Petition to Borrelli for an equal verdict (Borrelli Answered!) (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
Caro Dott. Borrelli,
mi rivolgo a Lei, che dovra' proporre le pene da infliggere alle societa' coinvolte in questa vicenda: Moggiopoli, la chiama con evidente equidistanza il giornale sportivo piu' venduto. Mica Calciopoli. Il resto del calcio, evidentemente, era pulito.
Mi rivolgo a Lei, dicevo. L'unico, tra tutti, cui abbia senso appellarsi in questo periodo.
Come forse puo' immaginare, per un tifoso juventino, al momento, e' complicato appellarsi a qualcun altro.
La persona al di sopra di ogni sospetto che e' stata scelta per guidare il calcio, si fa notare sin dal primo giorno per il suo equilibrio: lo ha messo in mostra quando ha ripreso Capello che aveva azzardato la folle possibilita' di non essere retrocessi. Bravo allenatore, ma dice castronerie. Buono a sapersi.
O quando ha ricordato ridendo che lui e' "interista, quindi non c'entro con questo scandalo".
O quando ha bacchettato pubblicamente Cannavaro, colpevole di aver detto quello che sanno tutti, e che avrebbe ripetuto, con parole ben piu' decise (e ovviamente senza alcun pubblico richiamo), Peruzzi il giorno dopo.
Era il calcio ad essere cosi, diceva Cannavaro. Non solo la Juve. Ed e' vero.
Lo sapevano tutti, lo sapevamo tutti. Le piccole si appoggiavano alle grandi. Le grandi erano tutte in cerca di potere. Moggi spingeva per Galliani (ma guarda un po'), dall'altra parte Sensi non candidava un esterno, ma voleva essere eletto lui. Chissa' perche'.
Poi c'era chi ci riusciva. E parlo di Juve e Milan.
C'era chi invece non ci riusciva, e magari si accontentava di contattare personalmente qualche arbitro amico (Nucini si definiva amico e confidente di Facchetti) o di proporre incontri a uno dei designatori per sapere informazioni sugli arbitri che avrebbero avuto.
E mi riferisco alla squadra per cui tifa Guido Rossi. Quella che dovrebbe non avere niente a che fare con lo scandalo. Moggiopoli, appunto. Mica Calciopoli.
A chi altri appellarsi, dunque?
Alla Juve, forse? No, purtroppo non esiste una societa', al momento. Nessuno che parli, nessuno che spieghi, nessuno che si faccia sentire per esprimere la proprie posizioni. Gli eredi degli Agnelli sono giovani, e il resto della societa' e' stato decapitato proprio a causa di queste vicende.
Al nostro tifo organizzato? No, siamo la Juve noi. Niente vetrine rotte, niente violenza, niente rivolte di piazza. E siamo tantissimi, si', ma sparsi in tutta Italia. Magari saremo costretti ad andarci, uno di questi giorni, ma in linea di massima no, la piazza non fa per noi.
Alla televisione? Ai giornali? Si', buona idea. Alle televisioni di Berlusconi e Galliani. I nostri rivali, appunto. O alla Gazzetta, coinvolta nelle intercettazioni in cui il dirigente rossonero Meani si vanta con un arbitro di aver dettato al giornalista della rosea il voto da attribuirgli.
A chi appellarsi, dunque, se non a Lei, per chiedere giustizia?
E badi bene, ho scritto giustizia. Non amnistia, e niente condoni. Solo giustizia. Se ci sara' da retrocedere, che si retroceda pure.
Ma non perche' lo chiede la Gazzetta.
Non perche' alcuni giornalisti di quel giornale hanno gia' sentenziato in articoli dettagliati e quanto mai faziosi che c'e' illecito, e che quindi andiamo retrocessi.
