Pavel Nedved (24 Viewers)

Dec 31, 2008
Friday 19 November, 2010 [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, Swiss, SunSans-Regular]
Nedved on Mou’s Inter offer
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]Juventus legend Pavel Nedved has recalled when he was asked by Jose Mourinho to join arch rivals Internazionale.

The Portuguese tactician phoned Nedved after the former Czech Republic international left Juve in the summer of 2009.

“I was very surprised when I heard his voice,” Nedved told La Gazzetta dello Sport on Friday.

“At first he complimented me and then said that he needed me in order to win the Champions League.

“But I instantly refused. My heart would never have allowed me to play for Inter.”

The former Lazio player hung up his boots in May 2009 after eights years in Turin with the Old Lady.

“In 2006 I pledged to take Juventus back to the top,” he continued when asked when and why he decided to quit.

“After the promotion back to Serie A and the third place finish, my head couldn’t cope with the training retreats.

“In 2009 we finished second and to go one step higher, a very high step, I couldn’t be of any more use at the age of 37.

“Juventus needed something else and their project didn’t include me.

“My agent tried to convince me to play on and there were offers from abroad and in Italy, but I couldn’t see myself in another shirt.”

Nedved though is now back in Turin as a director after the appointment of Andrea Agnelli, a close friend, as President.

“My job is to stay close to the team, to talk to Gigi Del Neri, Beppe Marotta, Fabio Paratici, Gianluca Pessotto, to help who needs help.

“Will I talk to Gigi Buffon? We’ve already seen each other and we’ll meet up again soon. I can understand his suffering.

“When you are out injured with a serious injury then it hurts. Perhaps by not going to Vinovo [the club’s training base] he is suffering less.

“Milos Krasic? We have a few things in common – the way we run and how we see the goal. He’s a great crosser of the ball, now he just needs to shoot from distance.

“Alex Del Piero? He’s always on the front row. An example. I expect him to play on. He has the right mind-set to carry on doing great things.”


Dec 16, 2003
Friday 19 November, 2010 [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva, Swiss, SunSans-Regular]
Nedved on Mou’s Inter offer
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]Juventus legend Pavel Nedved has recalled when he was asked by Jose Mourinho to join arch rivals Internazionale.

The Portuguese tactician phoned Nedved after the former Czech Republic international left Juve in the summer of 2009.

“I was very surprised when I heard his voice,” Nedved told La Gazzetta dello Sport on Friday.

“At first he complimented me and then said that he needed me in order to win the Champions League.

“But I instantly refused. My heart would never have allowed me to play for Inter.”

The former Lazio player hung up his boots in May 2009 after eights years in Turin with the Old Lady.

“In 2006 I pledged to take Juventus back to the top,” he continued when asked when and why he decided to quit.

“After the promotion back to Serie A and the third place finish, my head couldn’t cope with the training retreats.

“In 2009 we finished second and to go one step higher, a very high step, I couldn’t be of any more use at the age of 37.

“Juventus needed something else and their project didn’t include me.

“My agent tried to convince me to play on and there were offers from abroad and in Italy, but I couldn’t see myself in another shirt.”

I love you PAVEL. You're a piece of me in this Football passion.


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
"Ricordate quel 2-0 per la juve nel 2005, con l'inter incapace di uscire dalla sua metà campo e piegata sia in corsa sia in qualità, sia tecnicamente,sia tatticamente? A me viene il sospetto che l'unico fine di tutto quel macello fosse quello di smontare la squadra più forte del mondo" !!!!!

"Remember that 2-0 for Juve in 2005 with inter unable to get out of their own half and owned by our speed, quality, technique and tactics? For me, I suspect that the only way end this was to dismantle the best club in the world!!!"
Aug 1, 2003
La Rivoluzione di velluto "Partecipai alle manifestazioni. Ero preoccupato ed eccitato. Ma ho vissuto la divisione della Cecoslovacchia con dolore".

La Lazio "C’era gente che non si sopportava e a volte partivano scazzottate e lanci di oggetti come in un film d’azione".

Il doping "Il doping fa schifo, è una vergogna. Il doping nel calcio esiste, ma io non l’ho mai fatto e sono felice della mia carriera. Probabilmente chi lo fa è altrettanto felice. Ma credo di dormire meglio io...».

Calciopoli "Ricordate quel 2-0 per la Juve nel 2005, con l’Inter incapace di uscire dalla sua metà campo e piegata sia in corsa, sia in qualità, sia tecnicamente, sia tatticamente? A me viene il sospetto che l’unico fine di tutto quel macello fosse quello di smontare la squadra più forte del mondo".

Aug 7, 2009
“My agent tried to convince me to play on and there were offers from abroad and in Italy, but I couldn’t see myself in another shirt. My job is to stay close to the team, to talk to Gigi Del Neri, Beppe Marotta, Fabio Paratici, Gianluca Pessotto, to help who needs help."
Pavel "Czech Canon" Nedved

above is my FB status today :)

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