Official Azzurri WC2010 Thread (26 Viewers)

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Apr 12, 2004
I tend to agree with you on the Amauri issue, but i don't agree with this. So the country you belong to is the country you were born and raised in?

Well i was raised in Glasgow until i was 9, then Malaysia until i was 12, after that the UAE until this moment. I never lived in Libya for an extended period and i only visit it in the summers.

So where am I from??
What passport do you have?

Andmeister, please help me know where I'm from...I was born in Lebanon, have a Syrian passport, moved to U.A.E, was raised there since I was 4, don't know Arabic too, then went to the U.S of A for University and now I'm back in Dubai for funs. I speak Armenian fully in the house. Am I Syrian, Armenian, Lebanese or a Jew ?
thats bullshit.... firstly you are treated as a foreign cause of your origin... secondly home is where your heart is and not were you live.
i could say every american is a european or from africa cause the native americans are the only americans....
Home is where you heart is?

I wonder if I can have two passports then, one for the nation of BEER and another for the small separate island of PUSSY next to it.
You can like whoever you want.

What I object to is folk claiming glory, like the folk who have no connection to Italy announcing 'We are world champions'.

I don't support Scotland, but you won't catch me speaking about another nation as if it is really my country.
Totally agree.
I might close it right now as the qualifiers are over.


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
I can get a Venezuelan or British passport very soon if I want. Or just about anywhere in the world if I have the right links, or if I slip some money to the right people.
Get a Venezuelan!!!!! Although it would be pretty useless... Until we become good in soccer and then you can start cheering for us!
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