New Italy Formation (3 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Here's a little something I've been working on,and it doesn't include DP so don't bite my head off.


I had to come up with something that would be able to utilize the creativity of Pirlo,Fiore and Totti,and with Fiore's good form it was very hard to leave him out. I know not everyone here is a fan of Gattuso,but Gatto is probably the best holding midfielder in Italy right now,or at least in my opinion.

What do you guys think?

Buy on


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Personally... I dont like it!

Firstly Italy have always been at their best playing with 3 CB's and wingbacks.... so that is the formation i would use at it takes advantages of italy's strengths.

Pessotto i dont think is of that standard anymore... coco maybe!
Gattusso i think is rubbish.
Zambro isnt so good on the left... move right!
As shown in wc, totti is not ideal playing as a support striker or with only one striker in front of him.. unless of course you had attacking wingers... something italy doesnt have.

You will probably disagree with mine even more than i with yours, but this is how i would aproach the qualifiers::




--------------------------------Del Piero----------
-------------Pippo/ Vieri---------------------------


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #3
    Actually I quite like it. If we can get Canna and Nesta playing at their best at the same time it will be very hard for the opponents to score,and the midfield looks very balanced. I like the idea of including Fiore and Ambrosini:thumb:

    Very well done,I will give the formation to Trap right away (although I doubt he will listen). It's amazing,he listens to me when he shouldn't and vice versa.

    P.S : The only problem that I can think of is that we have no holding midfielder to protect the back 4 in times of need,but I suppose Zambro/Camo and Coco can get back to help out so it shouldn't be much of a problem.

    Dj Juve

    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    he listens to you?

    my formation

    -fiore:extatic:--camo----di biagio--

    ah im hopless at this...


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #5
    Well of course he listens to me! It's because of me that we lost the world cup.:(;) I told him to bring off DP for Gattuso (I'm a big fan of Gatto) because I thought we would be able to hold onto our lead,and Totti had been yellow carded already so he would miss the next game so we would have needed a big performance from Del Piero (that's why I brought him off,to rest him). Damn it,I knew I should have brought on Montella,or Pippo even!


    Superior Being
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Erik ] ++
    Ah shite!! I just heard Italy's not coming to Amsterdam in February to play Holland and instead, Argentina was invited!! :groan:
    I think they are playing Northern Ireland instead , makes more sense than to be battered by a rampant Holland;)


    Senior Member
    Feb 18, 2001



    --------------------------------Del Piero----------
    -------------Pippo/ Vieri---------------------------

    The way Canna and Nesta have been playing a three-men defence doesn't seem very wise unless you are cheering for the opposite team.

    Totti as a playmaker also doesn't look good, because other teams by now know how dangerous he is and they will mark him heavily and when he's not connecting the midfield and the attack nothing works for Italy.

    I would go with 4-4-2 with Totti and DP as strikers, Totti slightly behind, and another defender (not Panucci) added to the line.


    Superior Being
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by nina ] ++

    The way Canna and Nesta have been playing a three-men defence doesn't seem very wise unless you are cheering for the opposite team.

    Totti as a playmaker also doesn't look good, because other teams by now know how dangerous he is and they will mark him heavily and when he's not connecting the midfield and the attack nothing works for Italy.

    I would go with 4-4-2 with Totti and DP as strikers, Totti slightly behind, and another defender (not Panucci) added to the line.
    Playing Totti and Dp as the two strikers will be very risky and counter productive as Totti's instincts are usually to always collect the ball from midfielders or even defenders in other words he will always leave his strike partner isolated and Dp is the last person you want to play as a lone striker as he is neither very mobile without the ball or particularly strong to hold the ball up and wait for others to join him. I have always prefered Totti as a player behind the front 2 as he has the ability to release the ball quickly to his strikers. Panucci, I agree should never play for the azzurri ever again while Nesta and Cannavaro seem more uncomfortable playing in a 4-4-2 for Italy than they did in a 3 man defence, the only problem for me is who will be the third defender as iuliano and Materazzi are not International material imo and I am not that convinced with Bonera though I have to admit I have not seen too much of him.

    I have to say I was quite impressed with Di natale on the right hand side of the midfield for Italy though I hear he plays on the left for his club and along with Pirlo, I would like to see these guys in the team


    --------------Cannavaro----------Nesta---------(maybe Bonera)--------




    -----------------------------------------------Del piero---------


    Hope to have seen the last of Gatusso, Panucci but I somehow doubt it


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #17
    Only 1 problem mate,you have 12 players in your lineup.


    Superior Being
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by DP's_Apprentice ] ++
    Only 1 problem mate,you have 12 players in your lineup.
    At this point in time Italy needs as much help as it can get:D Anyways I'd probably drop either Fiore or Pirlo


    Juventus FC - Philippines
    Dec 20, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by DP's_Apprentice ] ++
    Only 1 problem mate,you have 12 players in your lineup.
    There's only 11 in there.

    Anyway, who are you? What do you mean Trap listens to you? Do you have a position in the nazionale?


    Superior Being
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by primo_mp ] ++

    There's only 11 in there.

    Anyway, who are you? What do you mean Trap listens to you? Do you have a position in the nazionale?
    There were 12 players and he is Batman:D

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