Mumbai Shootings (1 Viewer)


Sep 23, 2003
Not really following you there, Greg. For instance, experts on energy economics have a grasp of quite a lot of Middle East issues because they have to, including terrorism. This professor consults for the WHO, ILO, and UNDP, plus has wrote several books on terrorism.

But alas, it falls upon a majority of deaf ears.
But don't you think they (and you) are giving a lot of terrorists too much credit -- as if terrorists all act like rational investors who read and write books on energy policy and world economics?

Now it's true that most terrorists tend to be pretty bright, educated people. But they're hardly the types who seem motivated to foil someone's doctoral thesis on Middle East energy policy.


Sep 23, 2003
Agree, they look like of indian origins infact i would go as far to say of western indian origin (Calcutta) or maybe even sri lankan.
Maybe I'm missing the ability to note racial subtleties here. But since the 1947 separation, I would expect most concepts of determining Indian-vs-Paki nationality by a mug shot to be pretty flawed.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
But don't you think they (and you) are giving a lot of terrorists too much credit -- as if terrorists all act like rational, investors who read and write books on energy policy and world economics?

Now it's true that most terrorists tend to be pretty bright, educated people. But they're hardly the types who seem motivated to foil someone's doctoral thesis on Middle East energy policy.
I wouldn't say most "terrorists" are bright, but we have to distinguish between a terrorist and a freedom fighter first and foremost. Obviously there are plenty of hateful morons out there ready and willing to kill people they abhor, and I'm not saying all terror attacks are staged events as that obviously is not the case. But don't you think there is an opportunity for some to exploit the whole "terrorist agenda" for their benefit?

I mean, in a world where there are people such as Madoff, the ex-NASDAQ chairman, participating in 50 billion dollar Ponzi schemes while the SEC sits idol, I don't know why it's so hard to believe government bodies would stage terror attacks. Especially when governments have staged attacks before.

Three words, Greg. Gulf of Tonkin. That event proves anything is possible. And that's why people should question these events.


Livin with Mediocre
Mar 29, 2006
Maybe I'm missing the ability to note racial subtleties here. But since the 1947 separation, I would expect most concepts of determining Indian-vs-Paki nationality by a mug shot to be pretty flawed.
Maybe but then it depends how much and very often you meet pakistanis and Indians. I live in an asian populated area and also spent a few years across in asia. Heck I can see the difference. Yes my argument may be somewhat flawed but for me facial features differ as does the tone of the skin. Without going too far I would say the spotting of bosnians, croats and serbs followed a similar principle during the ethnic cleansing in early 90's, yet they all at one point lived under one state. There are other examples too of how locallers can spot a foreigner and im sure if you ask many pakistanis out there they would probably say the same.


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
Transcript from the phone conversation between the terrorists and their handlers

"We have three foreigners, including women," the gunman said into the phone. The response was brutally simple: "Kill them, except the two Muslims. Keep your phone switched on so that we can hear the gunfire," a caller said. Gunshots then rang out inside the Mumbai hotel, followed by cheering that could be heard over the phone.

The ruthless exchange comes from a transcript of phone calls Indian authorities say they intercepted during the November Mumbai attacks. They were part of a dossier of evidence New Delhi handed Pakistan this week that it says definitively proves that the siege was launched from across the border.

Another transcript

The handlers told a team of gunmen who had seized a Jewish center to shoot hostages if necessary. "If you are still threatened, then don't saddle yourself with the burden of the hostages. Immediately kill them," he said. The caller went on: "If the hostages are killed, it will spoil relations between India and Israel." An attacker replied: "So be it, God willing." Six Jewish foreigners, including a rabbi and his wife, were killed inside the Jewish center. Later in the night, nearly 24 hours after the attacks began, the handlers urged the gunmen to "be strong in the name of Allah". "Brother, you have to fight. This is a matter of prestige of Islam," the handler said. "You may feel tired or sleepy, but the commandos of Islam have left everything behind, their mothers, their fathers." The gunmen were told several times not to kill any Muslim hostages.


Livin with Mediocre
Mar 29, 2006
Transcript from the phone conversation between the terrorists and their handlers

"We have three foreigners, including women," the gunman said into the phone. The response was brutally simple: "Kill them, except the two Muslims. Keep your phone switched on so that we can hear the gunfire," a caller said. Gunshots then rang out inside the Mumbai hotel, followed by cheering that could be heard over the phone.

The ruthless exchange comes from a transcript of phone calls Indian authorities say they intercepted during the November Mumbai attacks. They were part of a dossier of evidence New Delhi handed Pakistan this week that it says definitively proves that the siege was launched from across the border.

Another transcript

The handlers told a team of gunmen who had seized a Jewish center to shoot hostages if necessary. "If you are still threatened, then don't saddle yourself with the burden of the hostages. Immediately kill them," he said. The caller went on: "If the hostages are killed, it will spoil relations between India and Israel." An attacker replied: "So be it, God willing." Six Jewish foreigners, including a rabbi and his wife, were killed inside the Jewish center. Later in the night, nearly 24 hours after the attacks began, the handlers urged the gunmen to "be strong in the name of Allah". "Brother, you have to fight. This is a matter of prestige of Islam," the handler said. "You may feel tired or sleepy, but the commandos of Islam have left everything behind, their mothers, their fathers." The gunmen were told several times not to kill any Muslim hostages.
Some of these comments despite somewhat extreme sound quite comical. I mean its like " boss we captured someone what shall we do?," do they pick and choose and then phone boss to decide their fate.. sounds like some sorta game and not a extreme religious outing.

India claim this was organised, if these guys were jihadis I dont think they would need to phone their boss each time, i mean you dont see a suicide bomber going into the cafe and saying hmm fink ill phone the guys up and ask them where about I should stand to kill more victims. If this was planned.. which India claims then surely it would have involved less conversation and more action. Why would a bunch of nutters ask their boss about relations between India and Israel? I mean do they follow orders or have they just felt a soft spot for india? Maybe there from india and realised that instead of going for a violent spree like in rambo the second they may have just sparked off a war between india and israel? Or maybe.. they dont know what exactly there meant to do..

Finally about the numbers.. three foreigners and a women.. if this transcript is as been told then it really doesnt make sense.. how do the boss know out of these four, two are muslim?

this trapped phone conversation just raises more and more questions.

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