Non perche' in TV non c'e' stato un programma che sia uno, al riguardo, che non abbia dato per ovvia, quasi necessaria, la retrocessione della Juve.
Non perche' l'Associazione consumatori chiede la nostra retrocessione. Senno' i consumatori non capirebbero, dicono.
Tanto per farle capire, caro Dott. Borrelli, a che punto sono arrivati.
E allora proponga le pene che sente di dover proporre. Qualunque pena.
Giudichi se c'e' illecito o maldestri, orrendi tentativi (le moviole del Processo? i giudizi dei giornalisti? le squalifiche di giocatori mediocri contro di noi?) di avere piu' potere degli altri. O di difendersi da un altro potere molto piu' radicato, magari.
Giudichi Lei, se i nostri rivali principali, il Milan, il Milan dell'allora Presidente del Consiglio, del Presidente di Lega, il Milan amico da sempre di Carraro, il Milan delle 3 televisioni, il Milan del Dirigente che chiama i guardalinee per dire loro quando sbandierare era davvero una vittima del dominio di Moggi, e merita davvero una pena visibilmente inferiore. Cosi' dice la Gazzetta. Cosi' dicono le tv. Moggiopoli, appunto. Mica Calciopoli.
Ma per fortuna le proposte per le pene le fara' lei.
Non Verdelli.
Non Mentana.
Non Ruggero Palombo.
E neanche Di Pietro, il suo ex collega. che ha gia' sentenziato che non serve indagare. C'e' illecito, deve pagare la Juve. E le altre squadre? Vedremo, forse una penalizzazione.
Lo dicono tutti, non si possono paragonare Juve e Milan. Concordo. Non si possono paragonare.
Magari, adesso, avessimo noi il Presidente di Lega ancora in carica. Magari, adesso, avere 3 televisioni a difenderci, a oscurare le notizie negative, magari attaccando i nostri rivali da mattina a sera.
No, le pene le proporra' Lei. E so che saranno eque, e terranno conto di tutto. Anche del fatto che il sistema, in fondo, stava bene proprio a tutti. Anche ai nemici di sempre (es. Roma), che dalle intercettazioni rese pubbliche emergono come societa' aventi come unico obiettivo quello di farsi aiutare per avere piu' soldi dai diritti televisivi, e magari anche sul mercato. Anche a tutti quei Presidenti che non hanno il coraggio di parlare. Sin da quando e' uscito lo scandalo. Hanno parlato due o tre. Gli altri, silenzio assoluto. Sapevano tutto. E facevano lo stesso, per quanto nelle loro possibilita'. Stava bene anche a loro, mi creda.
Ah, un ultimo appello: Moggi esercitava il suo potere non solo per la Juve, ma anche per la Gea. Che non era la Juve. Anzi. Poteva anche capitare che per prendere un giocatore Gea, ci portasse Baiocco. Mentre gli altri per la stessa cifra prendevano Kaka'. La Gea non ci ha mai aiutato, anzi.
So che terra' conto di tutto questo. Molto piu' che delle sentenze gia' scritte dalla Gazzetta, da Matrix, da Di Pietro e dall'Associazione Consumatori. E da tutti i tifosi che ci odiano da sempre, non certo da un mese.
Le chiediamo Giustizia, caro Dott. Borrelli. Niente capri espiatori. Ma serie ed eque punizioni per i responsabili. Tutti. Nessuno escluso. E che vadano pure in piazza, i tifosi delle altre squadre, se Lei decidera' diversamente da come loro sperano.
Chiediamo solo giustizia.
Le chiediamo solo, in fondo, di ridare il giusto nome allo scandalo di questi giorni: Calciopoli, per piacere. Non certo Moggiopoli.

