Please sell Trezeguet (2 Viewers)

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Jun 7, 2004
c'mon we had pippo,
trez is better than pippo but he isn t what we need.
it s not good to sell him now for nothing,
we sould keep him bye someone better,
make a good efective attack line.
win a title
and then we can sell him.
we just need more creative players around him for now,
besides cap's sistems are good for him many players attacking and someone finishes,i dont thing roma has a better striker.
i ll hate to see trez playing for milan instead for pipo and be upset off us, but i wished with all my heart pipo will go to milan.
can u feel the dif?
another thing sell him to whom?
barca gothers quality material, they wont buy trez now.
swap him with mutu and 5-10m and buy what?


Back & Quack
Mar 9, 2004
++ [ originally posted by LEC ] ++

er scorte dieses jahr 17 goals....was denkst du wieviel er macht wenn er fit ist? sorry, bin ich völlig anderer meinung!
Es ist ok. Aber du musst dieses Milan und Inter matches angougen.. wir braucht trez, trez spielt wie ein obst;) vieleicht macht er 20 tor, aber gegen billig mannschaft wie leece und empoli wann er fit ist.

Und du musst mein deutsch entshuligung:down:- ich bin in koeln fur nur 4 jahr..
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