Photo Club (1 Viewer)

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Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
  • The first rule of photo club is, you do not talk about photo club.
  • The second rule of photo club is, you do not talk about photo club.
  • The third rule of photo club, you submit your photos ON TIME
  • The fourth rule: only 3 images allowed per entry. You can choose to submit less than that, but no more than 3.
  • The fifth rule: You will have 2 weeks to prepare your entry.
  • The sixth rule: Any type of photo is allowed; digital, film, pin-hole, mobile phone etc.
  • The seventh rule: You are only allowed to manipulate the hues and values of your photos (colours and "brightnesses"), as well as removing unwanted elements (dust, scratches etc). No adding of new objects or gross manipulations may be applied.

Submit your photos to, and I will post all of your photos in a locked thread, after which the members of the forum will vote for their favourite entries. Participants may vote for their own photos, as well as other people's entries. The voting will be conducted through a poll, which will be "multi-choice" (you can vote for more than one person).

The photos for the first topic will be due at 23:59:59 GMT on 17.02.2005. Tough luck if this doesn't suit your time zone.

The first topic is: RED

Buy on


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #2
    The photos for the second topic will be due at 23:59:59 GMT on 13.04.2005. Tough luck if this doesn't suit your time zone.

    The second topic is: LIGHTS and SHADOWS
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