Official Application for Moderator (7 Viewers)

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Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #242

    sometimes people want to hear a spruced up/sugar coated version of the facts rather than the COLD ..HARD..FACTS. Aggresive? perhaps...tactless..FAR from it considering some of the classless stuff that is thrown my way. Actually my posts seem like they are examples of "manners 101" compared to the insults I swallow...weekly.
    Blunt: perhaps but it goes back to the 'facts' theory.

    Every individual is different..every moderator is different..while they share a common ideology sometimes actually MANY TIMES posters deserve a VERBAL whipping rather than Martin's polite/firm warning or Tom's one/two word conclusion followed by a closed thread. For that I offer my of charge to In addition, they get to have a Milanista on board...that alone is worth the 'price of admission'.


    Inferiority complex
    Nov 16, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #243
    I see a common theme among the NAYERS (I'll let Emma who is usually the only voice of reason explain)... save for Padovano and Andy (you too sob's let me down).

    The Pado

    Filthy Gobbo
    Jul 12, 2002
    I only say "Nay" because I would rather have the Cookie Monster as our next Mod. His manners are better than Nick's, and he is slightly more articulate than Alex Samatar.



    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2003
    nothing personal, nick.. but, you asked the members to even say no or yes.. which is this thread is all about.. but, then you bash the ones who says no.. so, you basically want this:

    anyone want to vote for me: "say Yes.."

    anyone doesn't: "don't say no.. just shut up.."



    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++

    If you feel you need to put in your two cents anywhere and everywhere and feel the need to rise above the hypocrisy of it all and separate the evil (Incubo) from the innocent (Miss Dubai) such as Majed has been doing on this forum (painfully) since I can remember I say this: put your HIGH MORALE and NEED TO PROTECT TO THE INNOCENT to REAL USE and donate to your local Unicef or Red Cross for the TSUNAMI RELIEF FUND rather than showing us all WHAT A BIG PERSON you are and what a SHAMEFUL display others are to this forum and wasting another 10 minutes of your life.
    Miss Dubai still acts like an 8 year old spoiled brat without her 'teddy bear'.
    Majed still thinks his "SHIT DOESN'T SMELL" (excuse the bluntness but sometimes the BRUTUAL truth is needed)
    Incubo still wants to be MOD to save the forum from this type of bullsh*t taht makes you want to blow your brains out.
    1. I really don't think MD is innocent because she should have avoided your threads where there's a higher risk that you'll keep going at her like a dog with a bone.
    2. As useless as you may think she is, she and many others are still Juve fans, and they deserve their place here as long as they follow the rules. You know it and the only thing you can do to change that is to argue with them till they leave. Sorry to say, but your attempts at being mod will most likely fail. It's still nice to see you dream about being a mod. I admire your will, but what you dream about is not in the best intrest of the forums.

    3. MD was never one of those Buffon followers as you keep mentioning on and on. I think the shit that you smell is your endless flow if diarrehia. (Just keeping up with the theme).
    4. I don't think that your posts are a complete waste of 10 minutes. I do learn/enjoy a thing or two. You speak a lot of crap, but you're still usefull here. MD barely knows anything about football, but she's learning and she's generally a polite poster. Also adding that she's a juve fan, this validates her stay.
    5. Who says that I can't respond to your posts AND help out "in the real world" at the same time? I'm not one to say, but if it makes you feel better, I've already squeezed my pocket to pitch in to help the Tsunami relief efforts. I gladly pitched in 1/2 of what i had to support the relief effort despite just arriving in NYC for holidays. Eating pretzils and Kabab from Times Square most of the time wasn't my plan for vacation meals, but it was all worth it.

    This reminds me, kudos to Vil for his thoughtful signature. :thumb:


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2003
    to think about it..

    Majed and Ian are older here in the forum than Nick.. they deserve the moderation post more than Nick.. and they definately have more reasonable thinking.. Don Bes as well.. the advantage of being here all the time is very useful for moderators..
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++

    sometimes people want to hear a spruced up/sugar coated version of the facts rather than the COLD ..HARD..FACTS. Aggresive? perhaps...tactless..FAR from it considering some of the classless stuff that is thrown my way. Actually my posts seem like they are examples of "manners 101" compared to the insults I swallow...weekly.
    Blunt: perhaps but it goes back to the 'facts' theory.
    I've never been fooled by your self victimization. You've brought it all on yourself, IMO. Furthermore, whatever abuse you recieve does not excuse your own foolish behaviour.

    ++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
    Every individual is different..every moderator is different..while they share a common ideology sometimes actually MANY TIMES posters deserve a VERBAL whipping rather than Martin's polite/firm warning or Tom's one/two word conclusion followed by a closed thread. For that I offer my of charge to In addition, they get to have a Milanista on board...that alone is worth the 'price of admission'.
    A verbal whipping? Believe me, I know from experience that, when it's warranted, Martin and the other moderators are fully capable of handling that. And I highly doubt that your services would come free of charge. You already sound like you are on a power trip.


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
    I see a common theme among the NAYERS (I'll let Emma who is usually the only voice of reason explain)... save for Padovano and Andy (you too sob's let me down).
    Nick, for me to support you, bribes would have to come into play. I mean I'm talking about money in Swiss bank accounts here. You we play like real politicians here. :D


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Gandalf ] ++
    to think about it..

    Majed and Ian are older here in the forum than Nick.. they deserve the moderation post more than Nick.. and they definately have more reasonable thinking.. Don Bes as well.. the advantage of being here all the time is very useful for moderators..
    Don Bes??? :down:


    Senior Member
    Apr 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++

    Well they do suck. The Red Sox won the World Series this year, am I right Fabi? :D
    Hey Andy how many World Series did the Yankees win since the 1920's?
    And the Red Sox?


    Inferiority complex
    Nov 16, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #260
    I don’t believe that Mod “material” has to do with how long one has been here. Many individuals have been here longer than I have but sat in a corner and inserted the usual brainless remarks while others made great contributions only to leave quickly.
    This is not a dream nor a goal nor a position I am fighting for “till death”, it was simply an idea to put out in the open to see HOW it was received. The results don’t surprise me nor will the final decision. While the forum remains one of the most interesting (conversation wise) it lost and continues to lose its shining stars namely, the departure of Paul (Shadowfax), the very justifiable complaints of Denco when his posts are ripped apart for being anti-juve and his lack of posts as a result. The attacks on Vinman for pointing out weakness in the team. The attacks on Libero (Kaiser Franc) who presently is probably the most informed football fan on this site. Personally I slowly began to move away from the football threads (when MILAN began to WIN!) because I felt I had to enlighten posters on the recent history before explaining my position.

    Ian…I don’t think racist remarks can be « warranted » any way you « roll the dice ». Personally I can’t foresee a situation where one is justified to throw racial remarks so I’m not too sure what you imply when you say I brought it upon myself. Maybe you can explain how one brings that upon themselves.
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