Self-harm in the name of a conceived "freedom" is very on brand with Trump though.
A disproportionate number of Covid-related deaths occurred in counties with heavy Trump support. All branded with the image of the fat guy in the ICU whose ER doc tells him that he's on a respirator because he has Covid, and the patient wanting to throw punches yelling at him that he's lying because it's fake before sucking his last breath.
That sort of self-assured self-destruction is a weird thing. But hey, it would be a libtard nanny state to try to protect people from their own self-harm. (Like, say, fentanyl.)
That doesn't give any political insulation from its affects. But Trump voting was clearly a statistical co-morbidity.
It echoes the argument for euthanasia, really. Canada's MAID (Medical Assistance In Dying) isn't that far off the mark, asking the question if the state should play a role in facilitating citizen deaths versus always trying to prevent them.
It's sad, but it's not like it wasn't their choice.
Here in Portugal, vaccine skepticism is generally regarded as a "luxury belief".
I.e., only those fat and comfortable enough with their standard of living have the luxury of asserting their personal brand and style by rejecting mainstream science regarding their health, because they're smarter than all those corrupt medical researchers.
The memory of many living people still afflicted with polio epidemics of the 20th century is one of the major reasons why Portugal has one of the highest vaccination rates in Europe.
RFK Jr wolfing down some ultra-processed McDonald's burgers with ultra-processed Coca-Cola. We love to see it.