/2010

Ford Prefect

Senior Member
May 28, 2009
I'm from a little place call great Britain
But I dunno if I love or hate Britain
These words upon my page written
Are the things that make and break Britain

See I'm from a little place call great Britain
But I dunno if I love or hate Britain
These words upon my page written
Are the things that make and break Britain

One inch to the left, to the left,
Could of been the difference between life and death,
Knife wound to the heart to the side of the chest,
Could of been one statistic less.

See sometimes great Britain ain't that great,
Kids getting stabbed at an alarming rate,
Pressed with a pattern to exonerate,
Increasingly clueless heads of state?

You see knife crime knife crime ain't about knifes,
It's about young Britain and the ways of lives,
You don't solve knife crime by taking knifes to hand,
You solve it by instilling new hopes and plans,
You've got positives though, I swear it's true,
In all south east west and the midlands too.
God damn viresty, that shines right through.
Who's makes the best music in the world, we do

I'm from a little place call great Britain
But I dunno if I love or hate Britain
These words upon my page written
Are the things that make and break Britain

See I'm from a little place call great Britain
But I dunno if I love or hate Britain
These words upon my page written
Are the things that make and break Britain

In a 2008 - 2009 goverment report,
Violent crime was not listed to increase
Or decrease, it was instead listed as stable.

Now what I ask you is, is stable really acceptable?
You see between 2003 and 2008,
The number of children admited into NHS hospitals
With knife wounds saw a rise of 120%
So in my eyes, 2008-2009 stability just makes that card as desenotised
But statistics can be twisted, and out of context aren't realistic
Whilst this may seem over simplistic we need to fight this and resist it

I'm from a little place call great Britain
But I dunno if I love or hate Britain
These words upon my page written
Are the things that make and break Britain

See I'm from a little place call great Britain
But I dunno if I love or hate Britain
These words upon my page written
Are the things that make and break Britain

Ford Prefect

Senior Member
May 28, 2009
Each night she lays quivering, shivering here,
Asking why she keeps forgiving him, hidden in fear,
At work she has a glistening, driven career,
But at home with one swing of the fist it disappears,

She dreams of different ways of breaking free from his noose,
It's one thing to see a path but it's another to choose it,
It's one thing to want to run but it's another to do it,
It's one thing to buy a gun but it's another to use it;

But buy a gun she did and it made her feel good,
She told herself if she really had to use it she would,
The next night, drunk at the bed he stood,
She said she'd take it no more and she vaguely understood.

But he didn't take to kindly to being put in his place,
She fled after the first blow and of course he gave chase
She sat hunched, holding a gun praying she wasn't pursued,
But when the door swung a route, He found her to shoot.

She watched in awe as his power cascaded on the floor,
It wasn't long before the police came bursting through the door,
In store, put in prison, enforced by the law,
As she lay out a whisper, lay distracted on the floor;

For the bad times I wish you'd just admit and
Never cast a shadow across my bed,
But for the good times I wish you five minutes
In heaven before the devil knows your dead
For the bad times I wish you'd just admit and
Never cast a shadow across my bed,
But for the good times I wish you five minutes
In heaven before the devil knows your dead

Each night she lays quivering, shivering there,
I wonder how we came to live in unforgiving despair,
I find myself giving the delivering stares,
As the smell of Glennfidich starts Sieving the air.

As the bullet flew towards me I swear time stood still,
I felt every single emotion that a man could feel,
How did I get here? How could this even be real?
How could I become a person that a loved one could kill?

It wasn't always this way, I once saw love in those eyes,
That now just despise and chastise all my lies,
As my sarcastic replies each new drunken guise,
And first of all these heavy hands which surmised her demise.

There was a time when we never thought the honeymoon would end,
She was my wife, my love my companion? and my friend,
But it seems these days happiness can depend,
On financial stability, and the need to contend,

But I make no excuse, I let it get this way,
Other people live their lives on the minimum wage,
I was the one that couldnt cope and let it turn to rage,
Now I'm looking down the barrel, Playing against the game.

For the bad times I cannot be acquitted or
Let off as the bullet enters my head,
For the good times I wish for 5 minutes in
Heaven before the devil knows I'm Dead.
For the bad times I cannot be acquitted or
Let off as the bullet enters my head,
For the good times I wish for 5 minutes in
Heaven before the devil knows I'm Dead.

