Paolo De Ceglie (58 Viewers)


May 19, 2006
You totally just changed your name and I'm too thick to notice, aren't I?

:howler: Wait nobody knew? I thought you were teasing me earlier Kate lol. Nobody found it odd that I had my (Risa's) opinions is the GoT thread and that I lived in the DC thread?

Is Lilith a character from that retarded show everyone watches then?
Lilith is the mother of vampires. Why am I the only nerd who ever knows these things? :p

You can call him Bambiii all you want I am still his biggest fangirl. :stuckup: :D


Feb 7, 2011
I think it is because I first saw Lilith in the GOT thread, and just thought she was a book enthusiast. I did wonder who was suddenly all over the place all at once, but I wondered if she wasn't an old member who hadn't posted for a long time.

But this is good! It makes the balance of fangirls to footballers still work out.


May 19, 2006
:D I am just thinking had I only known I would have had some fun with this. I think E figured me out though because he was teasing me about living in the moors. Still though some of you...way to giving away my DC to some stranger after 2 posts. :stuckup: :p Thanks Kate for having my back.


May 19, 2006
He knows what the Moors are, it was an inside joke for those who watch Seinfeld. Shocking you didn't get it tbh.
I never watched Seinfeld. :p

But anyway here some a vids that we probably all saw before but just posting it again because DC is in the first part and the second part I couldn't stop laughing at Vuci. Quaggy is so damn shy!! :D And Krasic :rofl:I never get tired of watching him in that vid.



May 19, 2006
So last night I saw the hottest, sexiest video of this dude on Youtube and all I came in here to say is, hands off future biatches who may enter this thread. He is mine!


May 19, 2006
Well I did share it with Kate last night. :D@Kate you should see me blush right now watching that video. If I see him in person I am so sure I am gonna get so shy and not be able to say a word!

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