nesecary transfers (2 Viewers)


belga juve

New Member
Jun 2, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #25
    disagree nedved tacci and dp are great trez to but wants to leave so he s gone but what if one of them is out for a while no replacements there

    The Pado

    Filthy Gobbo
    Jul 12, 2002
    Rivaldo and Kluivert? Why don't we just reach into my toilet, pull out three logs of fecal matter, dress it in the home kit and call the transfer season a success?

    Translation: My stool is better than Rivaldo and Kluivert.

    Source: Hooked on Samatar


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by belga juve ] ++
    even with a super defence and no new midfielders or attackers its doubtfull they wil win a trophy
    And with a super midfield and a super attack with no defence it's still obvious that we'll go trophyless for another season. A prime example of this being Real Madrid. Becks, Figo, Zizou, Solari in midfield, Raul and Ronaldo upfront, no defence... BOOM! Real Murcia beat you.


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Padovano ] ++
    Rivaldo and Kluivert? Why don't we just reach into my toilet, pull out three logs of fecal matter, dress it in the home kit and call the transfer season a success?

    Translation: My stool is better than Rivaldo and Kluivert.

    Source: Hooked on Samatar
    :rofl: Too much for me Pado :rofl:

    This thread is a joke :LOL:
    Mar 14, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Padovano ] ++
    Rivaldo and Kluivert? Why don't we just reach into my toilet, pull out three logs of fecal matter, dress it in the home kit and call the transfer season a success?

    Translation: My stool is better than Rivaldo and Kluivert.

    Source: Hooked on Samatar

    Rivaldo was a great player,now he is too old but its not fair to laugh a player that was better than 99% of Juve players in last 10 years. Laughing at old WC player onley shows disrespect and shows that you have never watched Rivaldo play,if you wouldnt make jokes on his record no matter how old is he.

    And for Kluivert.....he is maybe bad....but still 2X better and complete player than Trez.
    Mar 14, 2004
    Well.....we could all laugh at DP. He is not a shadow of a player that he was before injurie in 1998. I feel pitty for him but I dont laugh at the TV cuz he cannot run fast and run after 60`min of game neither I make jokes on his account here.


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by barkuss ] ++
    Or did he laugh and made jokes on Conte&Ferarra`s account due to their`s bad performances this season?

    HAHAHAHA,my two little aquarium fishes are better players than Conte & Ferarra!!!! HAHAHAHAHA

    Does it sounds funny now?
    Not really. But I used to love Rivaldo; I supported him at Barca. But now its alright to joke about him, after he flopped at Milan. :D


    SG Juventino!
    May 30, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by belga juve ] ++
    they must have the money couse there havent been any big transfers in 2 years. look at barca they seem to be able to do it and have money short.
    as for rivaldo with capello he wil propably be back to his old form in no time. and is a good sub for nedved
    errr on what grounds makes u think he would willing be a sub for nedved?


    he's got the touches, the skills... but atlas his ego....

    hell no!

    kluivert? not half the man he use to be already... has already said he wants to play in london, so 4get it...


    Dec 16, 2003
    some of you are laughing at ballack !

    i think he is great player and world-class , it's true he is not like before , but am sure he will be back !


    SG Juventino!
    May 30, 2004
    yea i love ballack too...
    hope he find back his form if he's playing for juve...HAHA

    if not, he can continue being inconsistent =D


    Senior Member
    Jul 24, 2002
    damn BELGA JUVE ehm are you a roma fan or what? what do you want with kluivert he is overrated i don't even want him in our dutch squad so please let him stay away from juventus. and rivaldo what do you want with him his carreer is finished even celtic wants a test week before deciding to buy him. and miccoli is a good player not worlds best but he is very talented and way better then kluivert. and if you want to compare kluivert with di vaio just don't cause di vaio is way better then kluivert.
    so please close this tread cause it's useless if you gonna have it about kluivert or some other crappy players.

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