i think the question was " what makes you REMEMBER the song"
well for me , if it's a song i don't like it's the catchy melody combined with some stupid lyrics ... those idiotic phrases just get stuck in your head and you can hear the song play over and over in your mind
and if it's a good song i think music is more important, i have to admit i like a lot of artists who's lyrics don't make too much sense but the music is great. i don't remember a song i liked just for the lyrics.
well for me , if it's a song i don't like it's the catchy melody combined with some stupid lyrics ... those idiotic phrases just get stuck in your head and you can hear the song play over and over in your mind
and if it's a good song i think music is more important, i have to admit i like a lot of artists who's lyrics don't make too much sense but the music is great. i don't remember a song i liked just for the lyrics.
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