Mulholland Drive (?) (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
Has anyone seen this movie???

I saw it a couple a days ago, and watched it again today. I still don't get it. This has got to be the weirdest movie ever!

Don't get me wrong... I like it, but I don't get it. While watching it, you're trying to figure it out. About 20 times you think you have it, and then something crazy happens, and you're lost again.

David Lynch has once again made a truly interesting movie. But you have to watch it many times before you get it. There is so much you have to pick up and try to fit in to this big puzzle.

The best thing about this movie, has got to be the mood. It's like watching Twin Peaks again (also made by David Lynch)
It's kinda spooky watching it.

I think you have to watch it many times before you get it... but I also think that there is a serious risk of getting mentally ill if you do.

Has anyone seen it, and figured it out???

Buy on


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
I will write only about a clue of this, events how they were.

So the first part of movie, when blond girl was beautiful and brunette girl needed her help was a dream.
All events there were the dream of blond girl. And real events, what happened really, it was all in second part of movie, when blond girl was ugly.

So events were like this:
The blond girl arrived to LA. She is not succesfull as actress, until she met that brunette girl. The brunette helped her find job in movie - some small part. The blond fell in love with brunette, and for some time they were together. But the brunette decided to get engaged to that film director. The blond was so mad and jealous that she decided to hire a killer to murder the brunette.

She meets him in that bar, and she want him to kill the brunette. And he shows her that blue key with words: when you get that key, that means that the brunette is dead.

After that talk, she's going home and she feels so mentally exhausted and badly, that she falls asleep. And then she has that dream: that she is a good actress and attractive woman and that the brunette needs her help - all events from the beginning of the movie.

But even in the dream she can't escape what she did: in the end of this dream, she's starting to realise slowly what she has done - this order of killing the brunette - that's why there is a scene in old theather: when they both watch that strange show - she is scared, like in this dream she realised that this is only a dream and what happened in real world.

So in this moment she wakes up. But she doesn't look like remember anything from her dream. She goes to living room: there is a blue key on her table: the sign that the brunette was killed. She is in despair and she feels pangs of conscience. That's why she commits the suicide.

That's all about events, more or less.


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
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    ok, thanks...

    Well, thats more or less how I figured it as well. But my brother (whom I watched it with) doesn't agree... and thats why I'm still not sure...

    But we are probably right! ;) :thumb:


    Senior Member
    Dec 13, 2002
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    He hasn't figured them out. I've tried to convince him, but he doesn't like my explenation.


    Senior Member
    Dec 13, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #7

    I've seen it again... there's no doubt... you're right...

    It's actually alot better when you've watched it a couple of times. But still very freaky!
    That dude behind the restaurant is so scary! :eek:


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    I know, I jumped out my chair in cinema with: Jesus! shout, and even watching at home and being prepared for him, I still was :jump:

    And I had to watch it few times, but I was never bored.


    Senior Member
    Dec 13, 2002
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    ++ [ originally posted by Ally ] ++
    I know, I jumped out my chair in cinema with: Jesus! shout, and even watching at home and being prepared for him, I still was :jump:

    And I had to watch it few times, but I was never bored.
    The first time I saw it, was with my brother in my dark basement room... when he popped out... god damn! He is so freaky!

    Then I watched it alone in the same basement, damn! Even more scary!

    Don't know what it is about him...
    Maybe because he surprises you. He pops out, and is really really creepy looking. I don't know what happened... usually I don't get scared watching movies, but he totally freaked me out!

    I found a picture... not a very good one. You don't really see thoose scary features. Well... when he appeared for the first time in the movie, it was in daylight. This pic is from the end.


    Senior Member
    Dec 13, 2002
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    I've been trying to find a better pic. of the freaky dude... but I can't? Do you have some, or know where to find it?


    Senior Member
    Dec 13, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #14
    ++ [ originally posted by Ally ] ++
    I can't believe that, I couldn't find him anywhere! :mad:

    Maybe that's the only one pic of this guy on the net? :D
    Yeah... people are to freaked out to upload a good pic... :D


    Senior Member
    Dec 13, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #16
    ++ [ originally posted by Ally ] ++
    Sure, and everywhere were pics of these girls kissing each other :eek::D
    I didn't have a problem with that :D

    Just found out, that the guy is actually a girl.... :eek:

    Her name is Bonnie Aarons... and she's kinda freaky even in real life...

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