It's a letter some guys of the 1897 forum want to send to Borrelli and to give it more relevance they are collecting signatures and have reached around 2000 of them.
If you agree with what it's written, please post your name, your surname and the country where you live. If you want you can add you birth date and the name of the city where you live.
Please do it within the next 24 hours and, if you want, ask some other Juventini to sign this.
Thanks :)

The thread from which this comes from

Dear Mr. Borrelli,

I'm turning to you because you are the one who will propose penalties for clubs involved in a scandal that has shocked the Italian football world. One of the Italian newspapers (La Gazzetta Dello Sport) has called the scandal "Moggiopoli" (instead of "Calciopoli") - evidently according to the newspaper the rest of clubs is clear.
As mentioned earlier I'm turning to you as to the only person that a Juve fan can turn to in this difficult moment. A person above any suspicions who had been elected to lead the calcio (Guido Rossi) has brought himself to our attention at the very beginning of his term and showed his impartiality by criticizing Capello who had made a conjecture that Juventus would not be demoted. Rossi said: "He's a great coach but
talking rubbish". Good to know. Then he reminded us that "he is an interista and thus not involved in the scandal". What is more, he has publicly reprimanded Cannavaro for saying what everyone knows and what was repeated the next day (obviously without any reprimand) by Angello Peruzzi. It was football, not only Juventus, said Cannavaro. And that's true.
Everyone knew it. Small clubs seeked support among big clubs. The latter wanted to rule. Moggi supported Galliani. Sensi supported nobody because he wanted to be elected himself. One wonders why. Some of them succeeded. I'm talking here about Juve and Milan. The others didn't succeed so they tried to contact friendly referees directly (Nucini is a friend of Inter president Facchetti) or make appointments with one of the persons responsible for assigning referees to gain information on referees assigned to their matches. I'm talking here about a club Guido Rossi is a fan of, a club that supposedly has nothing to do with the scandal (Moggiopoli, not Calciopoli).
Who should I turn to?
To Juventus? No. Unfortunatelly the club is without officials at the moment. Noone says anything, noone explains anything. Descendants of the Agnelli family are young, the whole board of directors has been disbanded.
To our ultras? No because we are the Juve. No broken show windows, no violence, no riots. There are many of us but we are dotted about all over Italy. Perhaps we will be forced to organize a protest on streets but only as a last resort because it's not really for us.
So to whom? To television, newspapers? Yes, that's a good idea. To Berlusconi's television, to our rival. Or to La Gazzetta Dello Sport, although Meani (rossoneri's official) told one of their journalists to give a referee a specific grade (as Meani bragged to the referee).
So who should we turn to in order to get a fair verdict? Not amnesty, not even decrease, let alone pardon of penalty. Only justice. If demotion is necessary, so be it.
But not because La Gazzetta Delle Sport is demanding that.
Not because some of Gazzetta's journalists have already pronounced a verdict.
Not because television didn't show a single, I repeat, a single broadcast without condemning Juve to demotion (which is necessary according to them).
Not because the Consumers Association are demanding demotion or "clients will not understand".
Things came to such a point, Mr. Borrelli.
Please be the one who will propose the penalty we deserve.

Please judge whether there were illegal activities or horrible attempts (instructing Baldas in "Biscardi's trial"? Journalists' opinion? Disqualification of mediocre players for matches against Juve?) to subordinate the football world. Or maybe Juventus just defended themselves against much greater power.
Please judge whether our biggest rivals: Milan, Milan of the then Prime Minister (Berlusconi), of the Lega Calcio president (Galliani), Milan a friend of the then FIGC president (Carraro), Milan of three TV stations, Milan whose official has instructed a referee assistant in a phone call when he should raise his flag, whether that Milan was a victim of Moggi and deserves a lesser penalty. This is what La Gazzetta Delle Sport says. This is what they say in TV. That's right, Moggiopoli. Not Calciopoli.

The penalties will be proposed by you.
Not Verdelli.
Not Mentana (a journalist from Canale 5's show "Matrix").
Not Ruggiero Palombo (a journalist of La Gazzetta Dello Sport).
Not Di Pietro, your old friend who has stated that investigation was not necessary.
There is a crime, Juve must be punished. What about the other clubs? We will see, maybe only points deduction.
Everyone says so. We can't compare Juve to Milan. I agree. These two clubs cannot be compared.
We don't have a president of Lega Calcio. We don't have three TV stations which would defends us, avoiding unfavourable information and attacking our rival all day long.
No. You will propose the penalties, I hope that they will be fair and that you will take everything into consideration. Also the fact that this system was accepted by everyone. Even by everlasting enemies, for example Roma as intercepted calls prove that their only aim was help to get more money from TV rights and transfers. Also those presidents who don't have the courage to speak since the scandal came out. Maybe two or three have spoken. The others are silent. They knew about everything and did alike to the best of their abilities.

The last thing: Moggi used his power also in GEA's interest. GEA is not Juve. On the contrary. It might have happened that in order to get on of GEA's players we got Baiocco while others for similar money got Kaka. GEA didn't help us, on the contrary.
I have faith in you that you will take all these things into consideration, more than verdicts given by La Gazzetta Dello Sport, "Matrix", Di Pietro or the Consumers Association, and by all the fans that have hated us... since always, not since a month.
We want justice, Mr. Borrelli. Not a scapegoat. We want serious, fair penalties for people responsible for this scandal. For everyone, without exception. Let the fans of other clubs go out to streets if you decide differently to what they want. As a result, we aks you to call this scandal as it should be really called: Calciopoli, not Moggiopoli.

Buy on


Junior Member
Dec 19, 2005

I invite everyone who cares about Juve !!

At JuvePoland there is a special petition to FIGC boss Francesco Saverio Borrelli who will pass a sentence about Juve future….

With our Italian friends, we collect Juve fans support for a letter in which we ask for just sentence.. not a sentence in which the only one club that is guilty is Juventus, but a sentence that punish all club that are guilty !!

