Pavel Nedved (351 Viewers)


Junior Member
Jul 2, 2006
More of a playmaker but the guy can really play anywhere in the middle, the guy is a fighter and never gives up, no matter what you ask of him, he'll do it. Plus his skills with the ball, the vision.. He's the whole package, but like I said, Wenger's got him lined up already.
Vlatko tell me one thing, because I'm not so sure that he will end up in Arsenal. Do you know how much money are Arsenal or Bayern ready to put on table to get him? Because in Slovenia there is mentioned that Arsenal send an offer of 10 mio EUR and Bayern 30 mio EUR. If this is true, then Mamič will be stupid to send him to Arsenal.

Buy on


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2005
  • V


Vlatko tell me one thing, because I'm not so sure that he will end up in Arsenal. Do you know how much money are Arsenal or Bayern ready to put on table to get him? Because in Slovenia there is mentioned that Arsenal send an offer of 10 mio EUR and Bayern 30 mio EUR. If this is true, then Mamič will be stupid to send him to Arsenal.
The same stories go around here as well and I think the Bayern one is just a stunt to raise price a little bit. Overall I think he will be sold at about 15m max, though 10-12mil could also happen, anything over 15m is unrealistic.


Till death do us part!
Jul 25, 2006
Christian Panucci has revealed that he saw the funny side of teammate Simone Perrotta’s bizarre dismissal in Sunday’s Italian Super Cup.

Perrotta was shown the red card before entering the field of play for comments made to the fourth official while waiting to come on as a substitute.

However, no harm was done as the Giallorossi lifted the silverware after a 1-0 win and Panucci admits he found the whole incident amusing.

“I thought that the ref was going over to send off Luciano Spalletti,” the 34-year-old grinned. “Then when I saw him show the card to Perrotta I almost started laughing!”

Not everyone was able to enjoy the humour of the situation. A livid Perrotta left the San Siro after issuing a curt statement

“Ask Roberto Rosetti why he sent me off and we will see whether he has the guts to explain his reasons,” he asserted.

Roma boss Spalletti was ready to defend the England-born midfielder, claiming that such ill-discipline was completely out of character.

“I don’t know the reason why the officials took action, but I was saddened to see such a downbeat Perrotta,” he stated.

“He’s a good lad and above all he is very polite so it seems strange that he would have said something so bad.“

Meanwhile, French defender Philippe Mexes took the chance to joke about his recent war of words with Juventus winger Pavel Nedved.

“I’m dedicating this to Nedved,” he grinned before laughing.

“Seriously, I’m happy because it’s always great to win with this shirt and conquering the San Siro is always special.”



Too busy to bother
May 20, 2006
Nedved’s positive pre-season Tuesday 21 August, 2007


Juventus winger Pavel Nedved is happy with the Cadetti champions’ pre-season despite defeats in the TIM Trophy and Birra Moretti Trophy.

The Czech midfielder signed a new deal with the Old Lady this summer after protracted and complicated contract negotiations, but the drama doesn’t seem to have disrupted his preparations.

“I’m happy with how the pre-season went because we played at the same level as Milan, Inter and Roma without fear, but there’s still lots of work to do,” Nedved claimed.

“I don’t know how long it will take for us to reach 100 per cent, maybe it will be one month, maybe two, but it’s fun playing an attacking style.

“Of course it means you have to run lots and you need to help out in defence more, but it spurs you on. At Juve we have the players to play 4-3-3, a diamond or any other formation.”

The ex-Lazio star also responded to a question regarding his recent verbal sparring with Roma defender Philippe Mexes, who jokingly dedicated the Giallorossi’s Super Cup victory over Inter to him.

“Let’s not joke, I’d rather talk about serious things,” he scowled.

“The Nerazzurri’s defeat didn’t suprise me that much – they are the strongest side in Serie A and maybe Europe, but they can be beaten in a one-off game. Everyone has off days and this is a hard period for everyone.”


Senior Member
Mar 12, 2004
Serie A Tim - 21 Aug 2007 - 3:45 PM

Nedved: “We'll do well”

At the Berlusconi Trophy he was again one of the liveliest players, the biggest danger for AC Milan, with at least three or four close chances. Perhaps Pavel Nedved's legs are still a little stiff from summer training, but his determination and his desire to win are always at peak level.

Athletic condition. “I feel good, I've never done a preparation like this, but I liked it a lot and I believe the philosophy behind it is the right one: not running on long distances, but working on lactic acid instead. I agree with this idea. Now I await the results: the legs aren't ready yet, but we're doing pretty well physically and I hope that when we get in condition, it'll last for a long time”.

The Berlusconi Trophy. “We played an open game with them and we had plenty of chances. We lacked lucidity, especially me, I made a few too many mistakes, but at the back we didn't have that many problems. They took advantage of the only two chances we allowed, but on the whole I liked the way we played”.

