Petition to Borrelli for an equal verdict (Borrelli Answered!) (4 Viewers)


Senior Member
May 10, 2006
isha00 said:
:wth: I have no idea...
Could you please tell me their signature number?

And keep on checking the Chinese signatures on J1897, you're the only person that can really do it. Thanks :)
4840 Yue Chen, 15/04/1985 should be Yue Chen, Suzhou, China, 15/04/1985

4754 Them Tao, Shandong, China, 06/12/1983 should be Li Tao, Shandong, China, 06/12/1983

I believe no only me keep on checking the list.

I have to keep my word that their names will be presented there to show how strong we are.:agree:

Buy on


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #162
    AlexTheGreat said:
    I believe no only me keep on checking the list.
    Yeah, I meant you as a chinese speaker and the ones that know the language like you :wink: I'm checking too (as are other guys on j1897), but, you know, it's a bit complicated for us not knowing how the names and cities should be written :oops:


    Senior Member
    Jun 24, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #163
    Guys, do you know any Juventus/Del Piero/Zlatan/Buffon/etc forums where you could post the letter and collect signatures or, at least, that you could indicate me?

    (Other than the ones Alexthegreat is working on, we've already got Juventusmania and Juvepoland covered)


    Senior Member
    May 10, 2006
    isha00 said:
    it's a bit complicated for us not knowing how the names and cities should be written :oops:
    I can understand that. You have to know Chinese is the most complicate language to be handled.:)

    btw, how was the tv program going you mentioned last time? I do want to know how will Borrelli react when he read this letter.


    Senior Member
    May 10, 2006
    I plan to move house this weekend that may lead to my absence for a while in this forum coz I have to find a new ISP for new place. it spent a whole month for them to setup this line for me last time.(cant bear the working efficiency of British) anyway, I will ask someone else to keep on collecting signatures from China.
    Sep 1, 2002
    jussiut said:
    Yeah, this is the reason why these online petitions are almost without value.
    A petitions only function is to make the one who signs it feel better (you feel better don't you?) in themselves: no petition has ever so much as a ripple in the ocean.

    Now if you can be there when the gathering happens and people take to the streets then you will see the power of the masses, but if all that is said does prove to be true, what can we do but take the punishment like civilised beings: Pick ourselves up, dust ourselves down and start all over again.


    New Member
    Mar 17, 2006
    from chinese forums :

    Zhenhua an ,nanjing ,china ,13/03/1986
    bin zhao ,xi'an ,china ,19/09/1989
    jiusi liu ,beijing ,china ,16/04/1975

    Zeng Jian,LeShan,China ,13/12/1984
    jun wang ,zunyin ,china 17/07/1983
    leng dong ,beiing ,china 03/02/1982
    hui hui ,ji'nan ,china 01/11/1983

    ang li ,lianyungang,china 20/07/1988
    huaixuan cheng , ,china
    yufei chen ,xichang ,china 15/04/1987
    jing jin ,changzhou ,china 31/08/1986
    lei wang ,dalian ,china 28/09/1987
    congrui huang ,zhengzhou ,china 07/10/1986
    jin wang ,jining ,china 23/04/1985
    jintao liu ,changchun ,china 24/05/1979

    William Chung , Sydney ,Australia, 21/01/1985
    XiaoDong Huang , GuangDong , China 08/10/i985
    Fei Hao,Henan,China,05/11/83
    shiyinke, hunan, china, 13/06/1986
    Wenkui Yuan , BeiJing , China , 03/12/1977
    Daekiu PARK, Dalian ,CHINA ,06/10/1982
    Irving Huang , Jiangsu ,China ,26/11/1981
    RenZhou Guo , Shenzhen , China , 6/7/1985
    leizhi chen,jiangsu,china,21/10/1983
    JIAZE ROY, TIANJIN, China, 1/18/1985
    BIAN WU ,Wuhan,China 04/07/1983

    Chao Ke , Xiamen , PR China
    riku kan,Ningbo ,PR China
    Ken zhu, Shanghai PR China
    Jacob Zhao, Shanghai PR China
    Lee Jie, WUXI ,PR China
    zhang ma ,dongying, PR CHINA
    HAN FEI , cheng du , PR CHINA
    Henry Huang ,Shanghai ,PR China


    Hamilton saved my ass...
    Nov 4, 2004
    isha00 said:
    Guys, do you know any Juventus/Del Piero/Zlatan/Buffon/etc forums where you could post the letter and collect signatures or, at least, that you could indicate me?