The only thing you have to do is to click that link above and:

1. You have to click the “rejstracja” in the right corner,
2. than “Zgadzam się na te warunki”
3. and register :)
4. after completing.. the last thing:
6. You have to put a words “I support” and your name, surname, city you live, coutry (If you are not Pole !!)

There is just 24 hours left !! SO HELP JUVENTUS !!

We already have 1000 signatures from Poland !!


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #11
    el_pajaco said:

    I invite everyone who cares about Juve !!

    At JuvePoland there is a special petition to FIGC boss Francesco Saverio Borrelli who will pass a sentence about Juve future….

    With our Italian friends, we collect Juve fans support for a letter in which we ask for just sentence.. not a sentence in which the only one club that is guilty is Juventus, but a sentence that punish all club that are guilty !!

    The only thing you have to do is to click that link above and:

    1. You have to click the “rejstracja” in the right corner,
    2. than “Zgadzam się na te warunki”
    3. and register :)
    4. after completing.. the last thing:
    5. but VERY IMPORTANT !!
    6. You have to put a words “I support” and your name, surname, city you live, coutry (If you are not Pole !!)

    There is just 24 hours left !! SO HELP JUVENTUS !!

    We already have 1000 signatures from Poland !!
    The petition our Polish friend is talking about is this same one :agree:

    Please, sign!


    Senior Member
    Jun 24, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #14
    I edited the first post, now you can read an accurate translation of the letter.

    Please collect signatures also from your relatives and friends. They don't have to be Juventini, just people who believe in justice :)


    Senior Member
    Jun 24, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #16
    Posting them here (better) or giving me the link where I can find them is enough. I will add them to the ones of the 1897 forum.

    Thanks :)


    Senior Member
    May 10, 2006
    thanx. i already notice that my name in that 1897J's thread. here is the sign from my country . names in the parentheses are the cities where they are living.
    much more are coming... coz we have over 20,000 members in our forum

    Wang Yun (Nanjing)
    Tenglong Xiao (Chengdu)
    Wang Jun (Tianjin)
    Xia Jun Hai (Dalian)
    Wu Ge (Hefei)
    Sun Zhitao (Luoyang)
    Zeng XianJie (ChongQing)
    QuanMin Shao (PASADENA, MD)
    Yu Yang (Xi'an)
    Wu Ding (HaiKou)
    Liu Sulang (Wuhan)
    Jing Gu (Nantong)
    MA TU JI (Nanjing)
    Ge binbin (Shaoxing)
    Yan Jun (ShangHai)
    Wang Minhao (DanDong)
    Cuiping Tang (JiangSu)
    Wu Xiaohan (ShangHai)
    Shao Ainan (Fushun)
    Li YiZhuo (Beijing)
    Song Ye (Qiqihaer)
    Wei Wei (Wuhan)
    Chen Hao (Hangzhou)
    Wu Bin (Beijing)
    Wan Qiang (ChongQing)
    Jiarui Zheng (Shantou)
    Jun He (Beijing)
    Shen Tao (Xi'an)
    Xue Chao (Beijing)
    Mo jianjun (Guilin)
    Wang Bingyu (Dalian)
    YiZhou Yang (Mianyang)
    Lu Zhu Yong (Guangdong)
    Yang Jian (Dalian)
    Mickio Liu (Shanghai)
    Yang Zhenzhong (HangZhou)
    Zhou Yan (Hefei)
    Gu Ming Ming (NanJing)
    Liu Jian (Nanjing)
    Guo Jiaming (Nanjing)
    Zhou Lijun (Nanjing)
    Wang Tiantian (Nanjing)
    Huang Kai (Nanjing)
    Chen Wei (Nanjing)
    Liu Quan(WenZhou)
    Liu Xuyang (Beijing)
    Xu Zhe (Beijing)
    Wu Junzhong (Beijing)
    Jiang Lijun (Beijing)
    Zhang Boyan (Beijing)
    Liu Xeen (Beijing)
    Hou Ning (Beijing)
    Chang Hao (Beijing)
    Du Pei Feng(Chengdu)
    zheng peng (chengdu)
    zheng guoling (chengdu)
    Gong Long (harbin)
    xu jie (jinan)
    zhao liu (changchun)
    zhang boning (jilin)
    ding hechong (guangdong)
    zhou yunfeng (shanghai)
    zhou ming(shanghai)
    dong yi (shanghai)
    yao sun (shanghai)
    liu siyi (shanghai)
    jiong hu (shanghai)
    zhu bin (shanghai)
    yin xiaoran (shanghai)
    qiu jiayu (shanghai)
    xing jin (shanghai)
    zhong yijun (shanghai)
    xue lei (yinchuan)
    wang meng (dalian)
    wang gang (dalian)
    zhu chen (shaoxing)
    yang boyi (shenyang)
    yu lao (hefei)
    yu yu (hefei)
    chen yuanxin (leshan)
    tian ning (zhangjiajie)
    qi xiang (shijiazhuang)
    wu xunting (jingzhou)
    li lang (chongqing)
    zhang tong (wuhan)
    li derong (wuhan)
    yang yu (wuhan)
    yan li (wuhan)
    yu jie (wuhan)
    pang zhangfan (wuhan)
    wen dan (xiamen)
    ye kunyu (xiamen)
    yang jie (kunming)
    xu hai (kunming)
    kang lei (changsha)
    liu hao (hunan)
    chen ye (hangzhou)
    wu jiong (hangzhou)
    tang ning (xuzhou)
    feng dapeng (luoyang)
    cheng longdeng (nanchang)
    feng jiang (dandong)
    li zhijun (fuzhou)
    li ronghua (ningbo)
    yin ying (wuhu)
    david (lundon)
    jing luo (sydeney australia)
    shao nan (china)

