New nicks (5 Viewers)



Senior Member
Nov 16, 2001
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  • Thread Starter #22
    ++ [ originally posted by Fliakis ] ++

    zambrotta :rolleyes:


    As long as I am the only Zambrotta here it is easy to recognise me. Good old Rickenbacker thought it was brilliant.

    Why do you call yourself Fliakis? is it your name perhaps?
    Sep 28, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Zambrotta ] ++

    Why do you call yourself Fliakis? is it your name perhaps?
    no, my name is vilius. fliakis is evolution of my name among my friends. basically only lithuanians would understand it. try figure it out: vilius->viliakas->fliakas->fliakis :star:
    viliakas is something like i.e. calling robert bob or smth. and when you say it fast it sounds like fliakas. and fliakis is like nicer and more tender word then fliakas. is because of the ending. words in enlsh dont have that knid of thing. like, edgar davids inlithuanian would be edgaras davidsas. that is it.



    Senior Member
    Nov 16, 2001
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  • Thread Starter #36
    Nice try Blood but that is not a swedish word, it means lovecome which I have never heard of before. I it is a mixture of two different words perhaps you wanted to say välkommen? (welcome)
    Can't you learn me some Romanian words, what language do you speak down there?


    Senior Member
    Jun 4, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Zambrotta ] ++
    Nice try Blood but that is not a swedish word, it means lovecome which I have never heard of before. I it is a mixture of two different words perhaps you wanted to say välkommen? (welcome)
    Can't you learn me some Romanian words, what language do you speak down there?
    naturligtvis i will teach you some romanian words if you like, but which? you can come on the language thread, that is made especially for that
    (hey ... about my poor swedish ... at least i tried :p)
    so come and learn ;)


    Senior Member
    Nov 16, 2001
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  • Thread Starter #40
    First of all which language do you speak in Romania?
    How about "naturligtvis" in Romanian?

    No, I haven't sent it to you. I just wanted to check if you were serious first. :)

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