well, you should be familiar with this kind of threads by now..
A 1.something k DIDICATION..
I would like to thank all of you guys for being such a great helpful friends anyone could dream of having..
it was such a pleasure.. being here.. sharing thoughts with such fine people as you for the last 10 months or so..
+1000 posts, quite an acheivement, huh? well, I don't care about posts count as much I care for having great discussions and talks with great posters like you..
a special thanks for:
Martin : Mr. President, thank you Sir for maintaining this forum and keeping it up and running.. and also for not banning me for being such a jack**s sometimes..
keep up the good work. :thumb:
Gang of Mods: (Erik , dpforever (Fahad), Paolo_Montero (Tom), Nina , Torkel .. you are doing a great job maintaining this forum and bringing the stupid threads down, not only that, but being as friendly as you can when dealing with members, which is very rare in mods..keep up the good work.. :thumb:
now, and after kissing some b*tts!!,
I would like to thank these special members:
Ali (good friend..nice poster.. :thumb
Deej (unpredictable man..crazy but..well.. :undecide:Keep up the good work.. if u have any..
j/k )
Fabiana (lovely person.. :flirt: nice poster..)
Graham (I like to disscuss alot of stuff with you.. for example, how could u be nice in one post, and a complete bastard in another?? lool.. you're doing a great job here.. keep it up.. btw, you need to spend more time here.. :undecide: )
Hydde (crazy.. funny.. nice.. crazy..)
Josh (I like your posts.. reaally.. the threads you open.. they have some extra Dimention..good stuff :thumb: )
Kaliman (cool.. I havn't communicated with you, I just like your posts)
Liliana (lovely person.. :flirt: nice poster)
Mac (same as Karlberg.. but you are the opposite version of him.. the good version..
Majed (one of my favourite pals around here.. keep on posting brother :thumb
Mikhail (nice poster.. I sometimes think that u are a librarian!!
Sallyinzaghi (lovely person.. :flirt: Nice poster)
Serge (one of the best new members that got a high impact on the forum.. keep up the good work dude.. and good day to you.. :thumb: )
Shadowfax (high way of thinking.. great posts.. keep up the good work my fellow Tolkein fan.. :thumb: )
Stuart (great football analysis and follow up for juve.. great job.. keep it Great :thumb: )
Vicky :eyepatch: (lovely person.. :flirt: )
Vilhelmas ("Can't you stop saying 'f*ck' all the time?!!")
Vinman (no-bullshit man.. realistic, not pessimistic.. great poster :thumb: )
Zlatan (I respect your great state of mind.. so different than the others.. Unique poster.. :thumb
my fellow arab members(MD,Forza Juve,Mermaida,Mona,Bahraini, Fready and the rest..) : Ashkerkom 3ala msharakatkom el fa33alah fe hal forums, wo el 9oora el 6aibah elle ta36oonha lel 3arab fe hal mkaan el mota3added el jenseyyaat.. Ash'kerkom, Ash'felfel, Ash'za3faran..!! lol.. Keep on posting brothers.. :thumb:
Other clubs Fans (K10, *aca*, Forza AC Milan, Gogeta .. and the rest): it's great to have people like you here.. gives another meaning for a juve forum.. you're welcome here..
Fread Weasley(I think you r in this category too) )
and for those good members that used to post here (Glenn, Denco, Iulia"BloodOnMoral", Roverbhoy ..): where have you been..?? Get your a**es back here..
I miss u)..
I think that would be it.. I certainly forgot some members.. but, forgive me for that.. it's not in my intention..
love you all..
P.S. "don't expect me to reply soon.. I've got some fingers to rest.. these didication threads are really tiring.."
A 1.something k DIDICATION..
I would like to thank all of you guys for being such a great helpful friends anyone could dream of having..
it was such a pleasure.. being here.. sharing thoughts with such fine people as you for the last 10 months or so..
+1000 posts, quite an acheivement, huh? well, I don't care about posts count as much I care for having great discussions and talks with great posters like you..
a special thanks for:
Martin : Mr. President, thank you Sir for maintaining this forum and keeping it up and running.. and also for not banning me for being such a jack**s sometimes..
keep up the good work. :thumb:
Gang of Mods: (Erik , dpforever (Fahad), Paolo_Montero (Tom), Nina , Torkel .. you are doing a great job maintaining this forum and bringing the stupid threads down, not only that, but being as friendly as you can when dealing with members, which is very rare in mods..keep up the good work.. :thumb:
now, and after kissing some b*tts!!,
Ali (good friend..nice poster.. :thumb
Deej (unpredictable man..crazy but..well.. :undecide:Keep up the good work.. if u have any..
Fabiana (lovely person.. :flirt: nice poster..)
Graham (I like to disscuss alot of stuff with you.. for example, how could u be nice in one post, and a complete bastard in another?? lool.. you're doing a great job here.. keep it up.. btw, you need to spend more time here.. :undecide: )
Hydde (crazy.. funny.. nice.. crazy..)
Josh (I like your posts.. reaally.. the threads you open.. they have some extra Dimention..good stuff :thumb: )
Kaliman (cool.. I havn't communicated with you, I just like your posts)
Liliana (lovely person.. :flirt: nice poster)
Mac (same as Karlberg.. but you are the opposite version of him.. the good version..
Majed (one of my favourite pals around here.. keep on posting brother :thumb
Mikhail (nice poster.. I sometimes think that u are a librarian!!
Sallyinzaghi (lovely person.. :flirt: Nice poster)
Serge (one of the best new members that got a high impact on the forum.. keep up the good work dude.. and good day to you.. :thumb: )
Shadowfax (high way of thinking.. great posts.. keep up the good work my fellow Tolkein fan.. :thumb: )
Stuart (great football analysis and follow up for juve.. great job.. keep it Great :thumb: )
Vicky :eyepatch: (lovely person.. :flirt: )
Vilhelmas ("Can't you stop saying 'f*ck' all the time?!!")
Vinman (no-bullshit man.. realistic, not pessimistic.. great poster :thumb: )
Zlatan (I respect your great state of mind.. so different than the others.. Unique poster.. :thumb
my fellow arab members(MD,Forza Juve,Mermaida,Mona,Bahraini, Fready and the rest..) : Ashkerkom 3ala msharakatkom el fa33alah fe hal forums, wo el 9oora el 6aibah elle ta36oonha lel 3arab fe hal mkaan el mota3added el jenseyyaat.. Ash'kerkom, Ash'felfel, Ash'za3faran..!! lol.. Keep on posting brothers.. :thumb:
Other clubs Fans (K10, *aca*, Forza AC Milan, Gogeta .. and the rest): it's great to have people like you here.. gives another meaning for a juve forum.. you're welcome here..
and for those good members that used to post here (Glenn, Denco, Iulia"BloodOnMoral", Roverbhoy ..): where have you been..?? Get your a**es back here..
I think that would be it.. I certainly forgot some members.. but, forgive me for that.. it's not in my intention..
love you all..
P.S. "don't expect me to reply soon.. I've got some fingers to rest.. these didication threads are really tiring.."