    Liu Wei (Wuhan)
    Pan Jun (Wuhan)
    Zhang Zenghui (Shanghai)
    Wu Wweixin (Shanghai)
    Xu Ganyong (Suzhou)
    Qin Jiangming (Liuzhou)
    Wang Jian (Ningbo)
    Chen Ji (Chongqing)
    Wang Tao (Chongqing)
    Wu Xirou (Shenyang)
    Choi Pippo (Guangdong)
    Feng Franks (Dalian)
    Chen Feng (Yantai)
    Qian Yufeng (Shenzhen)
    Li Qin (Hangzhou)
    Jiang Yonghua (China)
    Sun Ping (Chengdu)
    Wang Qi(Shenzhen)
    XIE XUE JIAN(Guangzhou)
    Zhang Yan(Shanghai)
    Yi Xie(CHINA)
    Wu Jian(Tianjin)
    Sun Qingyi(Harbin)
    Xin Wu(Chongqing)
    Huang Xifeng(Shenzhen)
    Liu Chuan(Nanchang)
    fan yin shuai(Daqing)
    Li Yong Sen(Guangzhou)
    Wang Lu(Wuhan)

    here are signs from juve's offical forum of China

    li yang (longyan)
    ma jing (wuhan)
    li yu (wuhan)
    jin wanxin (dalian)
    hou jian (dalian)
    tu jiangming (shanghai)
    hou jianbin (shanghai)
    liu mars (shanghai)
    shao yijun (shanghai)
    zhang cen (yangzhou)
    guo jiangnong (ningde)
    zhang fan (beijing)
    zhang youlei (beijing)
    yang fan (beijing)
    yiming xu (beijing)
    sun si (beijing)
    chen dan (beijing)
    hu ju (dongguan)
    zhong lu (yueyang)
    zhen cai (shenzhen)
    li jian (suzhou)
    li zheng chuan (chongqing)
    xiao ruo (nanjing)
    zhang yang (hangzhou)
    ma binglin (hangzhou)
    zhang jianan (hangzhou)
    xiao xiao (hangzhou)
    guo hongxiang (hangzhou)
    he su (taizhou)
    jiang zhaofeng (suzhou)
    zhao baojun (shijiazhuang)
    qian qiuchen (jiaxing)
    li zhibo (zhuzhou)
    qing botao (chongqing)
    hao lin (xiamen)
    zheng lijuan (lanzhou)
    dai yue (chongqing)
    liu chang (chongqing)
    xu ning (beijing)
    xu yilin (huaihua)

    Wang xue qin(Dali)
    Xu Lei(Wuhan)
    Alfred Wang(Taizhou)
    Zhou Min Zhong(LEshan)
    Tristan Yu(Shanghai)
    Wu Chang(yunnan)
    He Xun(Dalian)
    Tan Junyuan(Guangzhou)
    Xu Mingyu(Wuhan)
    Jay Xu(Guangzhou)
    Tang Rong(Suzhou)

    signs form
    Liang Ge (Shenyang,China)
    Xiao YiZhen(DaLian,LiaoNing)
    Tang Wu(Qingdao)
    Wu SuBei (Tianjin)
    Wang Zhao (Lanzhou)

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