    (Other than the ones Alexthegreat is working on, we've already got Juventusmania and Juvepoland covered)
    I know a Zebina forum :D

    But then again i dont think we need those kind of fans if you know what i mean :p :agree:


    Junior Member
    Feb 22, 2005
    bianconero said:
    A petitions only function is to make the one who signs it feel better (you feel better don't you?) in themselves: no petition has ever so much as a ripple in the ocean.

    Now if you can be there when the gathering happens and people take to the streets then you will see the power of the masses, but if all that is said does prove to be true, what can we do but take the punishment like civilised beings: Pick ourselves up, dust ourselves down and start all over again.
    Yes you're right, these petitions are a form of therapy for supporters, a symbolic gesture to show support. However, some petitions do have power and influence amongst the elite that they're directed to and I'm talking about the petitions which are officially gathered from real people and signed personally. In the internet you can claim to be whoever you want you to be as many times as you please so the last bit of influence that these petitions hold will disappear.


    Senior Member
    Jun 24, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #172
    Jussiut, these signatures wouldn't bound Borrelli not even if each one of us went to sign under his nose.

    But! But we are getting results anyway:

    It seems Borrelli agrees with us, after all. From his statement of today (or yesterday)

    ''Quando tra 20 giorni i giudici dovranno giudicare - ha detto - dovranno farlo senza la pressione della piazza. I processi non si fanno in mezzo alla strada."

    "When in 20 days the judges will have to judge - he said - they'll have to do it without the crowd's pressure. Trials can't be made in the streets (meaning by people who are not magistrates)"

    AND, last but absolutely not least:

    Tuttosport of today.

    Lettera con 5000 firme a Borrelli

    Uno stralcio della missiva: «Ci appelliamo a lei per chiedere giustizia, non amnistia. Se ci sarà da retrocedere, che si retroceda ma non perché lo chiedono alcune persone...»

    UNA LETTERA accompagnata da cinquemila firme di tifosi bianconeri è stata spedita a Francesco Saverio Borrelli, capo dell’Ufficio Indagini della Feder*calcio. La preoccupazione dei so*stenitori bianconeri è che il pro*cesso sia sommario e la Juventus paghi per tutti. Pubblichiamo uno stralcio della missiva: «Ci ap*pelliamo a lei per chiedere giu*stizia, non amnistia. Se ci sarà da retrocedere che si retroceda ma non perché lo chiedono alcune persone... » . I cinquemila tifosi, inoltre, lamentano la mancanza di una voce autorevole all’interno della società: « Al momento non esiste una società. Nessuno che parli, nessuno che spieghi, nes*suno che si faccia sentire per esprimere la propria posizione. Gli eredi degli Agnelli sono gio*vani e il resto del vertice dirigen*ziale è stato decapitato proprio a causa di queste vicende » . Come a voler dire: c’è un vuoto di potere. Poi, con orgoglio: « Il nostro tifo? Siamo la Juve. Niente vetrine rotte, niente violenze, niente ri*volte di piazza. E siamo tantissi*mi... » . Tanti concetti interessanti spediti al dottor Borrelli. E il tut*to, lo ripetiamo, accompagnato da cinquemila firme di tifosi che chiedono solo giustizia, nient’al*tro che giustizia. La paura è che in fase di decisione prevalga il sentimento di quell’Italia che non ama i colori bianconeri e che vuole una Juventus eliminata dal calcio che conta. La certezza è che con il passare dei giorni la tifoseria si sta mobilitando per difendere la propria bandiera. Manifestazioni d’affetto che stan*no crescendo con slancio. In que*sto momento difficile la Juventus non sarà sola, al suo fianco c’è la gente che non ha nessuna inten*zione di abbandonare la barca che sta affondando. Del resto gli abbonamenti per la prossima stagione ( quale?) vanno davvero forte: sino a ieri ne sono stati venduti ottomila. Che di questi tempi non sono bruscolini.

    The fans get their act together
    Letter with 5000 signatures to Borrelli.

    A piece of it "We appeal to you to demand justice, not amnesty. If we will have to be demoted, so be it, but not just because some people want it so..."

