Pavel Nedved (21 Viewers)


Sep 27, 2006
I just ordered a Juve home jersey with #11 Nedved on the back .. A dedication for that immortal warrior!! I just hope it's his last season. He has given enough and he deserves a break!


Pavel The Czech Warrior
Aug 5, 2008
Da valutare le condizioni di Nedved

15 dicembre 2008 - Ranieri ha concesso un giorno di riposo al gruppo che riprenderà a lavorare domani pomeriggio in vista del prossimo impegno di campionato contro l’Atalanta. Da valutare le condizioni di Nedved, uscito alla mezz’ora del primo tempo contro il Milan per un leggero fastidio muscolare- tendineo al gluteo. Non sembra comunque nulla di grave e il ceco dovrebbe riprendere ad allenarsi già domani.

Pavel is ok he should be back in training tomorrow thankfully.
He had a light muscular trouble to the buttock but it is nothing serious.

He will be back on Sunday to destroy Atalanta.


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2007
It seems Pavel wasn't injured, as no news are covering that. It was just a Sub.

EDIT: I didn't notice that article as the page was opened already :)

Forza Nedved. We love you man.


★ ★ ★
Aug 8, 2006
good news that he is not injured. i hope our team can go into the break with minimal injuries to recover from. i want to start off the 2nd half of the season strong and take back 6pts from inter!


Senior Member
Dec 8, 2007
I saw him scratching his balls only ;)

Whatever was, I am happy that Nedved is back, as DP said , lets make final push and end up 2008 on a high..

Does anyone knows table standings/stats for end of 2007 season?

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