Osama Bin Laden is dead! (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2004
Looks like all the bullshit conspiracy theorists in this thread got proved wrong.

Like that was hard to see coming.

Maybe now you people can join the real world again.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Nothing has been proven. No body, no pictures. Just a bunch of stories. It's basically like this thread except for the addition of a dumb slut from Britain who gave birth to a bastard child.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
I guess not trusting what Al Qaeda says makes me a conspiracy theorist. I'm sure the Al Qaeda rebels we're supporting in Libya are pissed with me.


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2008
Taliban banned the opium, but after the invasion the opium was sent out to Western countries and I remember them bragging about how they are hurting western people through the drug-addiction.
And Afghani. Opium addiction is a huge problem there.


Disciple of Gonzo
Feb 11, 2009
truly, it takes a seriously retarded individual to believe anything that the US government tells them, when that same government has far more a history of proven treachery, than of truth telling...do the americans not find it rather weird that the majority of the known world see them, or at best, their government, as by far the largest exporter of state sponsored terrorism in the world...i don't mean just the arab states, i mean also the europeans. It makes spastics feel patriotic and proud to learn of Osama's death, learn through the words of proven liars...so they dance around, proud to be american...'we got him!'...fucking idiots. 'barack obama has enjoyed a massive upsruge in approval polls'...hohohohohohohoho!...Obama is a man elected by the very same people who elected Bush. the US is run by an insultingly obvious military-industrial complex, who have worked hard to create an economic powerhouse full of masses of uneducated people, who are happy to wave their flag, and be told what to believe...

any country which not just elects, but re-elects a president taking them to war in two countries who have done fuck-all to the US, a president who tells the world that Saddam killed the still living Mandelas...well...their reputation is deserved.

but go ahead, wave the flags, bow in pride to the Navy Seals, and be assured of your safety...pat yourselves on the back, and feel safer, added allegiance to the government...

Fake Melo

Ghost Division
Sep 3, 2010
truly, it takes a seriously retarded individual to believe anything that the US government tells them, when that same government has far more a history of proven treachery, than of truth telling...do the americans not find it rather weird that the majority of the known world see them, or at best, their government, as by far the largest exporter of state sponsored terrorism in the world...i don't mean just the arab states, i mean also the europeans. It makes spastics feel patriotic and proud to learn of Osama's death, learn through the words of proven liars...so they dance around, proud to be american...'we got him!'...fucking idiots. 'barack obama has enjoyed a massive upsruge in approval polls'...hohohohohohohoho!...Obama is a man elected by the very same people who elected Bush. the US is run by an insultingly obvious military-industrial complex, who have worked hard to create an economic powerhouse full of masses of uneducated people, who are happy to wave their flag, and be told what to believe...

any country which not just elects, but re-elects a president taking them to war in two countries who have done fuck-all to the US, a president who tells the world that Saddam killed the still living Mandelas...well...their reputation is deserved.

but go ahead, wave the flags, bow in pride to the Navy Seals, and be assured of your safety...pat yourselves on the back, and feel safer, added allegiance to the government...
Top post. Puts people in their places.


Senior Member
Nov 20, 2005
But but... Navy Seals are still badass right? They could easily slaughter anyone from their helicopters.


Senior Member
Nov 20, 2005
Oh and all this news reports about this is seriously getting on my nerves. I mean how long can it last, it seems that this stuff is getting even more attention that the Japan disaster or the middle eastern rebellions. Such a meh news getting so much attention....

Obama meets bin laden raid team :lol: just like in the movies we just need a national medal awards for them, with white doves shown by the end of ceremony and some baddass navy seal to do some good one liners. This is fucked up bad.

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