    A letter Accompained by 5000 signatures of bianconeri supporters has been sent to Francesco Saverio Borrelli, head of the "prosecution office" of the Figc. What worries the juventus supporters is that the trial will be summary and that Juve will be the only one to pay. Here is a piece of this letter:"We appeal to you to demand justice, not amnesty. If we will have to be demoted, so be it, but not just because some people want it so...". The 5000 supporters also complain about the lack of a voice with some suthority inside the club. "At the moment there is no club. NO one that speaks, no one that explains, no one that makes their opinions known. The Agnelli's heirs are young and the head of the managerial asset hase been beheaded when this situation started". Like to say: there is a lack of power. Then, with pride: "Our ultras? We are Juve. No broken show windows, no violence, no riots. There are many of us...". A lot of interesting insights sent to Mr Borrelli. And everything, we repeat, accompained by 5000 signatures of Supporters who ask only for justice, nothing else. What they fear is that when decision will be made, the sentiments of that Italy that doesn't love the bianconere stripes and wants a Juve erased form the calcio world will win. What they are sure of is that the ultras are getting their act together to fedend their flag (team). In this difficult moment Juventus will not be alone, by her side there are a lot of people who won't abandon the sinking ship. After all the 2006-07 season tickets (where?) are doing great. As of yesterday 8000 had already been sold. And, in times like these ones, it's not a joke.

    Keep on signing!


    New Member
    Mar 17, 2006
    Keep on signing!

    ok ,from china :

    teng ma ,ningbo ,china 09/11/1981
    ChaoWang , Qinhuangdao China ,02/11/1983
    xiawen chao ,shenyang ,china 27/12/1982
    yi wu ,xi'an ,china ,14/04/1988
    gao ma ,guangzhou, China09/12/1979
    chao zhang ,dongying ,china 11/10/1988
    huaishun mu ,tianjin ,china 11/12/1983
    yi bo ,liu ,liuzhou ,china 29/03/1987


    The Informer
    Dec 19, 2003
    Our own Er gò de Turone from J1897 got answered back by Borelli himself;

    Gentile Dottor Zampini,
    La ringrazio per il Suo accorato messaggio, ma non so assolutamente in che termini risponderLe. Come certamente sa, l'Ufficio Indagini cui mi hanno preposto ha soltanto il compito di raccogliere le fonti di prova relative a determinati episodi (e le raccoglie senza disporre di strumenti coercitivi, com'è ov vio, dunque fidando o fingendo di fidare nella lealtà e sincerità delle persone ascoltate). Non all'Ufficio Indagini, bensì alla Procura Federale spetta formulare i capi di incolpazione e decidere se deferire al Giudice sportivo le persone coinvolte negli episodi e le relative società calcistiche, ovvero archiviare il procedimento. Infine al Giudice tocca emettere il giudizio sulla fondatezza o meno delle incolpazioni ed eventualmente applicare la sanzioni previste dall'Ordinamento. Questa aspettativa mediatica che si è creata attorno alla mia persona è perciò in buona parte frutto di un equivoco. Cercheremo di svolgere al meglio il nostro compito, ma non è da noi che i tifosi devono attendersi che sia resa giustizia. Il nostro compito, lo ripeto, è meramente preparatorio.
    Molti cordiali saluti

    Francesco Saverio Borrelli


    To resume, he said that he's not the one that makes the decisions(he just looks if there's any proof and sends it to the higher powers) and we should take it to the federal court and the sports justice. Letters and petitions should be sent to them.

    He was nice to answer back.


    New Member
    Mar 17, 2006
    weijie cui ,xiamen ,china ,18/11/1981
    fangtao xiao ,sanming ,china ,10/06/1987
    song yan ,LA ,USA,19/08/1985
    shaokai fu ,longyan ,china 20/03/1986
    xing chen ,shanghai ,china 26/06/1977
    min gang ,yangzhou ,china ,23/11/1985
    hao cheng ,luoyang ,china ,06/10/1986


    Senior Member
    Jun 24, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #176
    mark77 said:

    To resume, he said that he's not the one that makes the decisions(he just looks if there's any proof and sends it to the higher powers) and we should take it to the federal court and the sports justice. Letters and petitions should be sent to them.

    He was nice to answer back.
    Yep, he was.:agree:

    Now he (Massimo, who would be Er go' de Turone) is going to work to make the message (with signatures and all) be heard also by the other people taking part of this procedure. The most symbolicly important one has already answered, let's see what the others will do :)

    So, guys, for the millionth time I realize :D, keep on signing!


    Junior Member
    Feb 22, 2005
    Isha, I'm impressed. You're right, this thing was actually noticed in the press and also by Borelli so congratulations to you and to all who are involved in the organisation of this petition. I've signed it but I didn't think an internet petition would get any notification whatsoever. Luckily I was wrong. This of course doesn't change anything in the enquiry process but it's a nice gesture nevertheless.


    Senior Member
    Jun 24, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #179
    Well the fact that what people think and ask doesn't change anything in this kind of procedure should be implicit in any civil country, but we need to make our voice be heard, at least to try to balance in some way all what it said against us.


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