Before the devil knows I'm Dead.

Ford Prefect

Senior Member
May 28, 2009
A Letter From God To Man

Hey There, how, how's it going?
Long time no see.
I know I haven't been around much lately
But…it didn't seem like you wanted me to be
The last time I sent down a message you nailed it to the cross
So I figured I'd just leave you to it, let you be your own boss

But I've been keeping an eye on you, I have,
and it's amazing how you've grown.
With your technological advances and the problems you've overthrown,
And all the beautiful art you've created with such grace and such finesse,
But I admit there are a few things I'm afraid have impressed me less.

So I'm writing to apologize for all the horrors committed in my name,
Although that was never what I intended,
I feel I should take my share of the blame.
All the good I tried to do was corrupted
when organised religion got into full swing,
What I thought were quite clear messages were taken to unusual extremes.
My teachings taken out of context to meet the agendas of others,
Interpretations taken to many different ways and hidden meanings discovered

Religion became a tool, for the weak to control the strong
With all these new morals and ethics, survival of the fittest was gone
No longer could the biggest man simply take whatever he needed
'cause damnation was the price if certain rules were not heeded
Some of the deeds committed in my name
just made me wonder were I went wrong.
Back at the start when I created this, the foundation seemed so strong.
See all the elements were already here, long before I began,
I just kind of put it all together
I didn't really think out a long-term plan.

I made the sun an appropriate distance and laid the stars across the sky
So you could navigate the globe or simply watch the sun rise
I covered the earth with plants and fruits,
Some for sustenance and some for beauty
I made the sun shine and the clouds rain
so their maintenance wasn't your duty
I tried to give each creature its own attributes
without making them enveloped
I gave you all you all your own space to
grow and in your own way space to develop

I didn't know such development would cause rifts and jealousy
Cause you to war against each other and leave marks on this planet indelibly
You see, I wasn't really the creater, I was just the curator of nature
I want to get something straight with homosexuals right now: I don't hate ya
I was a simple being that happened to be the first to wield such powers
I just laid the ground, it was You that built the towers

It was You that invented bombs, and the fear that comes with them
And it was You that invented money, and the corrupt economic systems
You invented terms like just-war and terms like friendly fire
And it was You that didn't know
when to stop digging deeper, when to stop building higher
It was You that exhausted the resources I carefully laid out on this earth,
And it was You that even saw these
problems coming but accredited them little worth
It was You that used my teachings for your own personal gain
And it was You that committed such tragedies,
even though they were in my name

So I apologize for any mistakes I made, and when my words misconstrued
But this apology's to mother nature, cause I created you

Its an attack on organised religion not god :tup:


Senior Member
May 29, 2005
Throwing myself out for humiliation but all well...(Kate has my back:D)

Wrote this today about a girl I like. Please be kind ya'll


As crisp as a winters night,
Your smile chimes the darkness with light,
Your laugh brings life to the dreary night,

This is my heart felt ode to thee,
My words permeate my colors to see,
Yet nothing as vibrant than that of Amy,

As the snow falls and covers in the east,
The sun sets for you a vibrant color feast,
Tomorrow the sun will rise and give life unto thee,

To describe my feelings one must understand gravity,
The harder I pull, the closer to you I wish to be,
We are the perfect mix, nothing short of alchemy.


Oracle of Copenhagen
Jul 10, 2009
kudos for putting your balls on the choppin block.

but ts eliot didnt make me like poetry so neither are you.

fucken fag :D

so whos de gurl??


Grazie Mirko
Jan 16, 2011
Throwing myself out for humiliation but all well...(Kate has my back:D)

Wrote this today about a girl I like. Please be kind ya'll


As crisp as a winters night,
Your smile chimes the darkness with light,
Your laugh brings life to the dreary night,

This is my heart felt ode to thee,
My words permeate my colors to see,
Yet nothing as vibrant than that of Amy,

As the snow falls and covers in the east,
The sun sets for you a vibrant color feast,
Tomorrow the sun will rise and give life unto thee,

To describe my feelings one must understand gravity,
The harder I pull, the closer to you I wish to be,
We are the perfect mix, nothing short of alchemy.
NSFW 18+


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