The new Juve. “I was surprised, because we've been playing so well. Obviously we still have to improve, but we knew that. We tried to take on some big teams as equals, but they already have players that know each other well, whereas we need a little time, but we're a good team and our objectives haven't changed after the pre-season defeats. How much time do we need? Who knows. I'd be happy with one or two months, but maybe we'll need more than that. Nobody can know for sure, but for now I'd be content to see a determined Juve, making progress and never giving up”.

The youngsters and the new arrivals. “They've fit in well. When I came to Italy it took me six months to get to my team mates' level. I had to get used to a completely different type of football than the one I played in Prague. There's huge pressure here, on the pitch as well: they don't let you run with the ball in midfield, they make tactical fouls, there's less space, the game is quicker... There are a lot of problems to face, and our new players are doing it well, they only need time. Clearly Juve are expected to win all the time, but we mustn't be in a hurry, because we will get good results. The young players must concentrate on gaining the Manager’s and the Club's confidence, in any case it's up to us "seniors" to take responsibility, they mustn't worry”.

The aim is to have fun. “More than anything I want to have fun, playing the derby and the games against Internazionale and AC Milan: i.e. those big matches that both we and the fans sorely missed. Let's enjoy them now that we're back and I'm sure we'll do very well”.

Ranieri. “As a person, he reminds me of Eriksson, because he's a gentleman, and the way he's educating us all. But his football philosophy is different: he likes to go forward more, whereas Eriksson was more concerned with defending”

Three up front. “I liked that formation and I'm sorry we abandoned it so early on. I'd like to play with three strikers, because I like to put pressure on opponents. However the Manager prefers the 4-4-2 formation now and we respect that, also because it's the most tried and tested module. We do have the kind of players needed to play with three up front, the important thing to keep in mind is that everyone has to help each other when defending”.

Fierce competition. "It's not just us, there are at least another three or four teams that could get in the top four. It'll be a great tournament and we'll have to give our best from the start and for the whole year, then we'll turn around and see how many points we were able to get. We better not think about any specific objectives, the Scudetto or any particular placing. We just need to think about taking all three points each Sunday”.

Best wishes to Bojo. “I'm very sorry for Bojinov [forced to miss five months due to injury], I watched the match and he hurt himself immediately. I tried to call him and I'll try again. I'm really sorry for him”.



Too busy to bother
May 20, 2006
I shudder at the thought of Neddy retiring next year. He brings way too much, not just on the field. The attitude is unmistakable.
Hopefully Marchionni can replace him, and as long as DP can reach a high level in the attack, Palla might also be able to play as AML.
Also, if we manage to reach CL, there is a possibility to sign big names and we might get a good replacement for him, to bad Malouda already joined Chelsea.


May 27, 2007
Nedved Not Surprised By Inter's Super Cup Defeat

The Juventus midfielder is looking forward to the new season in which he wants to enjoy every single game even though he admitted that they will be difficult.

Pavel Nedved is ready for a new season back in the Italian topflight following the promotion from Serie B.

"I want to enjoy myself for the entire season," he said, "By playing good games like the derby and against Milan and Inter. They will be difficult games, but we shall obtain satisfactions."

Then the Czech midfielder continued to ignite the feud between Juventus and Inter by commenting about the Nerazzurri's defeat in the Italian Super Cup against Roma last weekend.

"I wasn't surprised," he declared. "They're the strongest team, but in a direct game they can be beaten."

Juventus will kick-off their Serie A season at home against Livorno.

"These are matches which in the past season we lacked. They will be difficult encounters, but I'm convinced that we shall obtain some satisfactions. This year I really want to have fun."


Senior Member
Oct 10, 2006
Nedved, 35 anni di corsa

E’ l’evento speciale di fine estate in casa bianconera. Il 30 agosto è il compleanno di Pavel Nedved. La “Furia Ceca” compie 35 anni e li festeggerà in una maniera particolare, avvolto dal colore dei tifosi juventini. Sarà infatti ospite a Juventus Channel per una puntata speciale di Filo Diretto, in onda alle 17.45, prima dell’inizio dell’allenamento. Fate sentire il vostro affetto telefonando o mandando sms al numero 348/8688184 o inviando una mail all’indirizzo [email protected]. I più simpatici saranno pubblicati su

Intanto, i suoi compagni hanno provveduto a fargli un regalo di compleanno in anticipo, vincendo a Parma e conquistando gli ottavi di finale di Coppa Italia. Il trofeo nazionale resta uno degli obiettivi stagionali della squadra, ma anche di Pavel, che in bacheca ne ha già due, conquistati però con la maglia della Lazio.

Nedved è uno degli assoluti protagonisti della storia recente della Juventus. Una storia che contribuisce a rendere più affascinante e avvincente partita dopo partita. Ad oggi, sono 251 le presenze in maglia bianconera, impreziosite da 55 gol che hanno contribuito a vincere sul campo quattro scudetti sul campo (due poi revocati) e due Supercoppe Italiane e, a titolo personale, il Pallone d’Oro 2003.

Tanti auguri Pavel. Da tutto il mondo bianconero a da

Happy birthday, Pavel! :party:

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