New strikers for 04-05?! (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2004
So Trez is going to Barca according to Spanish media, and Juve may need new forwards, one good could be Forssell from Chelsea, he's having quite a good year, he has scored 16 goals in the Premiership and he plays on loan in Birmingham!? He could do miracles with players like Nedved and Del Piero, and his value is just 5M£, so he would be also pretty cheap one and he is only 23-years old, so he still haves a lot to learn... I think that he will be a truly great player, and he absolutely loves Juve, sounds good enough for me... Miccoli, Del Piero and even Di Vaio will probably stay, even though Di Vaio should leave the club, I don't think he haves enough passion for this club... Zlatan, Forssell, Cavanaghi, they are the players that Juve should scout really carefully... Well, I hope that Moggi knows his job...

Buy on


The Head Physio
Feb 25, 2004
i think this thread joins up at least 3 or 4 threads around here .....

strickers, strickers , strickers ...... will u have a look at Juve's team! .... we need someone to control the middle ... i think Moggi should start looking in south america ...they have some great talents and believe me anyone can get 'em for nothing ... we should look for someone who is creative and can make a defrence for Juve's midfield ...
Jul 12, 2002
Forsell is not really an option. He's either going back to Chelsea or staying at Birmingham...

Cavenaghi isn't somebody that we can count on because he is not experienced in Europe...

I think that y'all need to look at other options, because you know that Moggi will be. Fava is an option, and so is Caraciollo.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Alberto Gilardino, Djibril Cisse, Fernando Cavenaghi, Dino Fava Passaro... the list goes on and on.


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
according to moggi trez is staying. this means that di vaio and trez will still be our strikers next season. whether its a good thing or bad thin i do not know. if they stay, looks like we are not rebuilding the team as we have no cash to do so.

zlatan and cavenghi would be nice to have at the club.


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2004
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    ++ [ originally posted by ahead ] ++
    i think this thread joins up at least 3 or 4 threads around here .....

    strickers, strickers , strickers ...... will u have a look at Juve's team! .... we need someone to control the middle ... i think Moggi should start looking in south america ...they have some great talents and believe me anyone can get 'em for nothing ... we should look for someone who is creative and can make a defrence for Juve's midfield ...

    Well defence will change, I already thought that was clear to everybody already... But I think that it wouldn't hurt us to buy striker or two, because Trez is leaving, that's just obvious, Moggi is just trying to raise his price, so he claims that Trez will stay... Maybe Saviola or Rosicky comes?? They're great talents, Rosicky would be fantastic catch...


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Andrea Becchi ] ++
    Oh God, it better not be Fava Passaro....

    Ibrahimovic I hope will be wearing Black and White in the summer.
    I don't really want Dino Fava either, but we know how Moggi operates. He's definitely going to take a look at the promising young strikers in Serie A, and the likes of Gilardino, Fava, Caracciolo and Chevanton fit the bill.


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    gilardino or chevanton would be good,but to spend on caracciolo or fava i'd rather have onuwachi on the bench.

    come to think of it,selling di vaio and putting benjamin wouldn't be that bad:cool:

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