OK Serge, this one's for you (1 Viewer)

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Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
What the FUKK is this?!?!?!?!?!

Man, you are too funny. I'm laughing as I'm typing this right now.

I think the winners have already been decided, but I appreciate your help.

Dude, you made my day. It was pretty shitty until I read this.:D:D


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
I have a question. Dont the moderators already know all the results, because the polls are closed therefore you shouldnt be making campaing? Thanks. ;)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
You elected Z as your PR advisor?

Dude, at least choose someone who can maintain a decent image for himself



Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
++ [ originally posted by fabiana ] ++
I have a question. Dont the moderators already know all the results, because the polls are closed therefore you shouldnt be making campaing? Thanks. ;)
That is true.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by -CSD- ] ++
:LOL: welcome back man..how was thailand?
Cheers mate ;)

Thailand was great :cool: I met another mission team from Singapore/Malaysia there, and it was scary that I was reminded of you :yuck:

I fell in love with Sepak Takraw while I was over there, and I might just start the Australian Federation for the sport :D

Dj Juve

Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++

Thailand was great :cool: I met another mission team from Singapore/Malaysia there, and it was scary that I was reminded of you :yuck:

great in what way? ;)

Who knows man, my church has mission trips to thailand regularly..:eek: i coulda met you :scared:

++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++

I fell in love with Sepak Takraw while I was over there, and I might just start the Australian Federation for the sport :D

i hate that game :D was never good in it for some reason...maybe cause I'm short...anyway, do you support the Stallions Futsal Club?


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
You elected Z as your PR advisor?

Dude, at least choose someone who can maintain a decent image for himself

Gray, he was cheap.

I'm talking dirt cheap.

Besides, all things being equal, Sunshine should definitely win that award. She is, by far, the nicest person on this board.

Dj Juve

Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
yeah man, insult me...that would really rack up the votes woulnt it you dimwitt...:lazy:

but who cares since you're running a campaign for something already decided been decided :wallbang:

oh well since you do have nothing else to do :p
Sep 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by -Z- ] ++

Actually I have a life. I did all this last night when I was preparing to go out for New Years... whats your rpoblem? If you dont like it, put me on your ignore list, you wont see any of my posts :rolleyes:
you always do that when preparing to go out? weird..

my problem is that you flooded all threads with these stupid pics. i do not intend to put you to my ignore list because sometimes actually you do contribute to the football talks, sometimes it is fun to read your stuff in of topic threads. but this is really sad, like dj mentioned. and why do you think martin asked girls to cut off with crazy picture posting on forums?
whatever dude. sometimes you should consider that you might be wrong and listen to what others say.


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
The one named "making the world a better place" was rather funnier, but i'd have been funnier if youd had put since 1876 or something, haha
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